Inflammation of the iris: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the iris: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Inflammation of the iris: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

The organ of vision has a fine and perfect organization, it is quite well protected from external influences. However, sometimes there are still situations when a damaging agent acts on it. Under such conditions, diseases of the iris of the eye occur. The latter is located in the organ of vision between its anterior and posterior chambers.

inflammation of the iris
inflammation of the iris

It limits the pupil and is available for external examination. It is her color that determines the shade of the eyes.

Inflammation of the iris (or iritis) is the result of an infection entering the eye. This may be the direct introduction of a pathogen through an injury to the cornea and anterior chamber of the eye. It is also possible to bring the pathogen with blood and lymph from chronic foci of infection. In addition to infectious iritis, it can have a toxic-allergic nature. Since the iris is closely connected with the ciliary body (the muscular apparatus that regulates the width of the pupil), inflammation usually extends to it too. Thenthe process is called iridocyclitis.

When ignoring the disease or improperly performed therapy, iritis can be complicated by secondary glaucoma, cataracts.


The factors that directly cause inflammation of the iris are general and local infectious processes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • local eye infection.
  • inflammation of the iris of the eye
    inflammation of the iris of the eye

Contribute to the occurrence of the disease can:

  • other eye diseases;
  • surgery on the organ of vision;
  • traumatization of the eyeball;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • immunodeficiencies.


Patient experiences:

  • pain in the eyeball;
  • redness;
  • lacrimation;
  • eyelid spasm;
  • poor tolerance to bright light;
  • foreign body sensation.

Inflammation of the iris of the eye is also manifested by a decrease in visual acuity, a change in the color and pattern (swelling) of the iris, a narrowing of the pupil, loss of its shape and a slow and unbalanced reaction to light.


  1. Based on the patient's complaints, an ophthalmologist performs an ophthalmoscopy to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of iris inflammation.
  2. Medication is also being performeddilation of the pupil, in which it is found that it is expanding with the loss of a round shape.
  3. May require laser examination of the organ of vision, tonometry to exclude glaucoma.
  4. To detect the pathogen, a biomicroscopic examination is done.



  • antibacterial drugs depending on the type of initiating agent;
  • anti-inflammatory;

    diseases of the iris
    diseases of the iris
  • painkillers;
  • antiallergic;
  • eye drops to dilate pupils to prevent iris adhesions;
  • topical corticosteroid ointments;
  • biogenic stimulants (autohemotherapy);
  • physiotherapy in the stage of attenuation of inflammation.

Requires treatment of the underlying disease that caused iritis.


In order to prevent inflammation of the iris, you should:

  • identify and treat eye diseases and common chronic infections;
  • keep eye hygiene;
  • carry out general strengthening and tempering procedures.
