Retinol cream in pharmacy: review, description, specifications and reviews

Retinol cream in pharmacy: review, description, specifications and reviews
Retinol cream in pharmacy: review, description, specifications and reviews

Among the variety of modern cosmetic products for facial skin rejuvenation, products based on retinol, better known as vitamin A, stand out. It is not difficult to buy a similar cream with retinol in a pharmacy or in a store today, but how to choose the right one and how to use it in the future to do no harm, but to get the most benefit?

The principle of action of retinol

Before you make a long-awaited purchase and start home anti-aging procedures, you should learn more about the principle of vitamin A. In addition to normal nutrition and saturation, it slows down age-related changes. The effect of rejuvenation is achieved through:

  • Antioxidant properties of retinol.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen fibers, as well as elastin.
retinol cream in pharmacy
retinol cream in pharmacy

Useful information about the composition of creams

When choosing a cream with retinol in a pharmacy, pay attention to the concentration of componentsin him. It is believed that the content of 0.3 to 10 percent of vitamin A is normal, more present in lotions and serums. It is also extremely important that the product contains special components - conductors that contribute to the transfer of retinol to the deep layers of the dermis through the pores (for example, AHA acids).

Can a face cream with retinol also contain ascorbic acid? Retinol in the cream does not get along with vitamin C, so this combination is obviously a deceptive advertising ploy by negligent manufacturers.

face cream with retinol in pharmacy
face cream with retinol in pharmacy


When purchasing a cream with retinol in a pharmacy, be sure to read the instructions for it, in particular the contraindications section. Please note that such funds are strictly prohibited to use when:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the product (in particular, vitamin A).
  • Feeding your baby with breast milk.
  • Oncology.
  • Severe course of any disease.
  • Inflammation of the skin at the intended treatment site.
  • Herpes.
  • Using a vitamin in any other form.

Before using the cream, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the composition is applied to the most delicate skin located at the bend of the elbow. It is not washed off during the day to control a possible reaction. Such a check is especially relevant for people with dry, sensitive skin.and thin skin.

retinol cream in pharmacy price
retinol cream in pharmacy price

Scheme of use

It is very important to use retinol correctly. Cream (instructions for the use of such compositions in most cases is universal) is applied only during the period with the least solar activity, that is, in late autumn and in winter. This is the basic rule.

The fact is that retinol creams increase photosensitivity, after their use, pigmentation processes in the skin may be disturbed. To avoid these side effects, use sunscreen before going out and wear brimmed hats to create shade on your face.

Compositions are not applied to the entire face, they are used for spot treatment of problem areas of the skin. Unless otherwise provided by the instructions, the cream is used once a day, in the evening, before going to bed. Due to the high concentration, accustom the skin to retinol should be gradual. During the first week, funds are used twice, then 4 times, and only after a month it would be reasonable to use them on a regular basis.

retinol face cream retinol cream
retinol face cream retinol cream

For dry skin, the cream should not be used all the time, it will be enough to apply it twice a week. Before applying the skin, it is recommended to additionally moisturize by sprinkling with thermal water. In case of increased skin sensitivity, dilution of the cream with retinol with ordinary children's in a ratio of 1: 1 is allowed.

Besides followinginstructions for use of the product, it is necessary to store it correctly. To do this, all tubes and containers are placed in a dark place with a moderate or low temperature. Please note that the compositions must be in containers with dark walls that do not let in sunlight.

list of retinol creams
list of retinol creams

Popular products from the store and pharmacy

You can buy drugs with vitamin A not only in a pharmacy. Many major cosmetic companies produce such drugs. The popular list of retinol creams may well include the following products:

  • "Enyu" from "Avon". The product promotes the synthesis of new cells, eliminates lethargy and improves skin elasticity. Differs from analogues at an affordable price. It costs about 500 rubles.
  • "Ultra-lifting" from "Garnier". Helps to smooth fine wrinkles and reduce the depth of large folds. It is also used to improve skin tone, as a prevention of ptosis. This cream is recommended for ladies over 40 years old, and its distinctive qualities are a pleasant aroma and a light texture that promotes rapid absorption. The cost is about 600 rubles.

Pharmacy products:

  • "Liftactiv Retinol" from Vichy. Popular pharmaceutical product, characterized by high efficiency. In addition to vitamin A, it contains hyaluronic acid and thermal water. Provides deep hydration, fights wrinkles, age-related and active facial expressions.
  • Redermic R by La Roche-Posay. Highly efficient, noirritates the skin, has a pleasant light texture.
  • Eluage by Avéne. An excellent product for sensitive skin based on retinol dehyde, improves skin elasticity. The range of products includes an emulsion and a cream (for different skin types). Kinetinol by Martiderm. In addition to retinol, the composition includes kinetin, macadamia oil, shea butter, jojoba, vitamin E and a regenerating complex. It has a regenerating and nourishing effect.

Prices for pharmacy products are about 2000 rubles.

retinol cream instructions for use
retinol cream instructions for use

Homemade recipe

Don't want to buy retinol cream at the pharmacy? Try to cook it yourself. There are many recipes for the remedy, the simplest of which is given below. First, prepare the basic components in the following proportions:

  • Orange wax - 5 grams.
  • Castor oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Jojoba oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vitamin A (oil) - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Vitamin E (oil) - 2 tbsp. spoons.

First you need to melt the wax over low heat to a liquid state, then add jojoba oil to the same container, and after a few minutes, castor oil. The mixture is stirred and removed from heat almost immediately. After that, the remaining components are added to it and, without ceasing to interfere with them, they are cooled to a comfortable temperature. After the composition has become homogeneous in consistency, it can be placed in a container with dark walls (preferably made of glass), kept in a room for a day, and then used as needed and stored inrefrigerator.

If you don't have enough money to buy a good retinol cream at the pharmacy, the price of a homemade mixture will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, you will definitely be sure of the safety of the composition you have made, the absence of harmful ingredients in it or violation of the shelf life of the product.


By purchasing a face cream with retinol in a pharmacy and using it on an ongoing basis, women very soon notice a decrease in the depth of wrinkles, an increase in overall skin tone and an improvement in its condition. Positive changes after the course of using the product are also expressed in the normalization of the color and structure of the face, minimizing flabbiness, and eliminating age spots. However, in some women, such creams cause allergies.

Products with vitamin A are also suitable for young skin. Reviews indicate that they are effective in combating small pimples and inflammatory foci, as well as in reducing scars and scars after acne has disappeared.
