Analogue of "Jess". List of birth control pills

Analogue of "Jess". List of birth control pills
Analogue of "Jess". List of birth control pills

Contraceptive pills are widely used in gynecology. The most popular hormonal drug among women is Jess. It is a contraceptive with antiandrogenic properties. In this article, we will consider its properties in detail, and find out which is the best analogue of "Jess". But first, let's look at what hormonal pills are.

List of birth control pills

There are two types of birth control pills:

1. Combined, which usually contain two synthetic analogues of female sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen. They are divided into several groups:

  • Microdosed. For young and women who have not yet given birth. These are the hormones Zoeli, Jess, Dimia, Minisiston, Logest, Mercilon and so on.
  • Low-dose. For women who have given birth. These are contraceptives: Yarina, Midiana, Femoden, Jeannine, Silhouette, Regulon and so on.
  • High-dose. For the treatment of hormonal diseases and disorders. These are contraceptives: "Tri-regol", "Trisiston", "Trikvilar", "Ovidan" and so on.
  • analogue jess
    analogue jess

2. Gestagennye. They contain only synthetic progestogen. They are intended for nursing mothers and women in late reproductive age. The tablets are referred to: "Microlut", "Charozetta", "Exluton".

jess or dimia
jess or dimia

Next, let's take a closer look at such a contraceptive as "Jess" and its analogues.

Composition of the drug "Jess"

Composed of drospirenone (3mg) and ethinylestpadiol (20mcg). Other excipients: lactose monohydrate, iron, corn starch, magnesium oxide stearate, titanium dioxide, talc, hypromellose. Jess tablets are film-coated. It contains a small amount of estrogens and histogens of a new generation. In the package you can find 28 tablets, 24 of which are active, and the remaining four are placebo. The drug has a cosmetic effect.

Use and action of hormonal medication

Assign women as an effective means of contraception. Active and auxiliary components inhibit the process of ovulation, change the properties of cervical secretion and reduce sperm permeability. Drospirenone has a positive effect on reducing swelling, preventing weight gain. The drug "Jess" normalizes the duration, regularity of the menstrual cycle, prevents the appearance of symptoms of anemia. Reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms (uterine and ovarian cancer). Well tolerated.


list of birth control pills
list of birth control pills

Firstly, if before taking this remedyyou have not been prescribed any other hormonal drug, then take the first pill on the first day of menstruation. It is allowed to use it on the second and third days, but to fully ensure the contraceptive effect, you must also use some kind of barrier method.

Secondly, if you have recently taken other contraceptive pills, analogues of Jess, used a hormonal patch or vaginal ring, then start using the first pill the very next day after you stop taking another contraceptive or remove funds. Tablets are taken daily, preferably at the same time. Reception is ongoing. If you missed the next pill, then what to do in this case is described in the instructions. Be sure to check it out.

Contraindications, side effects

The drug is contraindicated for women with thrombosis and thromboembolism, smokers and older than thirty years. Also, reception is not possible if available:

  • violation and pathology of cerebral circulation;
  • pathology of the heart vessels;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • migraine;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • jess tablets
    jess tablets


  • pregnancy;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • lactation period.

After taking the drug, side effects are possible:

  • menstrual irregularities (usually at the start of taking pills);
  • appearance of spotting spotting;
  • changing the duration of PMS;
  • unmotivatedmood swing;
  • depression;
  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Pills must be prescribed under medical supervision.


The following analogues of the hormonal drug "Jess" are distinguished by the active substance:

  • "Dimia";
  • Yarina;
  • "Dailla";
  • "Midian".

They contain the same doses of hormones. The advantage of the considered hormonal agent is that it has an antiandrogenic effect. Reduces the effect of andrones (male sex hormones). Unlike others, does not retain water in the body.

What is the best analogue of "Jess"? Choose yourself. Read the instructions for using the drugs. Be sure to consult a gynecologist on this issue.

Now a little more about analogues that are in demand among women.

Contraceptive "Dimia" - analogue of "Jess"

Tablets of this hormonal drug are biconvex with G73 marking, which is applied by embossing.

So, the drug "Dimia" is an analogue of "Jess", and quite good. The active ingredient is the same. Take 28 days, wash down the tablets with a small amount of boiled water. Take according to the instructions on the blister pack.

dimia analogue jess
dimia analogue jess

Various adverse reactions reported from:

  • circulatory system (anemia);
  • metabolism (increased appetite, weight loss, anorexia,hyperkalemia, hyponatremia);
  • psychology (insomnia, depression, drowsiness, nervousness, decreased libido);
  • organ of vision (conjunctivitis, blurred vision, dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes);
  • GI tract (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea);
  • heart (tachycardia);
  • reproductive system (vaginal candidiasis, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, heavy bleeding or, conversely, scanty, pelvic pain, ovarian cyst, endometrial atrophy, uterine enlargement, painful intercourse);
  • mammary glands (cyst formation, gland enlargement, cancer and hyperplasia).

So which drug is better: pills "Jess" or "Dimia"? Worth thinking about. Firstly, Jess is the most effective low-dose oral contraceptive drug. Pearl index less than one. And secondly, Dimia tablets are an analogue of the first drug.

Hormonal remedy "Yarina"

This is also an analogue of "Jess". Take orally one tablet for 21 days. Reception of the next package begins after a week break, during which menstruation comes. Menstruation begins on the second day after taking the last tablet "Yarina", which are in a blister calendar package.

contraceptive pills analogues jess
contraceptive pills analogues jess

Often side reactions to the hormonal remedy "Yarina" are: nausea and pain in the mammary glands. Less manifested - venous and arterial thromboembolism.

Possible side effects:

  • nervous system (migraine, dropmood);
  • of the reproductive system (bleeding of unspecified origin from the genital tract);
  • mammary glands (hypertrophy, chest pain).

Dermatological reactions (rash, urticaria) may occur.

So, you have read the most popular birth control pills. When purchasing any hormonal remedy, be sure to consult a specialist.
