The Serbsky Institute of Psychiatry is located in Moscow, and it was founded back in 1921. There is a scientific laboratory here, the most complex forensic psychiatric examinations are carried out, comprehensive assistance is provided to children and adults with psychosomatic and mental disorders. In this center, specialists successfully treat gambling addiction, alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction. The most famous psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, psychologists work in the Serbsky institution. The institute is located at 23 Kropotkinsky Lane. Let's take a closer look at what consultations and services are offered here.

Help from psychiatrists and psychologists
Specialists in these areas consult and treat people who have appropriate indications for such therapy. The main reasons for visiting doctors of this profile: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, phobias, causeless anxiety,organic diseases of the central nervous system, senile dementia, nightmares, asthenia, neurosis, conflict, VVD and many others.
Narcology department
The Serbsky Institute is an institution with a we alth of experience in the treatment of such ailments as alcoholism and drug addiction. Patients can apply here for help and not worry about the consequences - confidentiality is guaranteed. And the quality of therapy is based on the latest inventions in this area, it fully complies with European standards. Here, people are comprehensively examined, both mental disorders and somatic complications are revealed. The Serbsky Institute has a special department where professionals with the help of drugs quickly and without consequences for the body stop withdrawal disorders. They also stabilize the emotional state of the patient, suppress the attraction to addictions.

Forensic Psychiatric Examinations
The Serbsky Institute conducts paid both full-time and part-time (including post-mortem) forensic psychiatric examinations on cases of citizens. The grounds for the implementation of such a procedure within the walls of this institution are: the decisions of the judge, the investigator, the person who makes the inquiry, the appointment of the court. Prices for the procedure range from 16 to 24 thousand rubles (depending on its form).
Helping children and teenagers
The Serbsky Institute is a center where specialists will always provide all possible comprehensive assistance to both young children and adolescents. At every age they canproblems that only a professional can solve. A psychiatrist regularly sees and treats people who need his help. If, for example, your child has difficulties in the team, difficulties in adapting to a new place, poor sleep, unreasonable tearfulness, and the like, hurry to contact the Serbsky Institute - they will listen to you and help you. The center also treats enuresis, tics, prolonged depression, and neuroses.

Remove gambling addiction
Sometimes it happens that due to excessive passion for sweepstakes, lotteries, slot machines, people become dangerous for society in general and for their families in particular. Relatives begin to sound the alarm and sometimes go to extremes. The Serbsky Institute will quickly deal with such a problem and change the patient's life for the better. There is a whole program of examination and therapy in this case. It includes: diagnosing an illness, determining the causes of disorders (psychological, biological, social), testing, holding a consultation to agree on treatment tactics, an integrated approach.
The Serbsky Institute can be proud of its laboratory, which has the most modern enzyme immunoassay, biochemical, hematological analyzers, equipment from Switzerland, the USA, Japan.
Here you can take all kinds of tests, calculate the indicators of lipid, carbohydrate, mineral metabolism. Hormonal studies provide an opportunity to fully assess how the thyroid gland works,adrenal glands, what is the level of insulin release and much more.
If we talk about functional diagnostics carried out at this institute, then here you will be completely scanned the vessels of the head, neck, limbs, they will do encephalography, rheoencephalography, ultrasound and much more.

A lot of people involved in certain crimes were examined in this center. Specialists always gave a correct assessment of their condition and prescribed treatment. Many "high-profile" cases are also connected with this institution. For example, the well-known story of the mass poisoning of schoolchildren in Chechnya. So, it was in this institution that the experts found out the true cause of the incident and contributed to solving the problem. For such a long history of its existence, the Serbsky Institute has accumulated vast practical experience, thanks to which today it is considered one of the best medical institutions in the country.