Everyone has heard more than once that the eyes are a reflection of the human soul, but not only the soul, but also human he alth.
A person with reddened eyes looks very tired or sick. If a person notices redness, he should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. It could be an allergy, inflammation, or infection. In order to restore your eyes to their former beauty, you must first figure out what is the reason for their redness. Usually people, seeing red eyes, say that the capillary has burst. But it is not so. After all, a broken vessel is dangerous, and this rarely happens. It's just that the capillaries fill with blood and become visible. It is strictly forbidden to treat the eyes yourself. And folk remedies here will be inappropriate, because it can be dangerous for the eyesight. There are many reasons why the capillaries in the eyes are red in a child and an adult. We'll talk about them further.

Common Causes
Causes of red capillaries in the eyes of a child and an adult:
- Inflammation. The most common reason isconjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eyes). Accompanied by redness of the eyelids. Sometimes the temperature may rise with inflammation. An urgent need to see a doctor and treat immediately. There are allergic, bacterial or viral inflammations, then it is contagious, and each of the people around the sick person can become infected. You need to follow strict hygiene rules, use only your soap, wash your hands very often, use only your towel, do not touch your eyes with your hands, because the infection will spread.
- Blepharitis is an eye disease that is accompanied by redness of the eyes and vasodilation. May be infectious or non-infectious. In case of manifestation, you should consult a doctor and pay attention to personal hygiene.
- Episcleritis is a disease of the connective tissue of the eye. Very often manifested in women after thirty years. In addition to redness, there is still pain in the eyes, especially if you press on the eyelid. The reasons are different: infectious - tuberculosis, herpes, gout, rosacea; non-infectious - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or lupus erythematosus.
- Keratitis is an eye disease that is accompanied by redness of blood vessels, inflammation, eye pain and fear of light. This head disease is caused by beriberi, trauma, and infection. This is a dangerous disease, so you need to see a doctor immediately.
- Glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure.
Similar signs can be found in people who have diabetes, have pathologies of the blood and blood vessels. Also, the capillaries can burst due to a serious head injury.
Often, redness of the eyes can be due to heavy physical exertion, regular lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, hypothermia, foreign body getting into the eyes, decreased blood clotting after taking some medications, drying out the eyes in a poorly ventilated area, or getting in the eyes of cigarette smoke. Also, redness may be due to poisons entering the eyes, inflammation of the choroid or cornea. Sometimes several capillaries can be visible on the white of the eye, but this is considered the norm, the most important thing is that their number does not increase and the volume does not increase either. Eye drops in this case should not be used, because nothing will change.

What to do: capillary burst and red eye?
Only those causes that are not diseases can be eliminated on your own. It is necessary to control the humidity of the air in the room where a person spends most of the time, avoid air conditioners, because the eyes should not dry out. The room should be ventilated as often as possible, spend more time on the street. You can use drops that moisturize the eyes. If the work is associated with stress on the eyes, then you need to do special exercises for the eyes. If you work with a computer or documents, you need to give your eyes a rest every hour for twenty minutes. You can try applying a contrasting herbal eye compress. You need to eat medicinal products - these are red fish, carrots or blueberries. It is recommended to observe the daily routine - sleep well. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands. Be sure to remove your makeup before you go to bed. In sunny weather, be sure to wear sunglasses.

For bacterial infection
If a bacterial infection is found in the body, then antibiotics are prescribed, they are selected individually for each patient, because they take into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs. This is an excellent treatment for those who do not know how to remove red capillaries in the eyes of a newborn, child and adult. To remove the main symptoms of the disease, you can use vasoconstrictor drops ("Vizin", "Octilia" and others), but you need to use them only following the instructions or doctor's prescriptions, often you can not use it because the person gets used to it and the redness of the eyes does not disappear, but, on the contrary, it increases, because the vessels are dilated. Frequent use also causes dry eyes.
If the capillary burst, then the therapy is selected relative to the cause that caused the rupture. In an infectious disease, antibacterial agents are used. They also use anti-inflammatory drugs if the result of redness of the eyes was the use of "Diacan", "Inocaine", "Xalatan" and other medications.

Narrowing blood vessels is better with safe means. This may be the use of ice, a compress, massage, you need to pay attention to your diet, you may need to change it, because it should havea certain amount of minerals and vitamins. The cold is very good for constricting the capillaries and does not harm the eyes. At home, ice can be applied to the eyes to constrict the capillaries. But if a person is at work, you can soak a handkerchief in cold water and attach it to your eyelids.
After lenses
Often, people who wear lenses face the problem of red eyes, because during wearing, protein accumulates on the lenses, and it rubs the eye cornea, and irritation appears, followed by redness. To avoid this, you need to change lenses from time to time.

When to see a doctor?
If redness causes discomfort and severe inconvenience, you should immediately consult a doctor. Symptoms that should see an ophthalmologist:
- sharp deterioration of vision;
- yellow or green discharge from the eyes;
- severe eye pain, sometimes severe headache;
- fear of light or sensitivity to the sun or light.
It is useful to make compresses from tea or herbs. You can also apply cotton wool soaked in decoctions of blue cornflower, mint, parsley, linden and chamomile. It would be useful to apply compresses in turn - first warm, then cold - and change them in turn several times. If the compresses are from tea, then you need to take large-leaf tea or in bags, but only without any additives.
Also good for eye he alth are foods such as fruits and vegetables - green, yellow,red (these are carrots, parsley), nuts, various types of cabbage, seeds, eggs, fish with red meat. You can also sometimes take vitamin complexes, but you need to consult a doctor in advance.

You need to do prophylaxis against red eyes. Even if a person is at work, he can easily do exercises for the eyes - you need to relax and look up, left, right and then down and do the opposite. Eye movements should be sharp. It is necessary to make circular movements for several minutes clockwise and counterclockwise, but only with the eyes, not with the head. You also need to blink your eyes 40-50 times. You can also get a massage, but you must always wash your hands before the procedure, or you can close your eyes and put your palms on them and hold them a little.
Sleep and rest regimen
Much depends on the observance of the daily routine. To avoid redness, a person should sleep for 7-8 hours, but no less, because the mucous membrane of the eye must recover. And during the day, the eyes should rest. It is forbidden to sit at the computer for hours. It is necessary that the eyes rest for 10-15 minutes. If it doesn’t work out, then the organs of vision should rest for at least 5 minutes.
To protect your eyes, you need to wear protective glasses in winter and summer that will protect your eyes from the sun and UV rays, ordinary sunglasses will only harm your eyes.
In order not to injure your eyes while watching TV or a computer, you need to wear special safety glasses that are equipped with a specialcoated. If everything is fine with vision, then you need to contact the optician and buy special glasses.
To avoid problems with the eyes, it is necessary to remove makeup before going to bed, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands and do not get motes out of them. If a person wears lenses, then you need to properly care for them. Also, you need to choose only high-quality cosmetics for the eyes, because sometimes, having saved, a woman will regret it 100 times.
To remove discomfort and symptoms, you can use Kalanchoe. To do this, make a slurry from the leaves of the plant, wrap it in gauze, and apply it to the eye for 8-10 minutes. After this compress, the eyes will be clean and clear. You can also use cucumber juice or mashed parsley, for this you need to moisten cotton pads in the juice and apply on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. You can use tea or ice, for this you need gauze and tea or ice. Wrap the ice in gauze and press it to the eyelids for a few minutes. Do the same with tea. All these procedures relieve fatigue and stress from the eyes. You can also use oak bark decoction, chamomile decoction, parsley or dill decoction, or marigold and sage decoction.
How to spot an eye infection?
Do not forget that folk remedies can only be used when there are no symptoms of serious eye diseases.
Sunlight, eye injury, fatigue after working in front of a monitor, a large speck of dust, chemical damage, a sudden change in temperature, excessive strain on the eyes, or violation of personalhygiene - all this can cause vasodilation of the organs of vision and redness.
Signs that indicate an infection:
- swelling of tissues around the eyes;
- squirrel redness;
- purulent crusts;
- "sour" eyes after sleep;
- general malaise;
- high body temperature;
- lymph nodes enlarged;
- headache.
If these signs are present, then you need to contact a specialist urgently.
There may also be non-communicable diseases such as dropsy or corneal ulcer, lacrimal gland tumor, retinal detachment, increased intracranial pressure or high intraocular pressure.
The eyes are a very sensitive organ. They react very quickly to loads such as small print, flickering texts or pictures, if they work in this way, it will be very stressful for the eyes and vision in general.

To avoid redness of the eyes, you need to do prevention, because prevention is an effective and effective remedy. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it later for a certain period of time. Experts recommend following a few guidelines to avoid redness:
- When working at the computer for a long time, you need to take breaks for at least 5-10 minutes.
- You need to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye. Frequent blinking will help.
- Make circular eye movements, focus your gazeon the near and far object.
- Drink plenty of clean water throughout the day.
- If possible, eat only natural foods.
And most importantly, if you already have any problems with your eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation.