Involuntary trembling of the body or parts of it is called a tremor. In fact, this is a deviation of the motor function. As a rule, this disease is congenital and can sometimes be extremely difficult. In addition to genetics, diseases of the nervous system, abnormalities in the thyroid gland, amyotrophic sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and alcoholism can be responsible for the appearance of tremor.

More common is the so-called benign tremor, that is, a disease that has no definite cause. It is also called youthful tremor, because it is during this period of a person’s life that it first manifests itself. At first, the trembling appears in one hand, therefore it passes to the other. The head, legs, and chin may also begin to tremble. But all this is not so serious as to prevent a person from eating, writing, holding objects in his hands. When a person is worried, the tremor intensifies. Alcohol provokes the same reaction. If you stretch your arms forward, then the trembling becomes obvious. Treatment for this type of hand tremor is not required. Only with severe trembling, the doctor can prescribe medication. If trembling is associated withemotional stress, then the treatment of hand tremor comes down to taking sedatives before a situation of excitement.
Postural tremor occurs with anxiety and hyperthyroidism.

It can be caused by drug and alcohol withdrawal, drug and chemical poisoning.
In case of damage to the cerebellum, imbalance and intentional tremor occur. With this type of motion sickness, they acquire a sweeping character. It is during movement that trembling is observed. When the person is at rest, there is no trembling.
Treatment of hand tremor comes down to therapy of the underlying disease. Anticonvulsants are prescribed. They can cause apathy, drowsiness, weakness. Treatment for hand tremors is time-consuming, as medications must be taken in breaks. There are common traditional medicine methods that can help with this problem. For example, tremor of the fingers can be cured with cyanosis root, motherwort herb, mint, rosemary, dog rose, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hops. For 50 grams of the mixture, half a liter of vodka is required. All this is mixed. The infusion should be infused for 21 days. Take two drops three times a day before meals for 60 days.

Relaxation is the best answer to the question: "How to treat hand tremor?". Today, many practices have been developed that help to calm down, come into balance with oneself, and reduce stress. All of this together will help reduce trembling inhands. Do you want to get rid of tremor? Give up coffee and tea, as caffeine only exacerbates this phenomenon. Drink more water, juices - it's more useful. It is equally important to get enough sleep. Sleep is simply necessary for the full functioning of the nervous system.
Hand tremors can be somewhat relieved by using kilogram weights, periodically attaching them to the wrist for 5-7 minutes. The muscles will fatigue moderately, and the trembling will decrease for a while.