Atherosclerosis of the legs is a serious pathology of large arteries of a chronic nature, resulting from a violation of lipid metabolism.
What factors provoke its development? What is the most common cause? What symptoms indicate the presence of this disease? And how to treat it? This is what we will talk about now.
Atherosclerosis of the legs is manifested in the violation of the passage of blood through the vessels and in the occurrence of tissue trophism. As a rule, the disease affects the large arteries of the chest and abdominal cavity. And this leads to pathological changes in the femoral, tibial and popliteal arteries. In them, the clearance decreases by as much as 50-55%, and sometimes more.
As a rule, people suffering from aortic aneurysm, coronary heart disease, or those who have damage to the vessels of the lower extremities and the brain.

Here are some known factors that provoke the development of this disease:
- Nicotine abuse. This substance leads to spasms of the arteries, and therefore prevents the blood from passing through the vessels. The result is either atherosclerosis or thrombophlebitis.
- Overweight.
- Abuse of fatty foods. This is fraught with an increase in cholesterol levels.
- Diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, decreased production of thyroid hormones, etc.
- Chronic stress, depression, excessive psycho-emotional stress.
- Heredity.
- High blood pressure.
- Old age.
- Reduced motor activity.
It should also be noted that atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs most often affects men.
Stages and symptoms
Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities of the legs develops in four stages:
- First. Symptoms: fatigue in the calves, felt after prolonged physical exertion. Trophic disorders also appear - a feeling of coldness in the legs and chilliness.
- Second. Symptoms: aches and pain in the legs, appearing literally after 150-200 meters. Feelings are similar to the manifestation of angina pectoris. Also, a person notices increased fragility of hair on the skin of the lower extremities, peeling, increased sweating and incomprehensible white spots. As time goes by, the pain becomes more frequent. Normal walking alternates with lameness.
- Third. The patient is faced with formidable ischemia "rest". Even complete rest in the muscles cannot provide a full supply of nutrients and oxygen. After walking 5-10 meters, a person feels the same pain asearlier at a distance of 200 m. The following symptoms appear: a violation of the passage of motor and sensory impulses, numbness, a decrease in temperature and skin sensitivity, a feeling of "goosebumps", foliation of nails. Also stop healing abrasions and cracks. Some areas of the foot take on a bright copper color.
- Fourth. At this stage, pain in the legs with atherosclerosis becomes unbearable. Massive tissue necrosis is observed, often wet or dry gangrene occurs. Sepsis, cachexia, intoxication appears.
The very first symptom of this disease is chilliness in the feet and fingers, as well as increased sensitivity to cold, provoking the desire to wear warm socks. The arterial pulse in the feet may also disappear.

To identify this disease, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes:
- Identification of specific symptoms.
- Identification of risk factors that could trigger the development of the disease.
- Laboratory studies.
- Instrumental diagnostics.
Before this, a palpation examination of the lower extremities is carried out. During the examination, attention is drawn to the decrease in hairline, weakening of the pulse, atrophy of muscle tissue, slowing down the growth of the nail plates and their thickening.
Also a typical symptom is blanching of the foot when lifting and bending the foot, which turns red sharply when it returns to its original position.
Another doctor-the angiologist necessarily determines the ankle-brachial index by measuring and comparing systolic pressure in both areas.
The doctor, having taken all the necessary measures, is able to detect the disease even with an asymptomatic course. From laboratory studies perform:
- Total cholesterol test.
- Studying the level of triglycerides.
- Determination of the level of "bad" and "good" cholesterol (LDL and HDL).
- Atherogenic index analysis.
- Study of c-reactive protein, creatinine level and renal filtration rate.
Instrumental methods are used to confirm the diagnosis. As a rule, these are ultrasound, MRI, radiopaque angiography and ultrasound examination of the thickness of the inner layer of the vascular wall.
Consequences and complications
Atherosclerosis of the legs is a disease that you need to pay attention to at its first manifestations. Under no circumstances should the symptoms be ignored. Otherwise, a trophic ulcer of the lower leg or foot will occur. This is fraught with irreversible loss of limb function. And ulcers that do not heal for a long time tend to become malignant (turning into a malignant formation).
Necrotic complications also appear, gangrene may begin to develop rapidly. If appropriate measures are not taken, death occurs.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs in the first stages is amenable to drug treatment. But if the disease is complicated, then surgicalintervention.
Clogged arteries can be fixed through a bloodless operation. Available as an angioplasty. During this operation, a special balloon is injected into the artery, covered with medicine, which is instantly absorbed into the vascular walls. Inflammation is eliminated, and the diameter of the tubular organs is normalized. Blood begins to flow freely to all parts of the lower extremities.
This operation has many advantages. To enter the balloon, you need a small puncture. Also, general anesthesia is not required, local anesthesia is sufficient. The operation is carried out quickly, and the patient begins to walk the very next day. In addition, the probability of joining the infection is zero.
With obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs, you can say goodbye by bypass surgery. By installing an intravascular prosthesis, it is really possible to prevent the formation of plaques and the appearance of unpleasant consequences. But for this operation, it is necessary to make an incision in the upper part of the thigh.
Also shunting helps to get rid of blockages in large areas. In such cases, multi-storey shunts are made, making it possible to alternate he althy areas with prostheses.
However, this operation is not shown to everyone. You can not do it in case of hypertension, edematous syndrome, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, etc.
Also, shunting and other operations are meaningless if the patient has lost motor activity. In this case, they make the only right decision that can save a person's life - to amputate the leg.
Bile acid sequestrants
Drugs of this group are prescribed for the treatmentleg atherosclerosis. They help to cope with a moderate increase in cholesterol. Sequestrants adsorb bile acids in the stomach. Thus, the liver loses them. And as a result, it begins to synthesize acids from cholesterol. As a result, its amount in the body decreases.
To alleviate the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the legs, as well as to improve the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:
- Colestipol (Colestid).
- Quantalan.
- Questran.
- Cholestyramine.
A specific drug is prescribed only after testing. Because there are contraindications and there may be side effects. Among them: bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes, dyspepsia, heartburn, pancreatitis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc.

In the treatment of atherosclerosis of the legs, drugs of this group are also taken. By using them, you can reduce the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver. These are very effective drugs that are prescribed even to those people who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and angina pectoris.
But statins have a range of side effects. The doctor before prescribing any drug in this group weighs all the risks, and also evaluates the potential benefits. The following remedies may be prescribed:
- "Simvastatin". Reduces cholesterol levels by 38%.
- "Pravastatin". Reduces LDL concentration by 54%. The rate of action and performance increase as the dose is increased.
- Mecavor. Similar in action and composition to the previous drug.
- Choletar. Minimizes the level of total cholesterol in the blood, as well as LDL. It also increases the amount of high density lipoproteins. Eliminates inflammation, reduces the risk of blood clots and stabilizes existing plaques in the lumen.
Side effects include flatulence, pancreatitis, hepatitis, skeletal muscle inflammation, sleep disturbance, anemia, allergies, reduced potency, bleeding disorders and myopathy.
When treating atherosclerosis of the toes, you need to take drugs of this group. Fibrates help reduce the formation of fat in the body. They are effective, but also increase the risk of gallstones and, in general, negatively affect the functioning of the liver.
There are only two popular means of this group:
- "Clofibrate". Blocks cholesterol biosynthesis and promotes its breakdown. It thins the blood and prevents platelets from sticking together. Side effects may include vomiting and diarrhea, muscle weakness, bile stasis, and decreased blood sugar levels.
- "Bezafibrat". Similar to the previous drug. It is prescribed to reduce the amount of cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood.
Of the less toxic and more harmless drugs, Gemfibrozil and Fenofibrate are prescribed. These medications have a fairly short list of side effects and contraindications.

Nicotinic acid
Thisthe remedy is also used to alleviate the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the legs and treat this ailment. Here are the properties of nicotinic acid:
- Vasodilation.
- Reducing LDL content. A daily dose reduces cholesterol levels by about 10% and triglycerides by as much as 28%.
- Normalization of blood pressure.
- Dissolution of blood clots formed in the vessels.
Nicotinic acid is available in the form of injection ampoules, tablets and powders. The dosage is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, 3-5 grams per day is enough. Reception begins with a small amount (0.1 g three times a day), and then brought to the maximum by adding every 5 days, 0.1 g per reception.
Throughout the course of treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs with nicotinic acid, the patient should be under medical supervision. Because this drug affects the liver and blood glucose, and therefore can lead to negative consequences.
To get rid of the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs, as well as to enhance the effectiveness of drug treatment, you must follow proper nutrition. The purpose of the diet is to normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation and reduce weight.
Here's what you need to eliminate from your diet:
- Products from sweet and puff pastry.
- Any fast food.
- Mushroom, fish and meat broths.
- Cooking fats.
- Pork, duck, goose, brains, kidneys, liver.
- Smoked meats, canned food,sausages.
- Fish (fatty, smoked, s alted) and caviar.
- Sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, cheese.
- Mushrooms, spinach, sorrel, radish, radish.
- Products with cream, ice cream, chocolate.
- Sauces and dressings.
- Cocoa, coffee, tea.
- Jam and honey.
- Sugar.
- Grapes and raisins.
- Egg yolks, semolina and rice grits.
- Pasta.
- Alcohol and smoking.

But what you can eat with atherosclerosis of the legs:
- Green peas, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, eggplant, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes.
- Green.
- Vinaigrettes and salads seasoned with vegetable oil.
- Seaweed (daily).
- Low-fat ham, diet sausage, unleavened cheese.
- Rye, grain, peeled, soy and wheat bread.
- Crushed porridge made from barley, millet, oatmeal and buckwheat.
- Raw berries and fruits. You can make jellies and compotes out of them.
- Milk and tomato soups (on a weak vegetable broth).
- Wheat bran and rosehip broth (daily).
- Fresh garlic.
- Flax and fenugreek seeds.
It is recommended to cook food by steaming or by boiling. Also, some products can be baked. But everything fatty, fried, harmful must be abandoned.
The outcome of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs depends on a number of factors. The severity of symptoms, heredity, dynamics of disease progression,age and general he alth. Compliance with medical recommendations and competent treatment are also important.
You can be completely cured only if atherosclerosis of the extremities (legs) was detected at the first stage. And then, in a patient who has an uncomplicated history.
In this case, with active treatment and assistance of the patient to the therapeutic process, the disease will be taken under control. A person will avoid disability, prevent the development of complications, and also preserve the functions of the limb.

In order to never encounter this unpleasant disease, you must follow an appropriate lifestyle. Here are some preventive tips:
- Need to stop smoking.
- Keep an active lifestyle, provide yourself with at least light physical activity.
- More often walk in the fresh air, go swimming, gymnastics. This will help boost your metabolism and burn excess calories before they turn into sclerotic plaques.
- Don't break your medication schedule if you have diabetes or hypertension.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Enrich your diet with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, plant fibers and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Minimize sweets and junk food.
And, of course, it is worth having a general examination at least once a year. So you can either make sure of your stronghe alth, or at an early, asymptomatic stage, detect the disease and start treating it. This will take much less time, nerves and money, and will also help to avoid complications.