If lately you have started running to the toilet very often due to the urge of the body, then two options are possible: the first is that you have consumed quite a lot of liquid, which is now asking to go out, the second is a signal of a disease. Frequent urination without pain means that the bladder has to empty even at night (nocturia). The second option is explained by the fact that there is irritation of the urethra, as well as the very neck of the bladder. It is in it that a large number of receptors are concentrated, which are directly involved in regulating the stretching of the muscle fibers of the entire urinary membrane. With such irritation, receptors, like sensors, signal the brain that the bladder is full, in response, our gray matter provokes contraction of its muscles, and there is a desire to go to the toilet. In the presence of any disorders, infections, bacteria and other elements, the brain sends false signals to the receptors, which makes you run to the restroom quite often. Let's see what kind of diseases deceive our body.

Frequenturination without pain: reasons
There are a lot of diseases that attack our bladder, but we will pay attention to the most common ones.
1. Radiation cystitis. Appears due to the use of radiation therapy. During this action, significant damage occurs to the epithelial cells that are part of the bladder mucosa. As a result, the neck gets a strong irritation that deceives our body.
2. Prostate adenoma. A disease that provokes frequent urination in men with active growth of adenoma. This seal blocks the lumen of the urethra, which disrupts the normal functioning of this organ.

3. Prostatitis. It is also a male disease. It provokes inflammation in the back of the urethra. Characterized by very sharp and strong urge to empty, but the disease is accompanied by only a few drops of urine.
4. Cystocele. This is the name given to the process of lowering the bladder. Such an ailment is accompanied by a constant urge to urinate, as well as urinary incontinence during laughter or sexual intercourse.
5. Stones in the urinary tract that irritate the cervix. Sometimes small stone fragments can linger in the back of the urethra and cause frequent urination without pain.
6. Genitourinary infections.
7. Anemia (iron deficiency). If there is an iron deficiency in the body, then the mucous membranes of the bladder become easilyvulnerable, which can lead to inflammation.
8. Spinal cord injury.
9. Narrowing of the urethra (stricture). Frequent urination without pain is the main symptom of the pathology.
10. Change in the composition of urine. Its increased acidity can irritate the mucous membrane, which causes the urge to defecate. Acidity may rise due to the consumption of a sufficiently large amount of meat, spicy and spicy foods.
Treating frequent urination
In case of violation of the functions of the bladder, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause-provoker. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment for you, which will include various medications with an anti-inflammatory effect.