A stomach ulcer is one of the most common diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is irreversible, since it is characterized by the formation of a scar on the mucosal site. And he has no functional ability (does not secrete gastric juice) even after treatment.
What are the symptoms of an ulcer? For what reasons does it arise? How to cure an ulcer, in what ways? This and many other things will be discussed now.
Development of pathology
An ulcer is a defect in the lining of the stomach that is surrounded by inflammation. Certain factors lead to its formation, provoking an imbalance between aggressors, gastric mucosa and defense (muco-epithelial barrier, secretin, gastric mucus, bicarbonates, gastrin, etc.).
The result is always the same. Protective factors are weakened, aggressive ones are intensified. As a result, inflammation occurs in the resistant area, the consequence of which is a defect. After treatment, it overgrows with connective tissue, and then a scar is formed.
Before you figure out how to cure an ulcer, you need to discuss the reasons why it occurs. There are two of them:
- Increased acidity. It develops as a result of intensive release of hydrochloric acid, which corrodes the gastric mucosa, which is why a defect is formed.
- Exposure to the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. It destroys the gastric mucosa, its protection. A person becomes infected with it through the saliva of another patient. About 60% of people live on Earth who have this bacterium in their bodies. But not everyone is sick. Because predisposing factors are needed for the development of bacteria. About them - further.
Provoking factors, due to which the process of ulcer development begins, include:
- Stress, neuro-emotional overstrain.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Abuse of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine.
- Chronic gastritis and other pre-ulcerative conditions.
- Failure to follow the diet (dry food, long breaks between meals).
- Abuse of rough, spicy and sour food.
- Long-term use of drugs that destroy the mucous membrane. These are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Prednisolone and others.

Manifestations of illness
In short, it is worth talking about the symptoms of stomach ulcers in adults. As a rule, the following manifestations indicate an ailment:
- Stab, cutting,dull pain that is observed in the upper abdomen, in the middle. Increases about an hour after eating.
- Discomfort in the left hypochondrium.
- Heartburn.
- Constipation.
- Nausea and vomiting. As a rule, occur immediately after the pain.
- Sour burps.
- Unreasonable weight loss.
- Permanent feeling of thirst.
- Change in appetite.
- Irritability and sleep disturbance.
- Anemia.
- Slow heartbeat due to disturbances in the parasympathetic nervous system.
The symptoms of stomach ulcers in adults can be called specific. Therefore, having noticed at least 2-3 of them, you need to urgently go to a gastroenterologist.
Drug therapy: contraindications
Of course, every person who is suspected of having this disease is interested in - how can a stomach ulcer be cured? You can get acquainted with this information, but it is strongly not recommended to prescribe drugs on your own. This can lead to irreparable consequences.
Here are some contraindications to drug therapy:
- Allergy to suggested drug (current or past).
- Bleeding at the time of exacerbation of the ulcer.
- Personal susceptibility to any trace element or drug.
- Pregnancy or lactation.
- HIV infection.
- Liver or kidney failure.
- Young age.
- Recently vaccinated against infections.
- Viral systemic diseases.
Antibacterial drugs
Now you can talk in detail about how to cure an ulcer. Complex therapy cannot do without taking antimicrobial agents. Their task is to eliminate the notorious helicobacter pylori, which are the causative agents of the ulcer.
Means are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets. The most popular are Clarithromycin, Tetracycline and Erythromycin.

Another doctor may prescribe "Trichopolum", which has not only an antimicrobial, but also an antiprotozoal effect.
You need to carefully select antibacterial medicine for ulcers. Each drug has its own purpose. "Clarithromycin", for example, is prescribed in unopened cases, as well as for the purpose of prevention.
Amoxicillin is considered especially effective. This is a penicillin agent that is resistant to the destructive action of enzymes. That is why it is absorbed by the body by more than 90%.
These drugs help to cope with any acid-related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as they neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is a component of gastric juice.
Antacid medicine is a medicine for an ulcer, used as an antiseptic or as an absorbent, enveloping agent. Each drug belonging to this subgroup performs a number of actions:
- Protects the mucosa from aggressive factors.
- Removes toxic substances.
- Reduces inflammation.
- Reduces the activity of enzymes and hydrochloric acid,because of which the mucous is corroded.
Popular remedies are drugs such as Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalugel, Gastal, and also sodium bicarbonate. To improve absorption, you can take Festal.
The use of these funds is much more appropriate than the use of polysorb or activated carbon. Having greater efficiency, they are gentle on the body.

Histamine receptor blockers
Continuing to talk about how to cure an ulcer, it is necessary to discuss histamine receptor blockers. These are funds that are intended for acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
They, like the drugs of the previous group, also reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. Only these medicines do this by blocking histamine receptors. They are antisecretory drugs.
The most popular drugs in this group are:
- "Ranitidine". Medicine of the 2nd generation. Normalizes the pH level, minimizes the activity of such a digestive enzyme as pepsin. Protects the mucous membrane and inhibits the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.
- "Nizatidin". Suppresses both excess and own acid synthesis. Positive effect on pepsin activity and pH level.
- "Roxatidine". In addition to the above actions, it normalizes the acid-base balance and suppresses the basal synthesis of gastric juice. The effect is noticeable just an hour after consumption.
- "Famotidine". Provides the body with reliableprotection against acetylcholine, histamine, gastrin and pepsin.
- "Cimetidine". The cheapest drug listed, as it belongs to the 1st generation. It has not yet lost its relevance. It has the same effect as the previously mentioned drugs, but its effect wears off after 6-8 hours.

Proton pump inhibitors
These drugs are also antisecretory. But they block the proton pump - H / K-ATPase. This is the name of the membrane integral protein.
And if a person has been diagnosed with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, he cannot do without taking these drugs. The following medications are usually prescribed:
- Lansoprazole. The drug inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid just before it is released into the gastric cavity.
- "Omeprazole". Inhibits the activity of an enzyme such as H + -K + -ATP-ase.
- "Rabeprazole". In addition to the above actions, it also destroys the notorious bacteria, due to which an ulcer forms.
- "Esomeprazole". It is a dextrorotatory isomer of omeprazole that also inhibits the synthesis of hydrochloric acid before it is released into the stomach.
It is important to note that the listed drugs are especially effective for duodenal ulcer. "Omeprazole" is often prescribed for the prevention of this disease.
As mentioned earlier, an ulcer greatly weakens the body. The resistance of the gastrointestinal tract is indeed reduced to damaging factors. And therefore, gastroprotectors cannot be dispensed with. They renderpronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic action.
These include the following drugs:
- "Sucralphate". It has a protective, antacid, adsorbing, enveloping and antiulcer action. Valid for about 6 hours.
- "Solcoseryl". It is a powerful cytoprotector and reparant. It not only restores the mucosa, but also promotes the healing of ulcers, and has a positive effect on cell metabolism. The analogue is Actovegin.
- Misoprostol and Enprostil. In composition, these substances are similar to hormones, and they are produced by most tissues of the body. These substances regulate blood pressure, have a good effect on muscle tone, inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, and also significantly reduce acidity.
- Biogastron. Its active ingredient is an analog of glycyrrhizic acid called carbenoxolone.
- Tripotassium bismuth dicitrate. This substance immediately after ingestion forms a protective film on the mucous membrane. It also has a positive effect on the production of prostaglandin E2.
In addition to the above, Amigluracil, Methyluracil, Romazulan, histidine hydrochloride and sodium oxyferriscarbon are often prescribed. These are powerful drugs, they are used in both chronic and acute forms. For the treatment of duodenal ulcers, these funds are also effective.
Use vegetable oils
Now it's worth talking about how to treat an ulcer at home. For this, many people use vegetable oils, because they are widely known for their enveloping properties.

The most effective is sea buckthorn. It contains many vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances. Here's what it does:
- Enveloping the gastric mucosa.
- Effective pain relief.
- Regeneration, accelerated ulcer healing.
- Improvement of the digestive tract (choleretic action).
- Inhibition of bacterial growth.
- Prevention of the inflammatory process and its elimination.
How to quickly cure an ulcer in this way? Take every day 3 times sea buckthorn oil, sold in every pharmacy, half an hour before meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
Not inferior to him and olive. This oil prevents the formation of malignant tumors and destroys Helicobacter pylori. You need to take it within one month in the same amount and with the same frequency as sea buckthorn.
Decoction of flax seeds
Another well-known effective remedy. If a person is interested in how to cure an ulcer at home, then he should try it.
The benefits of flaxseed tea are as follows:
- Soft enveloping of the walls of the stomach (there is a lot of mucus in the seeds).
- Preventing damage to the epithelium for the same reason.
- Acidity regulation.
- Acceleration of metabolic processes.
- Healing ulcers.
Interestingly, all of the above are proven by science.

You only need to prepare a decoction in one serving. He is toooxidizes quickly, and therefore cannot be stored.
How to make it? You need 1 tsp. pour seeds into a glass container and pour boiling water (100 ml). Leave the mixture to infuse under the lid. Enough 15 minutes. During this time, it needs to be shaken 4-5 times. Strain after 15 minutes. Drink the resulting infusion half an hour before meals.
Treatment course lasts 1 month. You need to drink this infusion three times a day - before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
This is also a very effective tool, according to reviews. How many people have cured an ulcer with propolis? What is the secret behind this miraculous bee glue?
The fact is that propolis has a powerful antimicrobial effect. It is also able to relieve pain and spasms, heal injuries. It also gently minimizes acidity and coats the walls of the stomach. No wonder it is prescribed by doctors.

Better, of course, to use an aqueous extract of propolis. However, it is difficult to find it, because most often patients take a 10% tincture. It is necessary to dissolve 50 drops in half a glass of milk or water, and then consume before meals. And so three times a day.
After a week, if such treatment does not cause discomfort, it is allowed to switch to a drug with a concentration of 20%.
Herbal infusions
Many people, being interested in the question of how to cure an ulcer with folk remedies, think about herbal decoctions and infusions.

There are many recipesbut the most popular are the following:
- Take 2 tbsp. l. dry calendula flowers, pour cold water (500 ml). Send to the fire, boil for 5-6 minutes. Then let it brew for 3 hours. Drink the decoction throughout the day in equal portions. The course is 2 weeks.
- Pour a glass of boiling water in the amount of 15 g. Let stand covered for about 15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting composition three times a day 40 minutes before meals.
- In an enameled container, combine marigold flowers, marshmallow root, yarrow, chamomile, elecampane root, licorice, and pharmacy blueberries. All in equal proportions. Take 2 tsp, pour into a thermos, pour boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour. Then drink the infusion in half a glass before meals.
- One fennel fruit, peppermint (40 g) and cumin (20 g) put in a liter enameled container. Pour boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Drink 50 grams in small sips three times a day.
- Field horsetail and yarrow (1 tbsp each) mixed with erect cinquefoil root and wormwood (1 tsp each). Brew in a thermos. Take 50 grams before meals.
Can an ulcer be cured forever? No, because the scar formed due to the disease remains. But achieving a long-term remission, which in most patients lasts until the end of life, is quite realistic. You just need to follow the doctor's recommendations, take prescribed medications, lead a he althy lifestyle, and regularly carry out preventive maintenance.