Most of us are somehow connected with water bodies, especially in the summer in the heat or during holidays (boating, fishing, seaside vacations). But such a vacation sometimes brings not only joy, but, unfortunately, grief. The cause of the tragedy in this case is most often drowning. Death occurs when water enters the lungs, causing them to swell. The whole body suffers from lack of oxygen. And if first aid is not provided to drowning people in time, then the heart stops and the brain dies.

There are several types of drowning:
- Primary.
- Asphyctic.
- Secondary.
The cause of primary drowning is usually the ingress of water into the lungs, such cases are more than 70%. The face and neck of a drowning person become bluish in color. As a rule, pinkish foam is released from the nose and mouth: this is plasma that foams when it enters the glottis, thereby causing pulmonary edema. There is a strong cough. Assistance to a drowning person at the initial stage is that when vomiting occurs, do notallow suffocation. Then feel the pulse and examine the pupils. Next, you need to put the victim so that the head is below the pelvis and release the oral cavity with two fingers. After that, press as far as possible on the root of the tongue and cause a gag reflex. If vomiting followed, then, as soon as possible, empty the lungs and stomach of the liquid. To do this, press on the root of the tongue for 5-10 minutes and at the same time pat on the back. After completing the procedure, lay the person on their side.

If vomiting and coughing do not appear, then first aid to a drowning person should begin with the fact that the victim must immediately be transferred to his back and, as soon as possible, begin to massage the heart, alternating with mouth-to-mouth breathing. Resuscitation usually begins with a precordial beat. The victim is laid on any surface and a short strong blow is applied to the region of the lower third of the sternum (it is necessary to remember the ratio of age and body weight). After that, immediately check the pulse on the carotid artery. Sometimes, one blow is enough to "start" the heart. If the precordial strike did not bring the desired result, it is necessary to start resuscitation in full. You need to kneel to the left of the victim and put both palms on the lower part of the sternum, but not more than 1.5-2 cm to the left of the midline. Then, with short pushes and with a frequency of 60-80 beats per minute, press on the sternum. It is necessary to ensure that it moves inwards by 3-5 cm in adults, in adolescents by 2-3 cm, in infantsby 1 cm. A child under 1 year of age should do such a heart massage with one thumb. It must be combined with artificial respiration. When first aid is provided to drowning non-specialists, it is often forgotten that after two “blowings” of air in a row, 15 heartbeats must be made. This procedure is carried out for 30-40 minutes, even if there are no signs of improvement. After the appearance of a pulse and breathing, the victim is turned over on his stomach.
Asphyctic drowning occurs in only 10-30% of cases. This happens when the victim is physically unable to resist drowning (alcohol intoxication, a strong blow to the water). Due to an irritant effect, for example from cold water, a spasm of the glottis occurs. Death occurs due to hypoxia, i.e., from oxygen starvation. Such drowning is also called dry. First aid for drowning people in this case comes down to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is believed that in ice water the victim has more opportunities to escape than in warm water. This is due to the fact that in the cold, the temperature of the body drops sharply, so the victim almost stops metabolism, and due to this, the margin of time for rescue increases.

Secondary drowning occurs as a result of cardiac arrest when the victim enters cold water. There is a reaction to the ingress of water into the cavity of the middle ear, provided that the eardrum is damaged, or into the respiratory tract. With secondary drowning, pulmonary edema does not occur, but a spasm occursperipheral vessels. External signs are pale skin and dilated pupils. Breathing will be rapid, and after a long stay under water, it will be rare. When sea water is ingested, pulmonary edema, tachycardia or extrasystole quickly occurs. First aid for drowning people in this case consists in measures to resuscitate the pulse and breathing.
Don't forget! First aid for drowning people can save their lives. The main thing is to understand the reason from the very beginning and not to panic. Resuscitate for at least 40 minutes if possible, even if there is no improvement.