Tonsillitis is a pathology that is accompanied by an inflammatory process in one or both tonsils. In most cases, the disease occurs as a result of infection with streptococci or staphylococci. The disease is accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. The article deals with the temperature in tonsillitis, other signs of pathology and methods of dealing with them.
Routes of infection
You can get this disease in the following ways:
- In the process of coughing, sneezing, talking. The saliva of a patient suffering from angina contains pathogens. If a person has a temperature with tonsillitis, the pathology is in an acute phase. Therefore, there is a high chance of infecting others.
- In the process of eating products in which pathogenic microbes have multiplied. These types of food include dishes with cream fromproteins, meals containing milk and eggs.
- When kissing, using shared utensils and personal hygiene items.
- As a result of the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the tonsils in case of caries or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, periodontal tissue.
Factors contributing to the development of pathology
Tonsillitis can occur under the influence of the following reasons:
- Hypercooling.
- Emotional overload.
- Presence of a large amount of dust or gaseous impurities in the air.
- Mechanical damage to the tonsils.
- Deficiency of nutrients in the diet (vitamins B and C).
- Presence of lymphatic diathesis.
- Disorders of the functions of the central and autonomic nervous system.
- Pathological processes in the mouth and nose, which are chronic.
- Decrease in the body's ability to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.

Temperature with tonsillitis is a fairly common occurrence. It is characteristic of almost all types of pathology.
Disease types
Tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is divided into several categories. Among the types of pathology, the following can be listed:
- Catarrhal.
- Follicular.
- Lacunar.
- Fibrinous.
- Herpes.
- Phlegmonous.
- Ulcer-necrotic.
- Angina, which is chronic.
The last type of pathology often appears after sufferingacute illness, if it has not been completely eliminated. In some patients, this disease is accompanied by a local inflammatory process. In other people, it has a more severe course and is accompanied by various complications (disorders in the functions of the myocardium, joints, organs of the urinary system, lymph glands). Often, tonsillitis without fever means that the pathology has transformed into a chronic form.
Characteristic symptoms of the disease
Angina is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Constant feeling of discomfort in the throat.
- Bright red tone of tonsils.
- Hoarse voice.
- Discomfort while swallowing and difficulty eating.
- Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
- Pain in the head.
- Feeling broken.
- Severe chills.
- Cough and runny nose.
- Increase in the volume of the lymph glands in the neck.
- Discomfort in the ear area.
- Appearance of white spots on the surface of the tonsils.
- Smell of pus from mouth.
- Feeling sick, throwing up.
- Intestinal disorders.
- Formation of white plaque on the surface of the tongue.
- The presence of films, sores or ulcers on the tonsils.

Usually observed with tonsillitis, the temperature is from 37 to 39 degrees Celsius.
Why does fever occur?
As you know, in the case of an acute inflammatory process, fever is a mechanismprotection of the human body, which prevents the vital activity and further spread of pathogenic microbes. In addition, with tonsillitis, high temperature indicates the production of plasma protein compounds that help fight pathogens. The occurrence of fever is associated with the work of the central nervous system. They provoke a rapid rush of blood to all cells and tissues. As a result of this process, the body loses much less heat and begins to heat up. The muscles contract and the patient begins to tremble.
Varieties of fever
Temperature with tonsillitis may be accompanied by the following types of manifestations:
- Increase in the volume of blood vessels. This phenomenon is called red fever. In this condition, the skin becomes hot and dry to the touch. They take on a bright pink hue. The mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal cavity turn red.
- White fever. In this condition, the skin becomes pale and cold. The patient has a profuse sweat, trembling in the muscles, a feeling of weakness. This kind of fever is associated with severe vasoconstriction and requires the use of antipyretic drugs.

How long does the temperature last with tonsillitis?
The answer to this question depends on the variety of the disease. In the event of an acute sore throat, the following options are possible:
- If the pathology is of the catarrhal type, this symptom usually lasts from two to four days. The temperature fluctuates between 37-38 degrees Celsius.
- Lacunar tonsillitis is accompanied by a more pronounced fever. This symptom may be present in the patient for five days. Sometimes the temperature rises to 39 degrees.
- Follicular tonsillitis occurs with a fever that persists for about 6 days.
- Gangrenous type of pathology is the most dangerous. It is accompanied by a very high temperature (up to 41 degrees Celsius).
Features of ulcerative-necrotic and herpes forms of angina
The first type of pathology develops as a result of exposure to several types of pathogenic microbes that are in the patient's oral cavity. The disease is the result of a serious infection. This is a form of tonsillitis without fever, indicating a deterioration in the functions of the immune system.
The herpes type is accompanied by a high fever. This symptom is present in the patient for about 2-3 days. The temperature reaches high values (up to 40 degrees). A characteristic feature of such tonsillitis is the formation of bubbles with a cloudy, grayish liquid on the surface of the palate and tonsils. A few days after the onset of a sore throat, they burst, leaving behind damage. A week must pass before the surface of the mucous membranes is completely healed. Then recovery happens.
Basic methods of diagnosis and therapy
Before making a decision on how to deal with this disease, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist examines the patient, evaluates the condition of the oral cavity, lymph glands andtonsils. In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, a person is sent for a laboratory blood test. Indicators of erythrocyte sedimentation rate with angina of bacterial origin increase, with a viral course of pathology they are reduced. Another diagnostic measure is taking smears from the oral and nasal cavities. The results of the study allow specialists to choose the most effective method of therapy.
The main principles of the treatment of such a disease are as follows:
- The use of drugs that have a local effect. These are solutions containing iodine, which are applied to the surface of the tonsils, as well as drugs that help relieve inflammation and destroy microorganisms. Patients are advised to use lozenges, gargles, and sprays.
- Medicines with antibacterial action. The use of such tablets is advisable in severe forms of angina, when local medicines do not give a tangible effect. In no case should such drugs be taken without a doctor's prescription. In addition, it is forbidden to stop using them yourself. It is necessary to use tablets strictly according to the scheme, even if after several days of therapy a person feels some relief.
- Treatment of tonsils by exposure to very low temperatures. This is a new method that is used to control pathogens. The procedure is practically painless, quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease.
- To combat the temperature whentonsillitis, antipyretic agents are used.

Do patients with angina need to bring down the temperature?
Patients are often interested in this issue. On the one hand, temperature rise is a natural mechanism of the human body, which allows it to fight pathogenic microbes. On the other hand, a high fever negatively affects the functioning of organs, such as the heart. Should I take antipyretic drugs? If subfebrile temperature is observed with tonsillitis, it is not recommended to knock it down. Medicines in this situation will do more harm than good, and will not allow the body to cope with the disease on its own and quickly.
However, in the case when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees and above, you should take medicine. Exceptions to this rule are patients under the age of one year, people suffering from severe myocardial pathologies or convulsive seizures. How to deal with a fever without the use of drugs? To do this, you can use tea with the addition of raspberry jam, lemon or honey.

After drinking this drink, lie down in a warm bed to stimulate the release of sweat and harmful substances. There is also another way to deal with intense heat - rubbing the body with a mixture of water and vodka. You can reduce the temperature of a child with socks or stockings soaked in apple cider vinegar.
Angina without fever
Sometimes patients with this disease find themselvesall symptoms except fever. What is it connected with? First of all, pathology can have a latent course. In this case, there is only discomfort in the throat area. The illness lasts about 2-3 days. The latent type of the disease is often found in people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis, during the period of gestation, as well as in people of advanced age.
In addition, chronic tonsillitis without fever is often observed. This means that the inflammatory process in the throat is always present in the patient. A similar disease affects mainly babies aged 4 to 8 years. Teenagers are also at risk. The disease usually develops as a result of poor functioning of the immune system. One form of prevention is the moderate use of antibiotics.

After all, the abuse of such medicines does not allow the body to fight infectious pathologies on its own. In the case of chronic tonsillitis, a temperature of 37 degrees or more indicates an exacerbation.
Methods for disease prevention
There are several ways to prevent pathology, for example:
- Daily walks (at least 2 hours a day). If the sore throat proceeds in an acute form, the patient is forbidden to be in the fresh air. However, in the chronic course of the disease, attention should be paid to motor activity in order to increase immunity. Moderate physical activity, team sports (for example, volleyball,football).
- Sessions of massage procedures, breathing exercises.
- Rejection of bad habits (smoking, abuse of alcohol-containing products).
- Diverse diet, eating enough vegetables, fruits and berries.
- Hardening treatments.
- Sufficient sleep, rest, lack of physical and emotional overload.

If the temperature persists for a long time in chronic tonsillitis, the doctor may recommend surgery. It consists in the removal of tonsils (complete or partial). There are several methods for carrying out this procedure.
Danger of disease
Angina is a disease that requires timely and adequate treatment. It is accompanied by fever, which negatively affects the functioning of the organs and systems of the body. The answer to the question of how much the temperature usually lasts with tonsillitis depends on the type of pathology. However, if the readings on the thermometer do not decrease, it is necessary to use special preparations. The use of drugs with antipyretic effect and antibiotics helps to avoid negative consequences.
Angina is dangerous because it often provokes various pathologies (rheumatism, dysfunction of the urinary system and myocardium). If the temperature after tonsillitis does not subside for a long time, one of the indicated complications can be suspected. In this situation, experts do not recommend self-treatment. It is better to go to a medical institution and undergo diagnostic measures.