Camel milk: what is it called, application

Camel milk: what is it called, application
Camel milk: what is it called, application

Modern research in the field of he althy nutrition has shown how useful camel milk is. In North Africa, Asia, as well as the Middle East, it is considered a source of he alth. Although to an unprepared person who has seen live camels only in the zoo, it may seem completely unappetizing. From a medical point of view, such a product deserves close attention.

camel milk
camel milk

It is useful for those suffering from diabetes, allergies, digestive disorders, and is also recommended for people who are lactose intolerant. At the same time, for the last group of people, it will be a wonderful alternative to cow's milk.

In any case, you will immediately notice, knocking over a glass of this drink, a surge of energy and an improvement in mood. So, in this article, we will find out what camel milk is called, what benefits it brings, and also find out where you can buy it.

Taste of camel milk

Warm and fresh milk has a slightly s alty taste and strong smell, it is white opaquecolors. You can also catch hints of vanilla and a little sweetness. Although many, having arrived in Egypt, did not dare to try camel milk. It should be noted that the taste of the drink largely depends on the diet of the animal, as well as on the amount of liquid it has drunk.

When people try it for the first time, the interesting thing is that not everyone can digest it, therefore, there is a possibility of diarrhea. This is quite normal, since at this moment there is a complete cleansing of the digestive tract. After the body gets used to this product, the side effects will also disappear.

camel milk treatment
camel milk treatment

Nutritional Profile

The drink tastes a bit s alty, contains a lot more vitamin C and iron compared to the cow's milk we are used to. It has much less cholesterol and fat, it is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and protein. The use of camel milk is to nourish the body with vitamins A and B, potassium and calcium, copper and iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

Easy to digest and considered a natural probiotic as it supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Another interesting point is the presence of lactoferrin (a natural antibiotic also found in goat's milk). It keeps the product fresh.


People who drink camel milk drink on a regular basis get a lot of nutrients. In the southern part of our country, Russia, it is used to treat tuberculosis and other lung diseases, in India, the list of indications is alsoanemia, jaundice and dropsy are added.

what is camel milk called
what is camel milk called


This product contains a protein close at the molecular level to insulin. This is very important for those who suffer from diabetes. A study in India confirmed that treatment with camel milk for type 1 diabetes can reduce the amount of insulin required to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. For a long-term effect, doctors recommend consuming 500 ml of camel milk per day.

Skin Diseases

Camel milk for the face is useful for the presence of biologically active proteins in it. When used externally, this product moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, eliminates irritation and flaking, makes it elastic, eliminates itching, fights acne, and also treats psoriasis and eczema.

Bedouin drink contains vitamin C, lanolin and elastin - these are substances that are endowed with anti-aging power. Therefore, camel milk can be increasingly found among the ingredients of various products intended for facial skin care.


Immunoglobulins or antibodies that are present in milk can easily enter cells and destroy antigens.

egypt camel milk
egypt camel milk

You can treat autoimmune diseases with camel milk, including Crohn's disease or multiple sclerosis.


As it turned out, there are much fewer tuberculosis patients among the fans of this product. Doctors think if you usecamel milk every day, the risk of infection is reduced, even if various factors contribute to the development of this disease.


Camel milk also has such an important useful property as a beneficial effect on the liver. This product reduces inflammation of this organ and is recommended for people with hepatitis B. Antiviral compounds contained in milk inhibit DNA replication, improve the body's immunity, including in chronic disease.

Food allergy

This milk is very beneficial for children who are allergic to cow's milk and various other foods. Children who could not be cured by classical methods received camel milk every year. This led to their complete recovery without side effects. Experts believe that in this case, it is necessary to thank the immunoglobulins that make up this product.

use of camel milk
use of camel milk

Alzheimer's disease

Consumption of this milk has been found to help people with Alzheimer's sleep better, increase physical activity, and improve memory. The drink fights mood swings, confused memories, speech repetition and aggressiveness.


There is evidence that camel milk can attack cancer cells. This natural drink owes its antitumor properties to lactoferrin (protein), as well as to immunoglobulins. This unique natural product inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the colon,breast and liver.

Use in the treatment of autism

It's worth mentioning right away that autism spectrum disorders are very serious disorders of the nervous system, which are characterized by impaired social ties, frequent autoimmune diseases, mental retardation, repetitive behavior, dysbacteriosis and concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oxidative stress directly plays a huge role in the appearance of the above symptoms. Camel milk helps to cope with the effects of this stress by changing the level of all antioxidant enzymes, as well as other molecules of a similar effect.

camel milk for face
camel milk for face

With the daily consumption of this product, you can significantly improve the condition of a person who suffers from autism.

The use of milk in cooking

First, let's find out what camel milk is called. In India it is called shubat. It is used to create all kinds of desserts: cocktails, sweet pastries, custard. One of the classic Middle Eastern dishes is Muhallabia pudding (made with pistachios, almonds and camel milk).

The Bedouins process this milk into butter and cheese. The process of coagulation is very complex and very different from the fermentation of cow's milk we are used to: you need to use plant rennet, as well as calcium phosphate. Consequently, such products are also extremely rare in local markets.

There is also camel kefir, a fermented dairy product that hasproduction technology is significantly different from our usual kefir. It is also worth noting that there are a huge number of coffee lovers with the addition of camel milk in the East. Camellatte and camelccino are very popular. Al nassma chocolate made from this milk is a real treat for aesthetes. It is presented to guests of the most prestigious hotels on the planet.

camel milk drink
camel milk drink

In what form can you buy camel milk?

Due to the growing popularity of this product, various options began to appear on the market, from powders and capsules to the traditional liquid form. Almost immediately after milking the animals, the milk is frozen in freezers. Research conducted by a Dutch research institute proves that this product does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen.
