Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with narrow leaves, thin branches and white berries. The beliefs and rituals of many nations are associated with it. The inhabitants of Sweden look for mistletoe on St. John's Day and believe that if you attach its branches to the ceiling in the house, then the trolls will not be able to harm either people or animals. Surprisingly, on the other side of the world - in the north of Japan, mistletoe is credited with the same magical properties. This plant was most popular among the Celtic priests, who were sure that mistletoe was a panacea for all troubles and diseases. This plant has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Research on the composition of mistletoe is still ongoing, but many medicinal properties of mistletoe are known. We will talk about the use of the plant in traditional medicine in this article.
Magic mistletoe
The fragrant twigs of the plant were part of many pagan rituals. Mistletoe was deified not only by the Druids. The British also considered it a sacred plant. Traveling to distant landsthey took mistletoe with them as a talisman. In America, before the New Year, mistletoe sprig decorates every home as a symbol of happiness and true love. Many traditions and legends about the magical properties of this plant are walking around the world. Indeed, mistletoe is a very interesting plant.
Seeds take root in the branches of other trees and grow into spherical bushes. You can meet white mistletoe on apple and hawthorn, chestnut and mountain ash, poplar and birch, linden and walnut, oak and hornbeam, willow, elm and maple, on pear and plum. The plant takes root even on conifers. When there are no leaves on the trees, mistletoe bushes are clearly visible. Mistletoe grows in the B altic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Central Europe, southern Russia and the North Caucasus.

Active ingredients
Mistletoe has been used for a long time as a cure for epilepsy. The ancients were sure: just as mistletoe, having strengthened on branches, does not fall to the ground, so an epileptic, while taking an infusion of mistletoe or carrying a piece of the plant in his pocket, will not fall in a fit. It has been used since the time of Hippocrates as an astringent and hemostatic agent. Mistletoe ointment treated abscesses and purulent wounds, stopped bleeding. Even Paracelsus (XV century) studied the healing properties of the plant as a doctor and substantiated its use. Mistletoe was used to treat dizziness, paralysis of the spinal cord, eye diseases and tumors.
What about modern research? It is known that sprigs and leaves of mistletoe contain gum, fatty oil, sugar, starch, tannin and protein substances, viscin and minerals alt. Also found in mistletoe shoots: lectin, biogenic amines, viscotoxin, flavonoids, ursolic and oleanolic acids, choline, resins, inositol, triterpene saponins, palmitic acid, carotene, rubber, resinous substances and vitamin C. Syringinin glycoside was found in the bark of the plant. The ratio of certain substances, as well as the properties and use of white mistletoe depend on what "host" it grew on.
Healing action
Mistletoe's medicinal uses are quite varied. The plant has diuretic, analgesic, anti-sclerotic, astringent and laxative properties. Mistletoe is able to reduce pressure, dilate blood vessels, strengthen the heart, reduce the excitability of the nervous system. It is also useful for nursing mothers, as it increases lactation. Mistletoe is also known as a potency enhancer. Mistletoe is used externally as an anesthetic and emollient. It is effective for muscle pain and inflammation of the lymph nodes. Mistletoe preparations are taken for atherosclerosis, gynecological diseases, inflammation of the kidneys and gastric mucosa, tuberculosis, asthma, hemorrhoids, and various bleeding.
The plant is also recommended for diabetes, thyroid disorders, loss of strength and varicose veins. A remedy from young shoots of mistletoe is used to treat malignant tumors. As an anti-cancer agent, mistletoe is widely used in Europe. In Germany, a separate area has been developed - mistletoe therapy. The plant inhibits cancer cells and is known for its anti-metastatic effect. White mistletoe tincture is used as a rheumaticmeans. Although it is considered a poisonous plant, it has been successfully used for poisoning and dysentery.

If it comes to the fact that the plant is poisonous, it should be recalled that the products prepared from the plant require caution in use. With prolonged use of preparations from mistletoe, there may be intoxication of the body. Mistletoe should not be taken for more than 2 months. A break of at least one month is required between treatment courses. Tinctures and decoctions from it are strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers and during pregnancy. Contraindications apply to people:
- with reduced pressure;
- renal pathologies;
- asthenia;
- thyroid diseases.
Mistletoe products may cause allergic reactions. When taking the drug for the first time, it is recommended to start with a small dose to make sure that there is no individual intolerance. Take mistletoe with caution, only recommended doses. Since mucosal necrosis may occur in case of an overdose.
Mistletoe preparations
In official medicine, preparations based on an extract from mistletoe leaves are also used. For example, "Viskalen" and "Omelen", effective vasodilators, reduce pressure well. For the treatment of radiculitis and neuralgia, the drug "Akofit" was created. For the treatment of epilepsy, bleeding, pain in the abdomen, an alcohol tincture of the plant is recommended. In each package for the drug with mistletoe white - instructions forapplication.
Folk medicine knows several ways to use mistletoe:
- flask;
- alcohol tincture;
- decoction;
- tea drink;
- ointment.
All of them fully allow you to use the healing properties of mistletoe. Let's talk about the application of some of them.

Mistletoe Infusion
As an infusion, mistletoe is used to treat hypertension, asthma, neuralgia, gynecological diseases, trophic ulcers, convulsive seizures and bedwetting. Also, weak infusions from the plant are recommended for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, dysentery. Infusions help with intestinal atony. They are also used in complex therapy for atherosclerosis and kidney disease.
One and a half tablespoons of chopped twigs and leaves of mistletoe pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Strain.
For external use, make compresses and lotions. Inside, the remedy is taken 15 minutes before meals, 1-2 tablespoons, three times a day.
Lotions also help with tumors of oncological origin. A decoction of mistletoe is simultaneously taken orally. In this case, mistletoe taken from a birch is recommended.
Alcohol tincture
The use of mistletoe in this case is possible both for topical use and for oral administration. Recommended for all the above conditions.
Pour one part of crushed mistletoe with five parts of alcohol. Infuse for a week and a half. Periodically shake the container with tincture. Strain.

Take the tincture before meals, three times a day, 40 drops each. Drink the remedy for no more than 21 days, then you need a break of one and a half to two weeks.
Mistletoe decoction
Decoction has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is prescribed for epilepsy, excessive excitability, hysteria, dizziness, convulsions. The tool helps with a breakdown in old age.
Chop a dessert spoon of mistletoe leaves and stems and pour a glass of water. Boil for a minute or two. Half an hour to insist and strain. Drink after meals 1 tablespoon, three times a day.
Tea drink
Mistletoe tea is recommended to normalize blood pressure, menstrual disorders, hormonal disorders, sclerosis.
Pour a teaspoon of twigs with a glass of water (boiled). Night insist. Strain in the morning. Can be reheated before use. Drink 1-3 cups of mistletoe tea throughout the day.
Berry ointment
Mistletoe ointment is an excellent remedy for frostbite.
Chop and grind fresh berries with lard (cold) or fat. Apply compresses with ointment on frostbitten areas.

Herbal Mix for Women
Mistletoe is good for women's he alth. It is recommended for many diseases: inflammation, whites, problems with the menstrual cycle, cervicitis, fibroids, etc.
Take equal parts of mistletoe, knotweed and shepherd's purse. Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture into a glasswater, boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool and strain.
Drink half an hour before meals, twice a day, half a glass. The course is 3 weeks, then a break of at least 15 days.
Mistletoe and Sophora
The combination of mistletoe and sophora has a beneficial effect on the body. This tincture cleanses blood vessels, neutralizes and slows down the growth of cancer cells, strengthens the heart and nervous system. This remedy is recommended for angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, mastopathy, diabetes, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
250 g chopped mistletoe pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Separately, pour 0.5 liters of vodka 100 g of Japanese Sophora. Both means separately to insist month. Then mix them and leave for another week. Strain.
Drink 1 teaspoon before meals, three times a day. The course is not more than a month, then - a week break (minimum).

Mistletoe for weight loss
It is worth talking separately about mistletoe as a means for losing weight. This sore point worries many women. And it is impossible not to note the reviews on the use of white mistletoe for weight loss. Many of them confirm that mistletoe can really help you lose weight and get a great figure. Both the excellent taste of the decoction and the effectiveness are noted - an average loss of 3-4 kg of weight in 5 days. Important: carefully read the contraindications. In case of liver diseases, in no case should you drink a decoction for weight loss. If this happened out of ignorance or inattention, if nausea and dizziness appeared, you should urgently consult a doctor.
Takingwhite mistletoe remedy for weight loss (willow mistletoe is desirable), it is not recommended to exceed the dosage and go on a strict diet. Fat and flour can be excluded. The course is designed for 5 days:
- 1st day. Linden (4 tablespoons) insist in a liter of boiling water (2 hours). Decoction to drink during the day. It is advisable to eat low-calorie foods.
- 2nd day. Everything is the same as on the first day. Just use mistletoe instead of linden.
- 3rd day. Pour equal parts (4 tablespoons each) of mistletoe and linden with 2 liters of boiling water (or 2 tablespoons of mistletoe and linden per 1 liter of water). Insist and drink during the day.
- 4th day. Everything, as in the 3rd day. Only add honey (1 tablespoon) to the infusion, which will increase not only the taste, but also the results of losing weight.
- 5th day. Prepare the infusion in the same way as on the 3rd day. Add honey and lemon juice to the drink.
During the use of white mistletoe (reviews confirm this), cheerfulness is felt and pressure rises slightly. As a tonic, this remedy is not recommended for heart disease. And of course, it is contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Mistletoe is a truly amazing plant. It will help with many diseases. No wonder there are many legends and stories about her. But we must not forget that mistletoe contains plant poison. In the Middle Ages, mistletoe tincture was used by poisoners. Remember: more than the norm indicated in the recipes, plant remedies should not be taken. It is overdose and inattentive attitude to contraindicationscause unpleasant consequences.