Probably, many people know that by the appearance of a person one can judge the internal state of his body. Regular stress, bad habits, he alth problems - all this is reflected in the skin. And if suddenly you began to notice yellow circles under the eyes, this can be a serious reason to see a doctor. What can yellowness around the eyes mean? The causes, diagnosis and treatment of this problem will be discussed below.

Liver and gall bladder problems
The most common and dangerous cause of yellowness lies in the increased level of bilirubin in the blood - a bile pigment, one of the main components of bile in the human body. A high level of this substance indicates serious problems with the liver and outflow of bile.
In this case, yellowness around the eyes (the causes and treatment of this condition are discussed in the article) has a certain peculiarity - in addition to the skin under the eyes, other areas of the skin and visible mucous membranes turn yellow. The yellowness becomes especially noticeable.sclera. In the pathology of the liver and biliary tract, there are also other signs: lethargy, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, general malaise. If, in addition to these symptoms, yellowing of the tongue and palms is observed, this is a clear signal for seeking medical help and taking a blood test.

Bronze disease
This disease is the second most serious disease, which is characterized by staining the skin in yellow. Bronze disease, also referred to as Addison's disease, is a rare endocrine disease. It is associated with chronic adrenal insufficiency, in which the adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones, in particular cortisol. Due to the characteristic staining of the skin in a yellowish-bronze hue, the disease was called bronze disease.
With this disease, the skin color changes not only under the eyes, but also on other parts of the body. First of all, skin folds, postoperative scars, places of skin contact with clothing, as well as external genitalia are subject to color change. In addition to pigmentation of the skin, there is muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, a drop in blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.
Addison's disease needs immediate medical attention.

Ingestion of yellow pigment
Why does yellowness appear around the eyes? The causes of skin discoloration in the eye area can be quite harmless. In thisIn this case, we are talking about the excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain a yellow pigment (carrots, oranges, tangerines). With a large intake of such products, not only the area around the eyes becomes yellow, other parts of the epidermis also stain. At the same time, the color of the sclera and general well-being remain unchanged.
To return the skin to its original color, it is enough to reduce the consumption of food containing yellow pigment.
Wrong lifestyle
Quite often, yellowness around the eyes (reasons, a photo of this phenomenon contains an article) is a consequence of the life we live. Constant lack of sleep, stress, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin: it becomes wrinkled ahead of time, becomes dry, flabby, and yellowness around the eyes appears. The reasons for men in most cases are associated precisely with addiction to tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
The appearance of yellow circles also contributes to a sedentary lifestyle and rapid weight loss.

Other external causes of yellowness around the eyes
Yellow circles may appear with increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light. In the warm season, when the sun's rays are most active, in people with hypersensitivity, the skin around the eyes may acquire a yellowish tint. In order to prevent the appearance of pigmentation, it is enough to use sunglasses.
Some people have yellow circles under their eyes for the rest of their lives. This is explained by the individual anatomical and physical characteristics of the body, namely, the fact that there is a membrane between the skin and subcutaneous fat. So for some people it is dense, for others it is thin and half transparent, so the skin color gives off yellowness.
What else can cause yellowness around the eyes? The reasons for this phenomenon may lie in the banal wearing of glasses in a metal frame. The thing is that the metal tends to oxidize and, as a result, leave yellow-green circles under the eyes. Cleaning or replacing the frames will help restore the natural color of the skin.
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with yellowing of the skin around the eyes
Before you get rid of yellowness under the eyes, you should figure out what caused its appearance. First of all, it is necessary to exclude serious pathologies, such as diseases of the liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands. Unfortunately, in most cases, yellowness around the eyes and mouth has internal causes. You can identify them with the help of a biochemical blood test and ultrasound diagnostics.
If the yellowness around the eyes is caused by problems with the liver and biliary tract, as a rule, a course of treatment with medications is prescribed. In addition, vitamin complexes can be included in the therapy to maintain well-being and strengthen the body. It is important to understand that in order to achieve a complete cure, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions. Only with the passage of the full course can you count on recovery. At the end of drug therapy, the doctor maya special diet has been proposed to support the functioning of the digestive system.

How to get rid of yellow circles caused by other causes
Yellowing under the eyes, the causes of which are associated with stress and lack of sleep, is eliminated with the help of good rest. True, unfortunately, we cannot always afford such a solution to the problem. Therefore, you can try to cope with yellow circles with a massage around the eyes.
Cosmetic procedures using masks and compresses also have a good effect. For these purposes, whitening masks with parsley and cucumber, as well as potato and tea compresses, are suitable.
A positive result can be obtained with the help of contrast procedures using ice. And visually hide the yellow circles will help masking tonal means (concealers).

Prevention measures
In order for yellow circles in the eye area to bypass you, try to follow certain rules.
First, lead a he althy lifestyle. Eat high-quality, vitamin-rich foods whenever possible. Quit smoking, because the fact that nicotine contributes to the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers, making the skin flabby and dull, is no secret to anyone. The same goes for alcohol.
Second, try to get enough sleep. It has long been proven that sleep heals many diseases, makes our skin beautiful and he althy. Don't forget that inNormally, an adult should sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Moreover, it is noteworthy that for the beauty of the skin it is better to go to bed before midnight.
Third, wear sunglasses. Excessive UV activity damages the skin under the eyes and often causes yellow pigmentation.
Fourthly, do not overdo diets. Strict diets cause deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, which subsequently negatively affects the condition of the skin.
Fifth, spend as much time as you can outdoors.