How to treat stuffy ears: different causes of discomfort and their elimination

How to treat stuffy ears: different causes of discomfort and their elimination
How to treat stuffy ears: different causes of discomfort and their elimination

Everyone knows the feeling of ear congestion. Sometimes this feeling occurs for a short time, and sometimes it drags on, causing some discomfort. Therefore, knowing how and how to treat stuffy ears will be useful to everyone. After all, hearing provides the most complex organ,

How to treat stuffy ears?
How to treat stuffy ears?

whose condition should be closely monitored.

How to treat stuffy ears: discomfort caused by illness

Inflammatory processes often determine the quality of hearing. If your ear is suddenly stuffed up with a cold or flu, the cause may well be tubo-otitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous tissues of the Eustachian tube, which begins as a result of sinusitis, adenoids, polyps, or deviated nasal septum. A runny nose and cold provide swelling that prevents the Eustachian tube from functioning normally. As a result, inflammation affects not only the throat and nose, but also the auditory canals. In such a situation, it is necessary to treat the cold itself, after which the condition of the ears will improve. You can alleviate your condition with anti-inflammatory ear drops that the doctor will select for you, for example, Polydex or Otipax preparations. another reasonsensations that the ear is blocked and makes noise in the head, there may be a weakening of the auditory function. This is damage to the ear nerves associated with diseases such as coronary artery disease or changes in blood pressure. If the feeling of congestion appears frequently, but there is no cold or runny nose, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will be able to determine what

Stuffed ear and noisy
Stuffed ear and noisy

treat blocked ears, how serious is the cause of discomfort. As a residual phenomenon, congestion can manifest itself after otitis media. The transferred disease leaves scars on the eardrums, which over time can lead to hearing loss. In this case, consultation with a specialist will also be the best solution to the problem. For treatment, the same drops are used as for otitis media, for example, Anauran, Garazon or Otinum medicines.

How to treat stuffy ears: discomfort from external causes

Ears can be stuffed up as a result of a sharp decrease in pressure, for example, when taking off or landing an airplane, when moving a high-speed elevator. Pressure in the middle ear does not immediately respond to changes in external pressure, so

Sharply blocked ear
Sharply blocked ear

ears conduct sound worse for a while. To get rid of discomfort, it is enough to open your mouth wide and make a couple of swallowing movements. So you expand the Eustachian tube and normalize internal pressure. How to treat stuffy ears if water gets into them? It is enough to carefully remove it from the outer part of the auricle.excess with a cotton swab and make several swallowing movements to remove drops from the inside of the ear canal. To quickly relieve discomfort, you can drip anti-inflammatory drops into your ear, because they often have an analgesic effect. For example, drugs "Sofradex" or "Otipaks".

How to treat stuffy ears: the problem is sulfur plug

If the problem is that the ear is clogged with wax, you need to go to a specialist for help. Often it accumulates in excess quantities due to the individual structural features of the auditory canals. It can be removed by washing with special solutions. Such a procedure can be carried out at home, but it is much easier and more convenient to do it with an otolaryngologist. Trying to clean the ear canal with a cotton swab is absolutely not worth it. This can only exacerbate the problem. Remember that such sticks are not intended for deep cleaning of the ears at all. Their constant use can also lead to the formation of a plug in the depth of the ear canal.
