Thyroid dysfunction is a pathology that can occur in any person, regardless of age group and gender. The disease appears as a result of the influence of various factors. It is far from always possible to explain its cause and recognize the initial signs. This article deals with the types of thyroid pathologies, their symptoms, diagnosis and therapy.
Disease prevalence
The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system. The task of the body is the production of hormones necessary to maintain a normal human condition.

The well-being of the individual, his intellectual abilities, emotional background and reproductive he alth depend on how well the thyroid gland works. Thyroid dysfunction is a term that refers to any form of violation of its activity. This condition is characterized by pathologicalchanges in the body, the external appearance of the patient. It can provoke severe complications.
According to statistics, the disease is more common among the weaker sex. This fact is explained by the fact that in women the hormonal system undergoes significant changes throughout life. Pubertal age, the period of gestation, breastfeeding, menopause - all these phenomena can provoke thyroid diseases.
In addition, thyroid dysfunction is often diagnosed in individuals who do not get enough iodine from food. Those who have been exposed to harmful radiation as a result of professional activity or therapy are also prone to the development of the disease. Poor heredity also plays an important role in the formation of pathological processes in the thyroid gland.
Main symptoms of organ dysfunction
As you know, early diagnosis of diseases facilitates the treatment process and gives a person a chance to quickly get rid of the ailment. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to recognize thyroid diseases at the initial stage. Therefore, some patients seek medical help already at advanced stages of pathology. However, there are several signs of thyroid dysfunction that should be examined as soon as possible. These manifestations include:
- Nervousness and increased levels of anxiety. This symptom often occurs with increased hormone production.
- Excessive fatigue, reduced ability to work.
- Deterioration of memory, attention.
- Sluggishness inmorning hours and difficulty falling asleep in the evening.
- Weight fluctuations. With thyroid dysfunction, symptoms related to body weight and metabolic processes are quite common. The patient may notice that he has lost a lot of weight, although he continues to adhere to his usual diet. Weight loss indicates an increased production of thyroid hormones. With a lack of these substances in the body, a person gets better, despite the fact that he consumes a moderate amount of food.
- Sensation of discomfort in the muscles and joints, not associated with physical overexertion, mechanical damage or lifting heavy objects.
- Change in the nature of critical days. With a lack of thyroid hormones, monthly bleeding becomes protracted, and premenstrual syndrome is accompanied by severe malaise. Excessive activity of the organ leads to short periods.
- Swelling of facial tissues, swelling of limbs in the evening.
- Flatulence, delayed or upset stools.
- Sensitivity to cold or hot weather.
- Changing the appearance of the patient. Bulging eyes, brittle hair and nail plates, pale or yellowish tint of the skin, dryness of the epidermis are characteristic features indicating disorders of the thyroid gland.

Manifestations of pathology in the stronger sex
It should be noted that the signs of thyroid dysfunction in women and men are about the same. Pathologies of this organ affect persons of both sexes. To the main ailments of the thyroid gland, whichdiagnosed in the stronger sex, include:
- Endemic goiter.
- Hypothyroidism (reduced hormone production).
- Thyrotoxicosis (increased activity of the thyroid gland).
- Thyroiditis (an inflammatory process in the tissues of an organ that has an autoimmune nature).
- Neoplasms of various nature (cysts, cancerous tumors).
Manifestations of thyroid dysfunction in men are usually not as pronounced as the symptoms of pathologies in women. Therefore, men often do not pay attention to a slight deterioration in well-being and are in no hurry to consult a doctor.
Endemic goiter
This is an ailment that is accompanied by the growth of thyroid tissue. The body increases in volume due to a deficiency of such an important substance as iodine. Its deficiency is usually associated with an improper diet. Sometimes the process of growth of the gland is accompanied by the formation of nodes. With this thyroid dysfunction in women and the stronger sex, the following symptoms are observed:
- Feeling broken.
- Pain in the head.
- Myocardial discomfort.
- Feeling tight in the neck.

- Difficulty swallowing, impaired respiratory function.
- Bouts of dry cough.
How does a lack of thyroid hormones manifest?
This condition is referred to as hypothyroidism. It develops against the background of a chronic process of inflammation in the tissues of the organ, severe pathologies such as syphilis, tuberculosis, after surgery forremoval of the gland.
The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Increased need for sleep.
- Permanent feeling of tiredness.

- Weight gain with poor appetite.
- Decrease in temperature, sensitivity to cold.
- Impaired ability to work.
- Dry epidermis.
- Puffiness and yellowing of facial tissues.
- Discomfort in joints and muscles.
- Slowness of speech.
- Discomfort in the myocardium.
- Stool retention.
- Depressive state, emotional fluctuations.
- Increased hair loss, fragility of the nail plates.
In the representatives of the stronger sex, such thyroid dysfunction is accompanied by a disorder of sexual function.
Signs of increased thyroid activity
A condition in which this organ produces excessive amounts of hormones can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:
- Dramatic weight loss.
- Increased sweat flow.
- Increase heart rate.
- Protruding eyes.
- Heart rhythm failures.
- Anxiety and restlessness.
- Tremor of the upper limbs.
- Increased need for food.
- Delayed or upset stool.
- Shedding and dry hair.
- Weakness in the muscles.
- Decreased sex drive in men.

Thickening of the tissues of the feet and lower legs (in men)
Thyroid dysfunction associated with an excess of hormones leads to bone fragility and the development of a heart attack. In the stronger sex, the pathology is more severe than in women.
Neoplasms in thyroid tissues
Tumours can be benign or cancerous. One of the signs of their development is the asymmetry of the organ. If this symptom occurs, you should consult a specialist. With the help of ultrasound and other types of examination, the doctor will determine the nature of the neoplasm and prescribe therapy. If it is a small cyst or nodule, surgery is usually not performed. Cancer patients require surgery, radiotherapy, medications.
Influence of organ work on reproductive he alth
Specialists often encounter such a phenomenon as thyroid dysfunction in women. Symptoms often develop during gestation.

With such ailments, the likelihood of interruption of the pregnancy process, the occurrence of defects in the child increases. The lack of substances necessary for the normal formation of the embryo leads to the birth of infants with severe mental retardation. In subsequent years, physical development is also delayed.
Signs of thyroid dysfunction in women are pathologies of the reproductive system, for example, benign neoplasms of the endometrium and ovaries, mastopathy, disordersmenstrual cycle. In girls, the process of puberty slows down.
Diagnosis and therapy
Patients with signs of thyroid pathologies are assigned the following examinations:
- A blood test to detect hormone levels.
- Ultrasound.

Examination of the thyroid gland
Tyroid dysfunction treatment involves taking pills. With a lack of hormones, drugs are prescribed to increase their production, with an excess - drugs that reduce the activity of the organ. In addition, supplements containing iodine and selenium are recommended. Patients should eat fish, kelp dishes, seafood.