The inner back of the eye is covered with a special fabric. It's called retina. This tissue sends and receives visual signals. The macula is part of the retina. It is responsible for the stability of central vision. With the appearance of certain ophthalmic pathologies, vision may be impaired up to its gradual loss. One such disease is macular degeneration of the eyes. Next, consider what this pathology is, how it manifests itself and why it is dangerous.

General information
senile macular degeneration - what is it? In general, pathology is characterized by a deterioration in the condition of the cells that make up this area. Macular degeneration (both eyes or one), as a rule, appears in older people. It is extremely rare that pathology is diagnosed in young people. In this regard, the disease is often referred to as senile degeneration.yellow spot. Consider the disease in more detail.
Macular degeneration can be of two types:
- Neovascular (wet). In this case, the degeneration is provoked by the growing blood vessels of the retina. Quite often they leak fluid and blood. These processes can lead to irreversible damage in the macular area. The neovascular form is diagnosed in only 10% of patients suffering from the disease. However, this type of pathology accounts for the largest number of cases of complete loss of vision.
- Atrophic (dry). In this case, experts indicate the gradual death of cells with photosensitivity as the cause. It also causes loss of vision. The atrophic form of macular degeneration accounts for the majority of cases overall (about 90%).

Why does macular degeneration appear? Experts have not yet established the exact causes of the development of this pathology. There are quite a few different versions. Some of them are confirmed by research and observations, some remain at the level of theories. So, a number of experts argue that with a deficiency of certain mineral compounds and vitamins, a person becomes more susceptible to the development of the disease. For example, a number of studies have found that the likelihood that macular degeneration will occur increases several times in the absence of vitamins E and C, antioxidants. bigthe lack of zinc is important (it is present in the body, but concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe organs of vision), as well as zeaxanthin and lutein carotenoids. The latter are the pigments of the macula itself.

As one of the provoking factors, experts call human cytomegalovirus. Some researchers argue that the development of pathology is greatly facilitated by a diet in which the level of saturated fat is very high. In this case, monounsaturated compounds are considered potentially protective. In accordance with some observations, it has been established that it is possible to reduce the likelihood of pathology by taking ω-3 fatty acids. More than ten studies have found a statistically significant association between macular degeneration and smoking. In this case, the probability of the appearance of pathology increases by 2-3 times in nicotine abusers (compared to people who have never smoked). However, five studies found no link.

Risk factors
The likelihood of pathology increases under certain conditions. The most common risk factors include:
- age;
- presence of relatives who suffered or have a disease;
- belonging to the white race;
- smoking;
- belonging to the female gender;
- disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system (these, for example, include an increased concentration of cholesterol, high blood pressureblood).
Macular Degeneration: Symptoms
The manifestation of pathology in all patients is different. For example, in some patients, macular degeneration can develop quite slowly. In other patients, on the contrary, the course of the disease is rapid, which leads to a significant deterioration in vision. Soreness does not accompany either the wet or dry form of pathology. Among the main symptoms of macular degeneration are:
- blurred vision;
- distortion of straight lines (for example, the contours of a doorway may appear curved);
- difficulties in the process of considering details (when reading, for example);
- the presence of a small black dot in the center of the field of view, increasing in size over time.

Diagnostic measures
Suspicions of the appearance of degeneration may appear in a specialist when examining an elderly patient complaining of decreased vision. To dilate the pupils, special drops are used. Thanks to this manipulation, the back of the eye becomes available for inspection. In the diagnostic process, the Amsler test is also used - a sheet with a grid and a black dot in the middle. If the cell lines appear curved (distorted) when looking at the center mark, this may indicate pathology.
Macular Degeneration Treatment
As practice shows, in most cases, no therapeutic measures are taken. Some patients, however, with a dry form of pathologya low-intensity, or threshold, laser effect is prescribed. Its essence is to remove druses (specific yellowish deposits) with moderate doses of radiation. Until recently, with the wet form of the pathology, the method of photodynamic therapy was used using the Vizudin agent. The drug is administered to the patient intravenously. From the systemic circulation, the drug is selectively absorbed exclusively by newly formed regional vessels. Thus, Vizudin has practically no effect on the retinal pigment epithelium. Together with the use of the drug, a session of laser therapy is performed. The procedure is carried out under computer control. Low-intensity radiation is directed to the region of the neovascular membrane (a fiber optic device is used for this). Pathologically dangerous vessels become empty and begin to stick together. As a result, hemorrhages stop. As practice shows, the therapeutic effect lasts for 1-1.5 years.

Modern therapeutic methods
In the course of research, the drug "Ranibizumab" was created. The tool is intended for introduction into the eye cavity. The drug inhibits the activity and development of newly formed vessels and neovascular subretinal membranes. As a result, vision is not only stabilized, but in some cases significantly improved. As a rule, five injections per year are sufficient. The therapeutic course lasts two years. Most patients experience improvement after the first The use of the drug "Ranibizumab" is allowed both in the dry and in the wet form of pathology. Other indications include diabetic retinopathy. The tool can be used in combination with photodynamic therapy.

Prevention measures
A person cannot stop the aging process and return the age. But it is quite possible to exclude a number of risk factors. For example, stop smoking. The environment is of great importance in the prevention of pathology. Experts do not recommend going outside in the middle of a hot day. If necessary, the eyes should be protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Equally important is the mode of nutrition. When eating foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, the risk of spot degeneration increases significantly. However, eating fish and nuts reduces the risk. As a preventive measure, kale and spinach are recommended.