Allergic acne on the face: description with photo, causes, tests, treatment and prevention

Allergic acne on the face: description with photo, causes, tests, treatment and prevention
Allergic acne on the face: description with photo, causes, tests, treatment and prevention

Rashes cause great discomfort to their owners, and allergic acne on the face in adults as well. Sometimes it happens that a person fully complies with hygiene procedures and all the rules, however, the rashes seem to disappear, but over time they appear again.

Allergy is a common cause of this behavior, occurs as a response of the body's immune system to any substances. The body perceives them as hostile, as a result of which protective functions are launched to get rid of them in the form of an allergic reaction. If the fact of hypersensitivity to certain substances occurred for the first time, then over time it will intensify each time. Therefore, it is recommended to detect the cause of the body's hypersensitivity in time in order to exclude it.

allergies in adults
allergies in adults

What causes an allergic reaction?

Substances that cause sensitization: certain foods, household chemicals, medications, certain insect bites, syntheticmaterials, plant pollen, personal care products or cosmetics. An allergic reaction of the body on the face in adults does not always appear after contact with a possible allergen. From the beginning of a collision with an allergic component to a rash on the skin, it can take from several minutes to two days, so it is difficult for a person to establish a relationship. Most often, pimples appear on the skin in the most sensitive places. It can be the face, neck, armpits, bends of the knees or elbows, wrists. To understand what rashes look like, look at the photo of allergic acne on the face.

Rash on cheeks
Rash on cheeks

Appearance of allergic acne and symptoms

Initially, there is redness and slight swelling, later rashes appear, which are in the form of simple pimples, and can be watery, and they are very itchy. So that a bacterial infection does not develop and pimples do not become purulent (further complications may arise), it is strictly forbidden to comb them. Watery rashes burst over time, an area of weeping skin is formed - a sore, later a crust appears. Traces of such acne can remain on the face forever. Also, rashes may not appear, the reaction manifests itself in the form of peeling and also itches a lot.

Rash on chin
Rash on chin

Acne localization

Allergic pimples on the face often appear in adults. Least of all they spread in the forehead, most often the cheeks and chin are subject to rashes. The rash also appears on the inner surface of the arms and legs, on the chest and in the areabelly.

How to get rid of allergic acne on the face?

Help with rashes can be decoctions of herbs: calendula, chamomile, succession. You can make compresses and apply to the itching area, or simply wipe the affected areas with swabs dipped in decoction. If you have not encountered the use of any of these herbs before, then it is not recommended to take risks and experiment, it is better to use already proven plants. In the absence of medicinal herbs on hand, you can resort to weak brewing of green or black tea. Also blot with a cotton pad and put on the itchy area.

Very well copes with itching bay leaf, for this you need to pour a few sheets of laurel with a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. It can be added to baths, applied as a compress or wiped on the face. Boric acid is a good skin soothing agent. To do this, you need to take half a teaspoon of the product and stir it in one glass of warm water, then wet the gauze with liquid and apply it to the area. Along with the antipruritic effect, the acid also dries pimples well.

Ointments for allergies
Ointments for allergies

Potato starch or rice flour will help to powder the pimple site, as it is forbidden to use powder during this period. If the allergy has spread further through the body, then you can take a warm bath with a glass of oatmeal dissolved in it. It only takes 10 minutes to relieve symptoms and relieve itching.

When allergic acne appears on the face, be sure to makefirst necessary steps. It is worth gargling and rinsing the nasal passages. We get rid of the remnants of products in the body. If there is a suggestion that an allergy on the face has gone after eating certain foods, then vomiting should be induced after drinking plenty of fluids.

Allergic Acne Treatment

Treatment of allergic acne on the face must be comprehensive. It is necessary to use not only local substances, but also systemic drugs. Antihistamine ointments can help reduce redness and relieve severe itching. For example, "Gistan", "Fenistil", "Psilobalm" and others. An excellent healing agent is "Skin-cap", however, its use is possible only in places where there is no open wound. In more advanced cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Inside, antihistamines are used, such as Suprastin, Cetrin, Diazolin, and so on. They stop the formation of new acne, and also reduce the effect of the irritant on the body.

Acne treatment
Acne treatment

To remove toxins resulting from allergic reactions, it is recommended to take activated charcoal, Polyphepan, Enterosgel and other absorbent preparations. Calcium is prescribed in combination with other medicines. However, before treating allergic acne on the face, you should consult with an allergist or dermatologist.

Folk treatments

Folk treatments are notdominant, however, they can be an auxiliary way and improve the condition of the skin. Here are some of them: grind two tablespoons of celery root and insist in one glass of water. Divide the resulting into three parts and consume before meals three times a day. You can also drink fresh celery inside, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

Dill can improve the condition with allergies: pour one teaspoon of seeds into 300 ml of boiling water, insist, divide into three doses and take.

Soda solution can quickly relieve itching. To do this, prepare the following solution: mix one and a half teaspoons of soda in one glass of warm water, then wipe the rashes throughout the day.

Compresses from fermented milk products such as kefir, sour cream, yogurt, eliminate itching and relieve swelling in areas of inflammation.

You can mix powdered calamus root with honey, in a ratio of one to one, and use one teaspoon at night.

For quick blood cleansing, it is recommended to take an infusion of nettle flowers. To do this, take two tablespoons of grass, pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist in a thermos. Then take half a cup of the solution up to five times a day.

Rash on the face of a child
Rash on the face of a child

Skin tests for allergens

Small incisions are made on the inside of the forearm, into which allergens are then injected. If the body has an increased sensitivity to a substance, then the reaction manifests itself after thirty minutes. The manifestation occurs in the form of redness orhives. All sections are numbered with markers to determine the substance to which the body is highly sensitive. To establish the level of allergens, blood is taken, then a group of allergens is identified and sensitivity to components is determined. This event will prevent unwanted contact with allergens.

Skin tests
Skin tests

Rashes in children

The appearance of allergic acne on the face in children is a fairly common phenomenon, especially among babies from 1 to 5 years old, this is due to their particular sensitivity to any environmental stimuli. The causes of rashes in children are very different, to name some of the reasons: plant pollen, medications, an innovative product in the child's diet, ordinary dust, animal hair, insect bites, seasonal changes. Immunocompromised children are most susceptible to allergic reactions. Small pimples on the face of a child can be a signal of both a dangerous and completely harmless disease. Some rashes require immediate and long-term treatment, while others occur on their own, leaving no trace. Therefore, the appearance of any changes in the skin should be taken into account and seek the advice of a doctor to determine the cause.

Rashes in children
Rashes in children


Allergic pimples on the face can appear together with several symptoms, and can form without other pathologies. At the initial stages of the disease, only pimples appear, which over time can open, forming cracks thatcontribute to the development of eczema. Prolonged allergies have a bad effect on a person's appearance. Therefore, with systematic signs of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to exclude the influence of external stimuli and contact an allergist to undergo the necessary course of therapy.
