Sometimes, completely natural needs and desires for a person can bring him discomfort. This also applies to various problems that arise when visiting the toilet. Their appearance is a serious reason to see a doctor.
If you have to go to the toilet too often, then you should familiarize yourself with the causes of frequent urination and how to treat them.
Pathology in women
How often a person urinates depends largely on his anatomical structure, lifestyle, and existing chronic diseases. The frequency of trips to the toilet may not necessarily change throughout life. Sometimes the number of urges increases quite significantly even in a few days. A similar phenomenon is caused by a pathological condition or can serve as a variant of the physiological norm.

What can cause frequent urination in women? This phenomenon causes the following factors:
- Urinary tract pathologies;
- diseasessystemic character;
- natural hormonal changes;
- The body's normal response to physical activity, food or drink.
Urinary system diseases
The desire to visit the toilet often occurs in women due to the occurrence of urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. The reason for this may be urolithiasis. One of its variants is saline diuresis.
All these pathologies are directly related to each other. For example, urethritis may occur first. With untimely treatment, an ascending infection occurs, causing pyelonephritis. And vice versa. The infection may become descending. And it, again, is provoked by untimely treatment.
All ailments in this group cause frequent urination. Pain that occurs during this process indicates the presence of inflammation and may have varying degrees of severity, depending on the intensity of the pathological process.
- Urethritis. This disease that causes frequent urination is an inflammation of the urethra. As a rule, it occurs due to hypothermia or due to various mechanical factors (for example, due to wearing synthetic or uncomfortable underwear).
- Cystitis. This pathology is an inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis is one of the most common causes of frequent urination in women. Going to the toilet is accompanied by cuts and pain. Pathology mainly affects women due to the small size of the urethra, which allows infection to quickly enter thehigher organs.
- Pyelonephritis. This disease, which causes frequent urination, is caused by inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by fever, fever and other symptoms. Discomfort for women at the same time is brought not only by frequent urges to the toilet, but also by pain that occurs in the lumbar region.
- Urolithiasis. Frequent urination in this pathology occurs with increased physical exertion, as well as during shaking on the road. Sometimes stones block the entrance to the urethra or ureter, creating additional discomfort. At the same time, urination stops, although complete emptying does not occur.
Women's diseases
All organs and systems in the human body are closely interconnected. That is why even gynecological diseases sometimes become the causes of frequent urination in women.

So, regular toilet urges are observed when:
- Uterine fibroids. This pathology is a benign tumor that, when enlarged, produces pressure on the bladder. There is a feeling of discomfort. It also leads to frequent urination in women without pain. This disease does not show any other symptoms in its initial stages. That is why, if you change the frequency of going to the toilet, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Omission of the uterus. Timely detection of this pathology is difficult due to the lack of characteristic symptoms. Help in diagnosing the disease at its earlystage will allow frequent urination. It will certainly focus the attention of doctors on the existing problem and will allow timely treatment to begin without resorting to surgical intervention.
What other pathologies can cause frequent urination in women without pain? Often frequent trips to the toilet are symptoms of diabetes:
- Sugar. This pathology is caused by disorders of glucose metabolism. The main symptom of diabetes is intense thirst. As a result, frequent urination occurs.
- Non-sugar. This disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance. This causes the body's inability to retain water.
Changes in hormonal levels
Sometimes frequent urination is normal. This happens during a period of hormonal changes in women, which occurs during pregnancy and menopause.
So, in the first trimester of expectation of a child, increased urination is caused by increased blood supply to the uterus. This process certainly captures the bladder located next to it. In the second trimester, the number of trips to the toilet decreases. After all, the woman's body has already adapted to the new state. The third trimester is characterized by the process of active growth of the uterus. She begins to physically put pressure on the bladder. At the same time, the number of urges for a woman increases.
Frequent urination during menopause is associated with the influence of hormonal changes on the functioning of body systems. A sharp drop in estrogen levels leads toweakening the elasticity of all muscles of the body, including the urethra.
Normal option
Often, a change in the water regime leads to increased urine production. The more fluid a woman drinks, the more often she will need to go to the toilet.

And that's quite normal. Coffee, fruit drinks and compotes have a significant diuretic effect. Even small doses of alcohol can increase the desire to defecate. It is worth noting that such trips to the toilet will be considered a normal option only if they are not accompanied by pain.
Treatment for women
In cases where frequent urination needs correction, not being a variant of the norm, the doctor prescribes a course of drug therapy. Its main goal will be to eliminate the underlying disease that caused the pathology.
Antibiotics are usually prescribed to get rid of a bacterial infection. Together with them, it is recommended to take probiotics and antifungal agents. In the event that a woman has an allergy, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, which the patient must take simultaneously with the course of the main therapy.

The problem associated with the presence of kidney stones is eliminated with the help of specific drugs that change the acidity of urine. As a rule, such preparations contain either s alts or plant extracts.
If the cause of frequent urination is the specifics of the water regime ordiet, then you should not change anything. The exception in this case may only apply to the intake of alcoholic beverages, which should be avoided.
Frequent urges that occur during menopause are eliminated on their own during proper hormone therapy. Frequent urination during pregnancy is not subject to medical correction.
Causes of pathology in men
Sometimes an increase in the number of trips to the toilet "in a small way" is also observed among representatives of the strong half of humanity. All causes of frequent urination in men are conditionally divided into two categories - physiological, as well as pathological. The first of these include changes in diet and an increase in fluid intake. So, the average daily diuresis increases with the use of raw fruits and non-starchy vegetables. Strong diuretic properties are also shown by alcohol and coffee. Men also experience frequent urination after drinking their favorite beer.
With an increase in the number of trips to the toilet related to nutrition, only a diet correction will be needed. Normal urination is restored within a day.
Increased urination in men can be caused by an inflammatory pathology. Prostate disease most often occurs due to a bacterial infection and can develop even at a relatively young age. If timely treatment is not carried out, frequent urination can torment a man for quite some time.

Besidesthis patient is disturbed by one more symptom. It consists in frequent, but at the same time in unproductive urges. During the separation of urine, the man experiences cramps or other uncomfortable sensations.
Prostate adenoma
This pathology also causes frequent urination in men. Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor. With its increase in size, pressure is exerted on the urethra. The man often goes to the toilet. However, despite this, the bladder is not completely emptied. The patient pushes hard, but the jet nevertheless appears intermittent and sluggish. There is such frequent urination without pain. At the same time, men have another rather unpleasant symptom. Patients often complain of urinary incontinence, which is especially common at night.
Older men suffer from prostate adenoma. It is practically unfamiliar to young people.
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Frequent trips to the toilet in men, as well as in women, can be explained by such pathologies as urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Increases urge frequency and urolithiasis.

Cause abnormalities and urogenital infections. Among them are chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea and others. Features of the anatomical structure of the male body lead to the fact that such infectious diseases cause inflammation of the urethra. This causes frequent urination, accompanied by cramps.
Treatment for men
Accelerated Therapyurination will lead to the elimination of an unpleasant phenomenon only if it is caused by one of the diseases described above. If the frequency of going to the toilet is not a deviation from the norm, then you will need to make changes in the diet, completely abandon diuretic drugs and alcoholic beverages.
In the treatment of pathologies, one of the symptoms of which is frequent urination, doctors use such groups of medications as:
- Diuretic. Most often they are made on the basis of medicinal plants that gently increase diuresis. This action helps to remove bacterial toxins or stones from the body.
- Changing the pH of urine in one direction or another. Such drugs are designed to destroy crystals and stones in order to free the body from them in a natural way.
- Antibiotics. Similar drugs are prescribed by a doctor for urogenital infections.
- Antiprotozoal drugs. They are used in the treatment of diseases caused by certain protozoa, such as ureaplasma or chlamydia.
- Uroantiseptics. These are bactericidal drugs that affect the pathological microorganisms that live in the urinary system.
- Antiviral agents. They are effective for viral infections that cause frequent urination.
- Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers. Such drugs are used when prescribing a complex course of therapy for adenoma and prostatitis.
Pathologies of urination in children
If the child began to run to the toilet often, then immediatelyParents should not panic. Sometimes this is only a sign that their son or daughter drank a lot of liquid or ate watermelon, melon or juicy berries. However, if such a phenomenon continues for a long period, then attention should be paid to it. After all, sometimes it is a sign of the onset of a serious illness.

Frequent urination in children may be due to the following:
- excess fluid intake;
- diabetes;
- taking any diuretic drugs;
- infectious pathology of the urinary system (urethritis, cystitis, nephritis);
- development of respiratory diseases caused by viruses;
- neuroses and stress conditions.
However, frequent trips to the toilet alone are clearly not enough to suggest the presence of an ailment in a child. Parents should watch their child for a while. If any pathology has become the cause of the problem, then the child can be observed:
- Pain while urinating. Older kids will complain about it themselves, and babies will grunt, wince, and sometimes even cry.
- False calls. With such sensations, the child will visit the toilet at short intervals, and there will be practically no urine. This symptom is a clear sign of cystitis.
- Pain in the lumbar region or in the abdomen. Older children will point out this symptom themselves, while younger children will wince, cry and knock their feet. In cases where lower back pain is accompanied by increasedtemperature, a kidney disorder may be suspected.
- Appearance of edema and bags under the eyes. Similar symptoms will indicate failures in the outflow of fluid from the body. This symptom occurs with the development of pyelonephritis.
- Turbidity or blood appears in the urine. A similar symptom indicates problems with filtration in the kidneys, which indicates the development of glomerulonephritis.
Treatment in children
Frequent urination, which is a symptom of a serious pathology, requires the use of proven methods. Most ailments, in addition to cystitis and urethritis, will require inpatient treatment. Only in this case, the patient will be fully examined, which will allow him to prescribe effective therapy. The course of treatment must exactly correspond to the diagnosis, which will allow to influence the main cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.
As a rule, drug therapy is carried out with the appointment of anticholinergic drugs. However, in addition to them, the doctor may choose other means, such as:
- Uroseptics. These drugs are prescribed in the presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary ducts.
- Insulin. It is necessary for diabetes.
- Hormones and cystostatics. Their doctor writes out in case of development of glomerolonephritis.
- Sedatives. They are needed if the child has a neurosis.
- Physiotherapy together with nootropic drugs is prescribed for lazy bladder syndrome.
- Antibiotics. Their reception is necessary to get rid of infectious inflammation. In this case, children are prescribed only sparing antibiotics,which will minimize the negative effect of their use.
Parents should remember that the child must complete the course of therapy. This is despite the fact that his condition may improve even before the end of medication.