Intestinal examination. MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy - which is better?

Intestinal examination. MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy - which is better?
Intestinal examination. MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy - which is better?

In order to understand the benefits and the right choice of research methods, you must first understand how the diagnosis and examination of the intestine is carried out. There are several methods, each with its own advantages and purpose. Rectoscopy or x-ray, CT or barium enema, bowel MRI or colonoscopy - which is better?

Research methods

Modern research methods allow us to accurately determine the cause of pain in the intestines, thereby providing the attending physician with sufficient information in order to prescribe the correct treatment. The attending physician prescribes an examination of the intestine. Colonoscopy or MRI of the intestine is one of the most popular methods. But today at the disposal of the doctor and the patient there are such studies of the intestine:

how is the diagnosis and examination of the intestine
how is the diagnosis and examination of the intestine
  • Ultrasound and MRI.
  • Irrigoscopy.
  • Sigmoidoscopy, invagination.
  • Rectoscopy.
  • Colonoscopy and endoscopy.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Virtual colonoscopy.
  • X-ray.

Each of these methods is aimed at examining different parts of the intestine or covers the entire length of the intestine and digestive tract, but the most commonly used and effective methods are colonoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, CT, virtual colonoscopy. Which of these studies and why may be preferable is determined by the attending physician.

MRI of the stomach and intestines. Tomography in diagnostics

Intestinal MRI provides a three-dimensional image of the intestine. This study is carried out with an empty intestine, so a cleansing enema is done before the procedure. This type of research is prescribed quite rarely, since the intestine is located in several layers, consists of many bends, which greatly complicates its study using this method. Nevertheless, this method is quite popular because it does not require any special training, it is fast in emergency situations, and it is the best option for an emergency examination.

MRI of the stomach and intestines tomography in diagnostics
MRI of the stomach and intestines tomography in diagnostics

MRI indications

Diagnosing bowel diseases is quite difficult, because it has several departments and visual examination is difficult. With the help of MRI, benign and malignant tumors are detected at any stage of their development, ulcers, bleeding, congenital anomalies, intestinal volvulus and stones, obstruction. To identify such disorders and diseasesMRI is the most effective method.

Computed tomography

Research using computed tomography of the human intestine is performed along with the use of MRI. Computed tomography makes it possible to examine the intestine in layers, making fixed pictures. Such images help to view the intestine in all layers and leads, perpendicular to the body, while MRI does not always give an accurate image in the middle layers. But to understand which is better - intestinal CT or colonoscopy, you need to take a closer look at all methods.

which is better colonoscopy or colonoscopy
which is better colonoscopy or colonoscopy


The colonoscopy method is also often used in the study and diagnosis of bowel diseases. For this, endoscopic equipment is used, with the help of which the sections of the large and small intestines are examined with a CCD or a fiber optic camera. This camera is attached to the end of a flexible tube that is inserted through the anus. This research method is carried out after a cleansing enema. The colonoscopy method helps the doctor visually examine the intestines, assess the condition of the mucous membranes, the presence of erosions and lesions.

colonoscopy or MRI
colonoscopy or MRI

Indications for colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is prescribed for suspected or presence of tumor formations, hemorrhoids, narrowing of the intestinal lumen, prolapse of the intestine, the presence of ulcers and polyps, with proctitis. With the help of the fact that the real color image coming from the camera is transmitted to the screen, it is possible to evaluatethe condition of the mucous membrane and the presence of its damage and lesions in a particular place. Also, using this method, ulcers are cauterized and polyps are removed from intestinal tissues.

colonoscopy or MRI
colonoscopy or MRI

To answer the question: "Intestinal MRI or colonoscopy, which is better?", It is worth considering another innovative method - virtual colonoscopy.

Virtual Colonoscopy

Today, this is the most advanced examination method, since it combines the capabilities of computed tomography and MRI, while creating a three-dimensional projection of the intestine, which is very detailed and convenient for the doctor to study and examine the intestine. Combining the best modern research technologies, virtual colonoscopy saves patients from undergoing several different examinations.

Colon MRI or colonoscopy which is better?
Colon MRI or colonoscopy which is better?

Pros, cons and risks of different research methods

Intestinal MRI or colonoscopy, which is better? The table below will help you understand this in comparison.

Research method Pros Disadvantages and risks
  1. Shows the degree of parietal and transmural lesions.
  2. Identifies lesions and tumors in the walls and outside of the intestine, as well as fistulas.
  1. Poor image fidelity of inflammation.
  2. An inflammatory process may be missed, especially on mucous membranes.
  1. Displays polyps and other mucosal lesions.
  2. Good alternative method when conventional colonoscopy is not possible.
  3. Effective for bowel narrowing or large tumors.
  4. Can diagnose abnormalities outside the walls and inner surface of the intestine.
  5. Identifies early stage malignancies and abdominal aortic aneurysms.
  1. There is a risk of small radiation exposure.
  2. Not possible during pregnancy.
  3. Not available for overweight people.
  4. Not performed for acute pain and inflammation.
  1. Allows more accurate and detailed examination of internal surfaces and mucous membranes.
  2. It makes it possible to examine in detail the inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane, their lesions, which are not detected by MRI and CT methods.
  3. Allows removal of polyps and cauterization of ulcers during examination.
  1. Possible intestinal damage.
  2. There is a chance of triggering an appendicitis attack.
  3. Risks associated with the use of anesthesia.
  4. Lower pressure.
  5. Possibility of causing bleeding.
  6. Possibly general dehydration.
  7. The occurrence of inflammatory processes in the intestines and diarrhea.
  8. Infection in the intestines.
Virtual Colonoscopy
  1. The clearest and most detailed images.
  2. Identifies and shows narrowing due to inflammatory processes or neoplasms.
  3. The most accurate and convenient 3D model of internal organs.
  1. Risk of radiation exposure.
  2. As with a conventional colonoscopy, tubes are used to expand the bowel and fill it with gas or liquid.
  3. Does not detect cancerous polyps smaller than 10 millimeters.
  4. Cannot remove polyps or take tissue samples.

Intestinal MRI or colonoscopy. Which is better?

MRI and CT scans are fairly accurate, non-invasive and easy to visualize different parts of the intestine. However, for its implementation, a sufficiently strong bloating of the intestine is necessary, which is achieved by filling it with water or by taking oral contrast agents. Both of these methods give a good idea of the state of the intestine outside the inner surface. Often the results of MRI studies are the direction for colonoscopy, in order to study in more detail changes in the intestinal mucosa. MRI and CT are diagnostic methods and do not allow examination of the internal mucous membranes, and are not medical procedures and cannot provide the ability to remove polyps or take samples of intestinal tissue.


Colonoscopy reduces the incidence of cancer of the colon and left side of the colon, but is a rather dangerous method with multiple side effects, but withthis helps to examine in detail the inner surface of the intestines. It accurately determines their condition, the presence of inflammatory processes, polyps, which cannot be determined with other types of studies. It allows not only to diagnose, but also to remove polyps, preventing their degeneration into cancerous tumors. Cauterization of ulcerative formations and taking samples of the intestinal mucosa for further analysis is another advantage of the colonoscopy method.

Virtual colonoscopy or bowel MRI are diagnostic tests. But virtual colonoscopy has a more complete and accurate image. Combines the advantages of both MRI and computed tomography. This is the most modern method for examining the intestines, diagnosing diseases and lesions. However, just like these methods, it does not allow for physical interventions.

When asked which is better, intestinal CT or colonoscopy, doctors believe that the second method is certainly more informative. And it allows a wider range to determine diseases, studying the necessary sections and bends, and even remove some diseases during the examination, however, such an advantage of colonoscopy over MRI and CT is detected only in the presence of diseases that are located on the inner walls of the intestine and are visually determined. In the case when the disease or disorder is inside the walls and is not visually determined or is located outside the internal part of the intestine, then research methods such as MRI, computed tomography or virtualcolonoscopy.
