One pill treatment for gonorrhea: a review of effective drugs

One pill treatment for gonorrhea: a review of effective drugs
One pill treatment for gonorrhea: a review of effective drugs

The article describes how gonorrhea is treated with one tablet.

Gonorrhea is an acute sexually transmitted disease that affects people of both sexes and is transmitted through sexual contact. In most cases, doctors prescribe patients a long-term therapy for this disease, which includes the use of several medications, some of which have an antibacterial effect. When infected with gonorrhea, it is impossible to self-medicate, since this can lead to a number of very serious pathologies, including infertility. When a person is diagnosed with such a disease, he, as a rule, begins to look for the easiest way to get rid of this unpleasant disease. Patients often ask if gonorrhea can be treated with one pill.

drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea
drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea

The causative agent of this disease is Neisser's gonococcus, which was discovered in 1879. It is obligate extracellular andintracellular parasite, reaching 1.5 microns in length, not having mobility and not forming spores. Under a microscope, it looks like a paired diplococcus, resembling coffee beans in shape, facing each other with concave surfaces and separated by a narrow opening.

Reproduction of gonococcal infection occurs by indirect division. Newly developed gonorrhea is characterized by an intracellular location of gonococci, while chronic gonorrhea is extracellular. Gonococcus is a pyogenic specific parasite that can penetrate into the leukocyte and into larger cells. Its body is surrounded by a three-layer membrane that contains a variety of structural proteins. Such a membrane is protected by a multilayer dense capsule. On the outer side of the microorganism there are thin microscopic tubular filaments, with the help of which the pathogen is attached to the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract. Under the influence of adverse conditions, the infection can form L-forms (suspended state), whereby it is able to survive in the course of therapy and cause relapses of the disease.

Danger of disease and complications

Most often this infectious disease affects patients during sexual contact, but there are known cases of household infection with gonorrhea. Women have a fairly high chance of infecting a child during childbirth if the maternity hospital does not comply with measures for sanitizing the premises. After infection, extremely life-threatening conditions can occur. These include:

  • infertility;
  • fallopian tube rupture;
  • pelvioperitonitis;
  • menstrual irregularity;
  • problems conceiving;
  • inflammation of the appendages in women;
  • erectile dysfunction and absolute impotence in men;
  • atrophy and testicular necrosis;
  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the foreskin in men.

As a rule, the initial symptoms of gonorrhea in the form of severe burning and pain in the groin are observed within a week after infection. If therapeutic measures to eliminate the disease are not started in a timely manner, it can go into a chronic stage, which further leads to the impossibility of successful and quick treatment.

what is needed for treatment
what is needed for treatment

Is it possible to treat gonorrhea with one pill? Not every form of such a pathological process can be cured with just one pill. In order to find out, it is necessary to set the period of infection. The type of gonorrhea that develops in less than 14 days lends itself best to rapid therapy. At the same time, it is desirable that the patient has no discharge from the genital tract and pathogenic microorganisms do not affect the liver, digestive tract and organs of vision. In such situations, there is a chance of curing gonorrhea with one pill.

If the disease develops from 14 to 60 days, there is a small chance that the patient will be able to prevent the subsequent spread of harmful microorganisms. As a rule, in this case, a weekly course of medication is required in compliance with the conditions of sexual rest. Howeverif the disease occurred more than two months ago, it is almost impossible to cure it with one medication.

Features of therapy for men and women

Treatment of this infectious pathology in men is within the competence of a dermatovenereologist or urologist. It should include antibacterial and, if necessary, immunomodulatory therapy. This is most relevant in situations where the causative agent of gonorrhea affects the prostate gland in a man with the development of chronic prostatitis. If you treat this disease with one tablet, it should be a broad-spectrum antibiotic. But most often the course of treatment will be much longer.

Drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea in women are described below. In some cases, gynecologists prescribe vaginal suppositories to patients, however, these drugs will be used as part of a combination therapy for gonorrhea. You can organize treatment with one medication - antibacterial or anti-inflammatory, which quickly eliminate the pathological symptoms of the disease. Sometimes antibacterial suppositories are used, especially in cases where, in addition to gonorrhea, a concomitant infection is diagnosed in a woman.

Anti-inflammatory medicines can also be prescribed for men - in the form of rectal suppositories. With an ascending form of gonorrhea, accompanied by endometritis and pelvioperitonitis, it will not be possible to cure the disease with one tablet, while the treatment regimen becomes much more complicated. Antibacterial drugs are administered intravenously and intramuscularly according to certain schemes establishedspecialist. Drip drug administration may also be used.

Which pills are used in the treatment of gonorrhea in men and women?

Fast acting gonorrhea drug groups

If it is possible to organize rapid therapy, the following groups of medications should be used:

  1. Drugs based on penicillin. To date, this category of medications is prescribed only in cases where pathogens are sensitive to penicillin. Due to the frequent use of drugs of this group in the past, infectious agents of this nature were able to develop high resistance to these antibacterial substances. As a result, the patient must pass a preliminary laboratory analysis for the resistance of the pathogen, and in the future the doctor will determine whether it is possible to cure gonorrhea in a particular case with the help of such medicines.
  2. Antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline group. They are usually used when a patient has resistance to penicillins. In addition, they can eliminate complicated gonorrhea, infection of which occurred more than 14 days ago, with a single dose.
  3. Azalide category antibiotics. This group of drugs shows the best results in the treatment of gonorrhea. It is azalides that are most often used for a single dose.
  4. Microlites. These medications help to get rid of the disease in one use infrequently, but at the same time they show a minimum number of side effects, whichallows you to prescribe them even at the stage of pregnancy.

Patients should be aware that the decision to use a particular medication is made only by the attending physician. Inappropriate therapy can lead not only to an exacerbation of the pathological process, but also to very serious consequences.

Pills for the treatment of gonorrhea in men and women should be selected by a doctor.

one tablet
one tablet


This medication is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It is quickly absorbed into the body and distributed throughout the tissues, which ensures maximum effectiveness of the therapy. When diagnosing this sexually transmitted disease, patients with a single treatment must take 4 g of the active element during the day. This dosage is the maximum, so there may be severe disorders of digestive functions, up to the development of severe vomiting and diarrhea.

What other drugs are effective for treating chronic gonorrhea in men and women?


This is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is used in the treatment of various infectious pathologies, including gonorrhea. With a single dose, patients are also prescribed the maximum daily dosage - 1.2 g of the active substance. With such therapy, one should be prepared for the possible occurrence of some allergic reactions, therefore it would be most advisable to take a dose of any antihistamine at the same time as the Metacycline medication.


The main feature of this antibacterial drug for the treatment of gonorrhea is the need to take it strictly during meals. The drug is allowed to be crushed and chewed, which in no way affects its absorption in the body. If you need to quickly relieve the symptoms of gonorrhea at home with one tablet, you should take 300 mg of Unidox. It is relatively safe, causes a minimum of negative side reactions, which makes it possible to treat gonorrhea with this drug at almost any age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

gonorrhea in men treatment pills
gonorrhea in men treatment pills


Treatment of gonorrhea with pills in women and men is most often carried out within a few days. If the patient has the ability to cure the disease at one time, he is prescribed 300 mg of the active substance once. Take this medication should be one hour before meals or two after. It is very important to comply with this condition in order to achieve maximum absorption of the main component into the patient's blood.

Medicines in tablets for the treatment of gonorrhea in men and women can be purchased at the pharmacy.


The most accurate dosage of this pharmacological drug with a single use can only be selected by a qualified venereologist. This medicine also helps to get rid of the symptoms of gonorrhea by taking a single dose. In most cases, the daily maximum dosage is prescribed - 2 g of the active element. Atthis can be divided into three doses in equal amounts throughout the day. Take the tablet with plenty of water.

vilprafen for gonorrhea
vilprafen for gonorrhea

What other pills are used to treat gonorrhea?


This antibacterial drug is good not only for gonorrhea, but also for its complications, especially in cases where the infection has spread to the organs of the genitourinary system. The drug "Azithromycin" is prescribed once at a dose of 1 g. This drug is most effective for such complications of gonorrhea as cervicitis and urethritis. You can take the medication regardless of food, washing it down with a sufficient amount of water.

Drugs in tablets for the treatment of gonorrhea in men and women are inexpensive and available to everyone.


This medication is indicated at any age and even during pregnancy. The dosage is selected by the attending specialist and is, as a rule, from 0.5 to 5 g of the active element per day. The drug is quite effective when taken once for gonorrhea, but it should not be used by people who have hearing problems. In this case, it is necessary to select another antibacterial agent.

Many people wonder if it is possible to treat gonorrhea at home with pills?

Cifran OD

The antibiotic acts bactericidal in this disease. It inhibits the enzyme DNA gyrase of pathogenic bacteria, which causes a violation of the synthesis of their proteins. The drug has an effect on gram-negativemicroorganisms during dormancy and division, into gram-positive microorganisms - only at the moments of division. Against the background of taking the medication, the parallel development of resistance to other antibiotics, according to the manufacturer, is impossible. It should be noted that resistance to Cifran develops slowly. When used during the treatment of gonorrhea, plasmid resistance is not observed, which is possible with tetracyclines and beta-lactam antibiotics.

tsifran from gonorrhea
tsifran from gonorrhea

After taking one tablet against gonorrhea, it is necessary to pass a second laboratory test to confirm successful therapy. If the pathogen continues to live in the patient's body, the treatment must be repeated.

The decision on the scheme and duration of therapeutic measures to eliminate gonorrhea is taken by a venereologist, since the desire to minimize the duration of treatment can contribute to the development of complications and the need for inpatient treatment. In addition, it is imperative to warn your sexual partner about the need for laboratory tests for gonorrhea. And you must always remember that barrier methods of contraception should be used to prevent infection.

one pill treatment for gonorrhea
one pill treatment for gonorrhea

So, the article described how gonorrhea is treated. Photos of the most popular drugs are also published.
