Cervical cyst: symptoms and treatment

Cervical cyst: symptoms and treatment
Cervical cyst: symptoms and treatment

Cervical cyst is a formation formed from dilated and closed glands with contents in the form of accumulated secretory fluid.

cervical cyst
cervical cyst

The initial prerequisite is the process of inflammation of the vaginal region or cervical canal, as a result of which the excretory ducts of the glands suffer. They begin to clog, and the production of mucus, which is characteristic of the normal functioning of the glands, stops. It is easy to guess that blockage of the ducts leads to an increase in its volume. In some cases, the neoplasm is also visible during a visual examination by a gynecologist, in other cases, a colposcopic examination and a comprehensive ultrasound of the pelvic organs are performed.

Cervical cyst is a common disease, about 10-20% of women suffer from it.

Anatomical and physiological features

The shape of the cervix is cylindrical. In the central part of the cylinder is the entrance to the cervical canal. From the inside, it is represented by a single-layer epithelium, in which there is a significantthe number of glands that produce a special secretory fluid. Outside, the cervix consists of stratified squamous epithelium, in which glands are absent. The entrance to the cervical canal is adjacent to a special zone of confluence of these two epithelial species. It is this specific zone that is the main localization site for various pathological degenerations, including precancerous and cancerous conditions.

cervical cyst treatment
cervical cyst treatment

What are the causes of cysts on the cervix? Let's figure it out together.


Inflammatory processes are, basically, a key prerequisite for the development of pathology. At the same time, the inflammatory processes themselves are mainly the result of infectious diseases, traumatic tissue damage due to artificial abortions, childbirth, as well as the careless introduction of intrauterine contraceptives and instrumental gynecological examinations.

Multiple cysts of the cervix are called "naboth cysts". From the point of view of a potential threat to the development of oncology, they do not pose a danger. Also, they do not have any effect in terms of the development of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman and do not cause cystic formations in the ovaries.

Course of illness

This formation often has a passive-latent course and does not affect either the nature of the menstrual cycle or the course of the pregnancy.

The only thing worth noting is that such cysts of the endocervix on the cervixcan become, so to speak, a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, and this, in turn, often carries a threat of the development of recurrent inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs - in the ovaries, in the fallopian tubes, on the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, etc. The result can be infertility and the threat of an ectopic pregnancy.

cervical cyst symptoms
cervical cyst symptoms

Varieties of cystic forms

There are two types of cystic masses: single and multiple cysts. We noted above that multiple cysts of the cervix are called "naboth cysts". They are a consequence of ectopia, which is a process of blockage of the excretory ducts. Inside is a thin capsule, which is a place of accumulation of thick mucous secretions.

Endometrioid forms of uterine cysts are cysts with a characteristic bluish color, with foci of bleeding. They tend to increase in size shortly before the start of the next menstruation. These forms of cysts occur after endometriotic tissue has moved to a surface that has been previously traumatized. Inside, such forms of cysts are represented by hemorrhagic contents.

Cyst and pregnancy

Cysts with a diameter of more than 10 mm in some cases can have a compressive effect on the area of the cervical canal, which is a threat of a mechanical factor of infertility, albeit not the main one.

A single cyst or multiple formations of this type do not pose a threat to pregnancy and do not affect the delivery process. Treatmentcysts are carried out only after childbirth and only after the complete cessation of postpartum discharge. This usually happens an average of 7-8 weeks after delivery. It is important to note that cystic formations of the cervix are a contraindication to the introduction of intrauterine contraceptives.

What are the symptoms of a cervical cyst?

cervical cyst symptoms and treatment
cervical cyst symptoms and treatment

Possible symptoms

Symptoms of cystic formations are mild, while menstrual irregularities and intermenstrual spotting are usually absent. However, some women who are faced with this problem note that menstruation becomes longer, and the volume of blood secretions also increases. Sometimes there is pain during intercourse.

Diagnostic methods

Given the above features of mild symptoms, the cyst is most often detected during a visual gynecological examination, sometimes it can only be seen on ultrasound or during a colposcopic examination.

Diagnostic examination methods are aimed not so much at the dynamics of monitoring cystic formations, but rather at identifying infectious processes in the cervix, cervical canal and in the vaginal environment. If signs of an inflammatory process are found in the smear, a bacterioscopic examination of the smear is recommended.

Cervical cyst treatment

Above, we have repeatedly mentioned that the presence of cystic formations on the cervix in itselfdoes not pose a danger to he alth and, moreover, does not pose any threat to life and does not affect the general condition of the body. Some gynecologists tend to consider the presence of a cyst as a variant of the norm and do not consider it necessary to prescribe any treatment at all.

cysts on the cervix causes
cysts on the cervix causes

Another part of gynecologists still considers a cyst as a source of a potential threat of complications, in particular, it can become a source of suppuration. That is why it is recommended to remove it surgically.


Surgical removal is not indicated for everyone and not always, but only in cases where minimally traumatic methods can be dispensed with. Above, we talked about possible symptoms. Treatment of cervical cysts with different methods will be discussed later.

In case there is a purulent-inflammatory process of the cyst, a puncture is performed with the extraction of purulent contents, followed by a course of antibiotic therapy. The process of extracting purulent contents is not a one-time procedure. It is carried out during the entire menstrual cycle, except for the days of the menstruation itself and three days before it begins. This restriction is due to preventing the risk of developing endometriosis (tissue growth) of the cervix.

Treatment of cystic mass

Radio wave method. The method of treatment of cervical cysts with radio waves is carried out on the apparatus "Surgitron". The procedure is completely non-traumatic and is perfect for women who have not yet given birth. Treatment does not require hospitalizationis performed on an outpatient basis and the patient can go home immediately after it

With the help of radio wave surgery, excision of soft tissue is performed, as well as their further coagulation. A special electrode is brought to the soft tissues with the help of high-frequency radio waves. In simple terms, heat is supplied. Thus, an incision is made in the tissues and the process of evaporation of the rejected cystic formation is ensured.

folk treatment of cervical cysts
folk treatment of cervical cysts

Cryotherapy. The practice of cauterizing cysts with liquid nitrogen is also widespread. This procedure is called cryotherapy

It is the cryotherapy method that is the most gentle, because it leaves no scarring on the neck.

Laser method for removing a cyst on the cervix. Yet the most common is this method of therapy

The disadvantage of it can be called soreness, albeit quite insignificant. Nevertheless, it is he who is the most effective, since it provides not only the process of cauterization of blood vessels, but also helps to effectively stop bleeding.

Laser therapy is indicated for nulliparous women, since the risk of complications after it is the lowest of all existing ones.

One can also note the method of diathermocoagulation, which involves the removal of cystic formations using high-frequency currents. But this method is outdated. Rough scars remain after it, the removal sites may even bleed for some time. In addition, it requires the use of general anesthesia and is quitepainful procedure. Its use may be justified in malignant neoplasms

In modern medical practice, cysts are treated on an outpatient basis, no hospitalization is required. The procedure is short, and patients are sent home immediately after the procedure.

The only thing worth noting is that for several days after cauterization there may be slight cutting pains in the lower abdomen. After 10 days after cauterization, healing suppositories are prescribed, for example, Depanthenol.

A scheduled follow-up visit to the gynecologist is shown in a month.

For two weeks after the operation, there is a restriction on sexual activity, taking hot water procedures, and it is also desirable to exclude intense physical activity.

Cervical cyst removal does not affect the menstrual cycle and causes absolutely no hormonal changes and disorders in the body.

removal of a cyst on the cervix
removal of a cyst on the cervix


Before starting treatment, it is imperative to take a smear for flora and analyze for latent infections, and if an elevated level of leukocytes is found in the smear, as well as the presence of mycoplasma, ureoplasma and candida, they are pre-treated if necessary. This is done to ensure that the healing process after surgery goes smoothly. Otherwise, the disturbed microflora will not contribute to the regeneration process.

Cysts, as we noted above, may be recurrent. In thatcase, the use of homeopathic medicines and physiotherapeutic methods is recommended.

The presence of a cervical cyst does not require a review of lifestyle, reduced physical activity or any restrictions in terms of sexual intercourse, water procedures, warming procedures, etc.

Folk treatment of cervical cysts

What drugs are used to treat a cyst?

This is:

  • Canadian goldenseal - effective in cases where, due to stagnation of the secretion, inflammation began to spread through the cervical canal. Use it in the form of douches. One tablespoon is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, cooled and inserted into the vagina. The procedure can be repeated for a week.
  • Burdock juice - leaves need to be crushed. The resulting slurry is squeezed out, the juice is taken orally 1 tsp. three times a day.
  • Upland uterus and red brush - often used in the treatment of female diseases.
  • Herbs - a large number of plants have medicinal properties. Many of them are successfully used in the field of gynecology.

Folk remedies for cervical cysts can be very effective.
