Under what circumstances does the doctor palpate the lymph nodes? If the work of the lymphatic system is disrupted, the lymph nodes may become inflamed. This is a fairly common disease in our time, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. At an early stage in the development of pathology, lymph nodes increase, one or more, often closer to the site of infection. In the process of developing the disease, a person's general well-being worsens and body temperature rises. When the disease is advanced, the symptoms deliver maximum discomfort. For this reason, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, carry out an examination and begin complex treatment.
Development of the inflammatory process

The lymph node is a separate peripheral organ that can be called an immune trap or a biological filter. Lymph nodes do not allow pathogenic flora to spread through the lymphatic system. Normally, one lymph node should be in sizes from 0,6-49 mm in diameter. The shape is round or slightly elongated. The lymph node is a kind of capsule of connective tissues, inside which there are a large number of branches that pass one into another. The wide branch is the gateway through which the lymphatic system connects to the lymphatic vessels.
The largest cluster of large lymph nodes is located:
- at the site of the jugular veins;
- in the armpit;
- above the clavicle and below the clavicle;
- in the crotch;
- under the knee fossa.
Lymph nodes become inflamed for several reasons. Only the attending physician can determine the factor that provoked this phenomenon after palpation of the lymph nodes.
Why do they get inflamed?

Most often, lymph nodes become inflamed due to an excess amount or increased toxicity of a foreign antigen that has entered the node through the bloodstream. If lymphocytes are not produced in sufficient numbers, their synthesis is likely to increase. You should know that lymphocytes are able to destroy foreign agents. With an increased load on the lymphatic system during palpation of the lymph nodes, the doctor diagnoses their excessive increase. Among the main factors that provoke lymphadenitis in people are:
- Oncological process (which may increase the lymph node).
- lupus erythematosus.
- Problems in the joints.
- Systemic allergic reaction.
- Tuberculosis bacillus that entered the body.
- Viral, fungal or bacterial infection.
Lymph nodes located in the head and neck often react to respiratory diseases, to a purulent-inflammatory process in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis and caries). In the process of development of mastopathy in the armpit, nodes often become inflamed. The cervical lymph node often suffers due to purulent-inflammatory processes of the soft tissue. This pathology is often provoked by people themselves, since it is forbidden to squeeze out acne on their own, this provokes the spread of infection throughout the body. The axillary lymph node becomes inflamed when the skin is damaged during depilation. In the process of palpation of the lymph nodes, the doctor is able to determine deviations from the norm.
Causes of an enlarged inguinal node in women

Hemorrhoids, bacterial vaginitis, vaginosis, venereal infection provoke an increase in the inguinal lymph node. Inguinal lymph nodes in women often appear due to:
- wearing uncomfortable shoes;
- due to ligament injury;
- due to the introduction of an infectious disease in pedicures.
It is important to treat all infectious diseases in a timely manner and be extremely careful during cosmetic procedures.
Common causes of swollen lymph nodes in men

Most often, the lymph nodes in men become inflamed for the following reasons:
- for a cut while shaving;
- after an injury of any kind;
- with untimely treatment of purulentsore throats.
Angina men endure much more difficult than women. This disease disrupts the cardiovascular system in men.
Common disease symptoms

If a lymph node hurts on palpation, it is important to see a doctor. Slightly enlarged lymph nodes and pain do not threaten a person's life. This requires timely treatment. Quite often, the lymph node increases after a cold. If the level of leukocytes returns to normal, the problem will disappear and the general condition of the patient will improve significantly. There are a number of symptoms, in the event of which it is necessary to consult a doctor and start treating lymphadenitis:
- Inflammatory process in the throat. Quite often, the lymph nodes become inflamed in the throat at the initial stage of the development of pathology. The symptoms are reminiscent of common colds. The main symptoms of this condition include: discomfort when swallowing, feeling of a foreign body in the throat, systematic migraines, high body temperature. In the process of development of inflammation, the work of the respiratory organs is not disturbed. Palpation of the lymph nodes in children under such conditions does not cause discomfort.
- Inflammation of the submandibular lymph node. In this case, the skin over the knot turns red, a feverish condition occurs, weakness appears and the body temperature rises, pain in the process of chewing food increases. When a person tilts his head, the pain radiates to the throat, ear and forehead.
- If the lymph nodes behind the ear become inflamed, the patient experiences severe pain in this area. Painaccompanied by noise and clicking in the ear. Sometimes the patient confuses such an unpleasant feeling with a toothache. Under such conditions, palpation of the lymph nodes is painful.
- If the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed, the patient experiences pain during the tilt of the head, the skin on the neck turns red, swallowing is difficult, the body temperature rises, and sleep is disturbed.
- Inflammation of the lymph node under the arm is characterized by pain during hand movement. As the knot enlarges, the pain will increase.
- When the lymph nodes in the groin become inflamed, the body temperature rises, the skin turns red and pain appears. Unpleasant sensations can be given to the lower back, abdomen and sciatic nerve.
If one of the symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor and carry out complex treatment.
The process of diagnosing lymphadenitis

In the process of diagnosing lymphadenitis, it is necessary to study the composition of the blood. It is important to take a general clinical blood test. Do not do without ultrasound of the affected lymph nodes. During the examination, the doctor evaluates the size, structure and location of the lymph nodes. If purulent inflammation is present, the node capsules must be opened and the resulting material transferred to the laboratory for research. In some cases, specialists diagnose using histological analysis.
In the event that the inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged, it is necessary to visit a surgeon to exclude an inguinal hernia and an inflammatory process in the stomach. Palpation of the axillary lymph nodes is always carried out by several specialists, includingsurgeon. If, after the results of the study, it was not possible to identify the disease, the patient must be checked for tuberculosis. In rare cases, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.
Indications for diagnostics
Indication for ultrasound is a certain disease. If, during the diagnostic process, the doctor revealed a pathological change in the lymph node, the same disease can be put forward as a conclusion. If, after palpation of the lymph nodes in the neck, the doctor suspected a pathological change, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination. Most often, diagnostics are prescribed for the following processes:
- malignant neoplasms;
- pustular inflammatory process;
- different types of lymphomas;
- lymphosarcoma;
- syphilis;
- leprosy;
- tuberculosis.
The specialist always palpates the submandibular lymph nodes and the area where the primary pathological process is localized. In case of a systemic disease, it is necessary to examine all the lymph nodes.
Doctors recommend

Doctors are of the opinion that there are no special measures to prevent cervical lymphadenitis, since this disease can appear under the influence of many negative factors. To reduce the risk of disease, you must:
- strengthen immunity;
- timely treat an acute infectious disease;
- do not get supercooled and do not stay in a draft for a long time;
- hardenorganism;
- avoid infection of the wound if possible;
- observe the basic rules of personal hygiene.
If one of the symptoms of diseases occurs, immediately consult a doctor and carry out a comprehensive medical study, this will help prevent the development of many diseases.
How to treat the disease?
Only a doctor can prescribe an individual course of treatment depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. With advanced disease, the problem is eliminated surgically. There are several folk remedies that will help eliminate the inflammatory process, namely:
- It is necessary to combine birch buds, oregano, St. John's wort, echinacea in equal amounts in a container. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for an hour. Drink warm tea throughout the day.
- Dandelion juice should be applied to the affected area as a lotion.
- A lotion is made from chicory root. To do this, crush the plant and pour boiling water over it.
Before using any folk remedy, you need to talk with a specialist, since self-medication can harm and cause the development of serious complications. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, therapy is carried out with the help of medications. In order to prevent surgical intervention, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. Palpation of the cervical lymph nodes at home is not informative. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis.