Only thanks to vision, a person is able to contemplate beauty and communicate with the outside world. However, over time, the eyes may begin to fail. Vision problems can be very diverse, so serious pathologies should be excluded. To do this, you should consult a doctor.

Some believe that if the capillaries in the eye burst, then this is only a temporary phenomenon. However, such symptoms may indicate quite serious he alth problems, which only an experienced specialist can accurately determine. Therefore, such a problem should not be ignored.
What is the function of the capillaries in the eyes
The capillary is the thinnest blood vessel in the human body. It communicates with veins and arteries. In the body of everyone there are millions of capillaries, which are also in the eyes. Depending on the work of these vessels, a person's vision remains clear or he develops certain problems.
If the capillaries are in poor condition and do not cope with their tasks, thenthis leads to the fact that the body begins to starve, as it is not saturated at the proper level with oxygen, essential nutrients and components.
Why the vessels in the eyes burst
Such small hemorrhages, perhaps, at least once happened to every person. However, when the eye is red, the capillaries have burst, and there are no additional unpleasant symptoms, the person prefers to wait a while until the unpleasant redness passes on its own. Although the eye looks frightening at such a moment, such a problem does not bring serious physical inconvenience. Should you panic if capillaries burst in your eye? What to do in such a situation?
If this happens for the first time, then you should not worry too much. The redness will go away on its own in a few days. However, when the vessels begin to burst with enviable frequency, such a phenomenon may indicate more serious problems. In this case, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist and clarify the reasons for what is happening.

Usually, the doctor first conducts a standard examination and listens carefully to the patient. He also needs to study the fundus and get acquainted in detail with the patient's medical record. It is necessary for a specialist to know for sure whether the capillaries under the eyes burst or only inside the visual organs, which preceded the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and any other information that will help determine the cause of redness. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by fever, dizziness, the appearance of "flies" andetc.
Capillaries burst in the eye: causes of the internal type
If we talk about such factors, then quite often this happens with the development of arterial or intracranial hypertension. As a rule, when frequent redness occurs, doctors suspect this pathology in the first place. During a hypertensive crisis, a sharp jump in pressure occurs, which the fragile vessels of the eye cannot withstand. Therefore, they burst first. If we talk about additional symptoms, then often such seizures are accompanied by nosebleeds.
If the capillaries in the eye of a hypertensive patient have severely burst, then this is a clear signal that you need to check your pressure and take a closer look at your he alth. If the blood pressure rises very strongly and sharply, then this can lead to more serious consequences. Capillaries can burst not only in the eyes, but also in the brain.
If a person has burst capillaries in the eye and this happens not for the first time, then it is also worth checking for diabetes. With such an ailment, pathological conditions often develop associated with the work of blood vessels, which become thinner and are characterized by increased fragility. Sometimes doctors diagnose diabetic retinopathy, which is characterized by problems with the vascular system of the organs of vision. If this problem is left unattended, then over time the patient's vision will only worsen. There is a risk of complete blindness.
It is also worth excluding pathologies of the ophthalmic type. If the eye has a benign or malignantformation, this may well provoke numerous ruptures of blood vessels. An inflammatory disease can also lead to similar symptoms. If the patient additionally burst capillaries around the eyes, then this may be a sign of conjunctivitis, glaucoma, keratitis and other pathologies that require prompt treatment.
Such symptoms can also appear against the background of hematological diseases. Redness of the eyes sometimes indicates leukemia, lymphoma, hemophilia, etc. Also, these ailments are accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of hematomas with slight pressure on the skin.

Saying why the capillaries in the eye burst, one should not exclude the possibility of developing beriberi or immunodeficiency. Often, due to the fact that the human body lacks certain useful components (for example, vitamins), this can lead to the fact that blood vessels lose their elasticity.
Other reasons
Not only serious pathologies can lead to such symptoms. Often a person is faced with the fact that his capillaries burst in his eye due to:
- Fatigue, lack of sleep, eye strain. This can happen if you work at a computer for a long time, watch TV or use tablets, smartphones and other gadgets. Reading books at night is also very harmful, as it leads to a strong strain on the organs of vision.
- Excessive exercise. Often with the fact that capillaries burst in the eye, people are activelyinvolved in sports. If you give preference to strength training, then this may well lead to the appearance of redness. In women, blood vessels can burst due to strong attempts during childbirth.
- High temperature. Fever often accompanies colds. Against this background, deformation of the vessels often occurs.
- Allergic reactions.
- Reception of large doses of alcoholic products. This often leads to the fact that the vessels begin to rapidly narrow and expand. If a person suffers from chronic alcoholism, then redness will be not only in the eyes, but also on the skin underneath. This is due to the appearance of puffiness.
External influence on the eyes
Such factors also often cause redness of the organs of vision. Vessels can burst due to strong gusty winds, bright sun or high atmospheric pressure. It is also worth making sure that the air in the room is not too dry. If a person is in front of a fire or in a smoky room for a long time, then he may also notice the appearance of redness.
People who are sensitive to temperature changes should refrain from visiting saunas and baths.
A foreign object can also cause capillaries in the eye to burst. What to do in such a situation? Never try to extract it yourself. Otherwise, you can harm the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor.
How long do broken blood vessels go through
First of all, it all dependsfrom why exactly the capillaries began to burst. By themselves, small vessels recover quite quickly. However, if it is a more serious pathology, then this process can take much longer.
If this happened against the background of a stressful situation or severe overwork, then it is enough for a person to take a sedative and have a good rest. In this case, the organs of vision will no longer resemble the eyes of a vampire after a few hours. The same applies to situations where a person has been in front of a computer or TV for too long.

In case of mechanical injury, it will take longer. It all depends on the extent of the damage. Usually the vessels are fully restored after a couple of weeks.
Treatment of burst vessels
First of all, it is necessary to determine why exactly the capillaries began to burst in the eyes. If we are talking about overwork or long work at the computer, then in this case it is enough to wait a bit and let the visual organs rest. After some time, their condition is restored without any additional funds. However, you need to be sure that the causes of redness are not caused by anything serious.
If a person has burst capillaries in the eye, only a doctor can best determine how to treat damaged vessels. However, in some situations, a person needs to urgently get rid of the problem. In this case, the following drops will help:
- "Hyphenes". Such a tool is also commonly called "artificial tears." These drops will helpif the organs of vision are too overworked and not moisturized naturally.
- "Vizin". Quickly relieves fatigue and redness.
- "Taufon". These drops have a vasoconstrictive effect. However, it is best not to use them without a doctor's prescription. This is explained by the fact that if you narrow the blood vessels, then this may not always give a positive effect.

Also, cold and compresses, which can be prepared from natural herbal preparations, will also have a positive effect.
However, you need to understand that self-treatment can only relieve symptoms. If a person suffers from a more serious illness, then he will need complex therapy, which will be aimed at solving the problems that caused such symptoms.
If redness persists
First of all, don't panic. If no therapeutic measures give a visible result, then the remedy for redness may have been chosen incorrectly. In this case, it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the pathology itself that causes them. The use of drops in such situations gives either a very short effect, or no positive effect at all.
Also, rupture of blood vessels could be triggered by trauma or bruising. In this case, the healing process takes quite a long time, even if the person uses drops and traditional medicine.
If vascular rupture occurs periodically, then it is worth visiting a specialist and accurately determining the causes of the symptoms.

Is there a risk of losing sight
Because of the vessels themselves, it is almost impossible to lose the ability to see. However, often this kind of redness becomes a signal that a person is suffering from a particular disease. In this case, visual impairment can be quite easy to get. If you do not start the necessary treatment, then there is a risk of going blind if a patient in an advanced stage is diagnosed with one of the diseases:
- Herniated eye.
- Severe allergy.
- Cataract.
- Glaucoma or conjunctivitis.
Capillaries burst in the child's eye
In a situation like this, don't panic. There are several conditions when such redness in babies is the absolute norm. If the capillaries in the child’s eye burst due to lack of sleep or fatigue, prolonged crying, reactions to irritants (for example, a lot of dust has accumulated in the children’s room), coughing, or being in front of a computer or TV for a long time, then you need to give the child a little rest.
However, there are situations when such symptoms can cause concern. Therefore, it is worth being more attentive to the baby. If the capillaries around the eyes of a child burst, then this can be caused by:
- Infectious diseases (for example, influenza or acute respiratory infections).
- Mechanical damage and foreign body in the eye (children are often careless when playing).
- Pathologies of the visual organs.
- Severe physical overexertion (even though children look energetic, they also needgood rest).
- Elevated body temperature.
- Diabetes.
- Lack of vitamins and minerals (usually exacerbation begins in the spring).
It is worth noting that the organs of vision are highly sensitive, so you need to take care of your eyes. First of all, you need to adhere to the correct daily routine. This means that a person should get enough sleep and allow himself to stay up very long at night at a computer or TV. Sleep is very important not only for the eyes, but for the whole organism as a whole.

It is important to watch your diet. The diet must be balanced. It is worth giving up junk food and trying to eat products of only natural origin. It is recommended to eat as many vitamins as possible. It is especially worth pressing on blueberries, carrots and black currants. These foods are rich in ingredients that are essential for good vision.
It is not recommended to drink a lot of alcoholic products and smoke. It is also worth avoiding strong physical exertion and stressful situations. A person should lead an active lifestyle, but you should not spend all the time in the gym. It is best to give preference to walking or light jogging in the fresh air.
Nervous strain can lead not only to problems with the eyes, but also adversely affect the overall he alth of a person. If you cannot avoid such situations (for example, work is associated with stress), then you need to pick up natural lungssedatives.
It is also worth at least once a year to undergo an examination and consult with doctors. They will be able to timely identify a particular pathology at an early stage.