Irritation around the eyes in the form of skin redness and itching is a fairly common phenomenon that can occur against a variety of reasons. Around the human visual organ is a very thin skin. It is characterized by increased sensitivity to external manifestations, mechanical damage and other processes occurring in the human body.
Causes of irritation around the eyes and treatment can be different. However, there are a number of common problems that more often than others lead to such symptoms. Let's consider them in more detail, and also get acquainted with the most popular drugs that will help get rid of allergic and other reactions.

Why does irritation appear
Most often, patients suffer from allergic reactions and the harmful effects of the environment. This is not surprising, because many today live in cities with a lot of transport, factories and hazardous industries. All this negatively affects the he alth and condition of the visual organs. Allergies can be caused by low-quality cosmetics,dust, plant pollen, animal hair, food, household chemicals and more.
Often, irritation around the eyes appears for quite natural reasons. The fact is that the epidermis in this area is highly prone to peeling. Therefore, if a person spent some time in the cold or, conversely, in conditions of intense heat, then unpleasant symptoms may appear. As a rule, it disappears after a few days and with the application of moisturizing creams. However, this condition should not be confused with dermatitis. If the skin under the eyes seems to be tight for a long time and there is a burning sensation, then this may be a more serious ailment.
Another cause of irritation around the eyes can be rosacea. This condition represents dilated capillaries in this zone. If the patient suffers precisely from this, then his eyes will be very itchy. There will be a feeling that there is a foreign body under the skin. If the pathology continues to progress, then redness can spread to other areas not only of the face, but of the whole body.
There are situations when irritation around the eyes is caused by conjunctivitis. In this case, irritation of the mucous membrane of the visual organ occurs. The main symptoms of this disease are: severe itching, pain in the eyes and the appearance of high sensitivity to bright light.
Sometimes unpleasant symptoms are associated with blepharitis. With this disease, the ciliary edge becomes inflamed. As a rule, people over the age of 40 suffer from this pathology. However, in recent years there have beenCases of similar manifestations in children have also been recorded. The inflammatory process is the result of the activity of bacteria, fungi and viruses. With the rapid multiplication of staphylococci, irritation around the eyes appears, and if treatment is not started, a strong burning sensation will appear, the skin will begin to peel off.

Other factors affecting the occurrence of a reaction
Sometimes irritation appears on the background of beriberi or in violation of the digestive tract. And also with prolonged symptoms, it is worth checking the endocrine system and the functioning of internal organs.
Irritation on the skin of the face around the eyes can appear on the background of lack of sleep, with prolonged work at the computer or from insect bites. And also problems may appear due to the following factors:
- Wearing too old goggles (especially swimming goggles). In such things, even if made of hard materials, microscopic mites often start up. When in contact with the skin, they provoke skin diseases.
- Disturbances in the digestive tract. In addition, intestinal dysbacteriosis is usually observed. Gradually, food ceases to be normally absorbed by the body, which provokes the development of a wide variety of allergic reactions.
- Long-term (in some cases, one-time) exposure to strong ultraviolet rays. This happens if a person was under the scorching sun without glasses.
- Alcohol abuse and smoking.
- Using low-quality running water for washing. If a person is allergicreactions, it is best to use weak decoctions of chamomile for these purposes.
However, only a doctor can tell exactly why irritation around the eyes appeared and how to treat such manifestations. If redness is observed for a long time, which sometimes become subtle, but then begin to grow again, then these may be signals of more serious he alth problems.
Features of the treatment of irritation in the eyes and redness around the eyes
If we are talking about the reaction of the body to a particular allergen, then it is enough to eliminate it, and the unpleasant symptoms will pass. And doctors also recommend reconsidering the cosmetics used and giving preference to more natural ingredients. In some cases, a diet is prescribed, which is compiled depending on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.
Drug therapy is used only when there is a fairly strong red irritation around the eyes or when additional symptoms appear. In this case, treatment is aimed at eliminating provoking factors. If, against the background of irritation, the patient also began to suffer from an infectious disease, then broad-spectrum antibiotics can be prescribed to him.

When talking about how to relieve irritation around the eyes, doctors often recommend starting these particular remedies. Antihistamines help to stop sensitivity to a particular component, to whicha person has developed an allergic reaction.
However, when choosing antiallergic drugs, modern remedies should be preferred. As a rule, they do not have a harmful effect on the body and have a minimal list of contraindications or side effects. If we are talking about the first generation of such drugs, then, for example, they are prohibited for children and have a very long period of excretion from the body. Therefore, it is worth considering more modern analogues.
This is an effective remedy for skin irritation around the eyes and other allergic reactions. The main advantage of the drug is that it does not cause a sedative effect. This means that after taking it, it will not make you sleepy. At the same time, doctors note the high therapeutic efficacy of the drug. If the disease proceeds in a mild form, then you can take "Cetrin" in a day. Exacerbations will require daily intake.

For a long time, many believed that this drug belongs to the second generation, but the composition of the drug indicates that Zyrtec is a more modern remedy. It has a long-lasting effect, and is considered quite effective in combating allergic reactions.
Also on sale you can find "Suprastin" and "Diazolin". Such funds are less often recommended by experts because of the rather extensive list of side effects. You can also consider other remedies that will help you figure out how to treat irritation around the eyes.
As a rule, funds of this type are used in case of development of conjunctivitis, or when, against the background of a seemingly harmless allergic reaction, less pleasant ailments begin to be added. In this case, it is recommended to use the following drugs:
- "Opatanol". The basis of this remedy is olopatadine. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the cost of such a drug will be about 400 rubles.
- "Kromoheksal". This tool is made on the basis of disodium s alt. In this regard, the low cost of the drug, about 100 rubles.
- "Allergodil". It contains azelastine.

And also on sale you can find ointments that will also help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Consider the most effective means of this category.
Hydrocortisone ointment
In this case, we are talking about a hormonal drug, so you should use it only as directed by a doctor. This ointment helps to quickly get rid of redness, itching and swelling under the eyes. The drug should be applied twice a day. However, due to the fact that it is applied to the inner eyelid, not all children will like this procedure. Therefore, mainly the drug is used by adults. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
Actovegin ointment
This remedy belongs to the category of non-hormonal. It also effectively eliminates various manifestations of the disease, without causing side effects. Ointment able to cope with chronic allergies. Howeverit is required to lay it behind the eyelid much more often, four times a day.
Oxolinic ointment
This remedy has an excellent antiviral effect. Not only the symptoms are treated, but also the virus itself, which could cause similar reactions in the body. However, you need to be careful, since the ointment can be produced with different concentrations. Which drug to use in a particular case, only a specialist will help determine. Therefore, you must first visit an ophthalmologist. As a rule, this ointment is used up to 5 times a day. It all depends on the degree of the allergic reaction.

Zovirax (ointment)
This is another remedy that is successfully used not only for allergies, but also in the case of diagnosing diseases of the visual organs. Zovirax is also very effective against the herpes virus. At the same time, the composition of the drug does not contain toxins, so it can be used by everyone.
The product is applied to the inside of the eyelid 2-5 times a day, but no more. There must be a break between procedures, which is at least four hours.
After the course of treatment is completed, it is recommended to renew frequently used cosmetics. If inflammation and rashes appear on the eyelids, then it is better to purchase new eyeshadow brushes, as germs can remain on old devices, which will lead to a second reaction.
Also, experts recommend buying decorative cosmetics that do not contain parabens, urea and chemical additives. Best to chooseproducts labeled "hypoallergenic". If this could not be found, then you can prepare cosmetics yourself. Today, a huge number of similar recipes can be found on the net.

How to treat at home
You can buy Nagipol on your own without visiting a doctor. This is a fairly cheap remedy, which is ordinary brewer's yeast, only in the form of tablets. They have a positive and calming effect.
You can also prepare lotions from various herbs. For example, chamomile and string will help soothe itching and redness. Both components must be combined in equal proportions and pour boiling water. After the mixture has cooled slightly, it is enough to moisten cotton pads in it and apply them to the eyes for 10 minutes. Every few minutes, you need to dip the cotton wool in the liquid again so that they are constantly soaked in the healing decoction.