Phimosis 1 degree: symptoms and treatment

Phimosis 1 degree: symptoms and treatment
Phimosis 1 degree: symptoms and treatment

Phimosis of the 1st degree does not pose a threat to life, but its presence makes significant adjustments to a man's lifestyle, affecting its quality, and most importantly, it significantly affects the intimate sphere.

In the initial stages of pathology, extremely unpleasant manifestations occur exclusively at the time of sexual arousal, which, of course, affects relationships with the opposite sex.

General information

Phimosis is the narrowing of the skin fold of the penis, which makes it much more difficult to move it beyond the head of the penis at the time of erection, as well as during hygiene procedures and in other situations. This disease, like most others, goes through several stages of development, the first of which is considered the easiest.

Phimosis 1 degree in medical practice means the initial form of narrowing of the foreskin. With such a pathology in a man, all the unpleasant symptoms are reduced, as a rule, only to difficulty in erection. If the penis is in a state of complete rest, then the disease may not manifest itself at all.

Features of phimosis 1 degree
Features of phimosis 1 degree

But, despite this, even phimosis of the 1st degree is capable ofprovoke the occurrence of paraphimosis - this is what is called the infringement of the head of the penis with a loop of the foreskin. This disease can lead to necrosis of the penis. And in the absence of the necessary treatment, even amputation of the reproductive organ may be required.


There is phimosis of the 1st degree in both adult men and children. True, in the latter case, the disease can go away on its own, without medical intervention. As a rule, this happens by the age of 6-7, in some situations even earlier. Doctors also call this pathology physiological.

But is it necessary to treat phimosis of the 1st degree in adult men? Such a disease in patients of this age category is exclusively pathological in nature and is not able to go away on its own. In adult patients, phimosis clearly requires mandatory medical intervention. A disease is born against the background of many different causes, and is eliminated solely through appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

In children, phimosis of the 1st degree does not manifest itself at all. But in mature men, there is a systematic occurrence of pain syndrome at the time of erection of the penis.

This phenomenon is due to the strong tension of the skin fold on the glans penis. In this case, the prepuce can be displaced beyond the foreskin, which is fraught with the appearance of the same paraphimosis. But at the initial stage of development, with some effort, a man may well help himself.

It is noteworthy that in the absence of an erection, the skinthe fold slides past the head without any problems and comes back.

Among other things, due to the appearance of pain in a patient, erectile dysfunction of psychological pathogenesis may occur. After all, every time a man, even before sexual arousal, will worry about the upcoming discomfort.

Symptoms of phimosis 1 degree
Symptoms of phimosis 1 degree

Self-elimination of paraphimosis can lead to microtrauma, which can only aggravate the course of the pathology.

For a visual definition of the disease, it is best to familiarize yourself with the photo of phimosis of the 1st degree. Knowing the visual signs of pathology will help to identify the anomaly in time and begin treatment.

Reasons for appearance

Among the likely prerequisites for the development of phimosis should be highlighted:

  • damage to the skin fold, due to which dense scar tissue has formed;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the head of the penis and prepuce of various pathogenesis;
  • hereditary predisposition, suggesting insufficient plasticity of the skin.

Most often, phimosis develops against the background of balanoposthitis and balanitis.

Often the provocative condition is the negligence of parents in relation to the hygiene of the child. After all, the smegma that accumulates in the foreskin area is a very favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment of phimosis of the 1st degree is directly related to the initial causes of the development of pathology, therefore, it is not necessary to identify them only if radical methods are planned to be used. Exactlytherefore, it is so important to go through all the stages of diagnosis recommended by a specialist - this is the only way to determine the etiology of the disease.

How to treat grade 1 phimosis

It is desirable to get rid of this disease immediately after the onset of the first symptoms. In this case, both surgical and conservative methods can be used. The final choice of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology and the symptoms that appear.

For example, in the case of active formation of dense scar tissue and the intensive course of the disease, surgery is required. But hereditary phimosis can be completely eliminated with the help of physical influence on the foreskin, especially at the initial stage of development.

Drug treatment of phimosis 1 degree
Drug treatment of phimosis 1 degree

Conservative methods

Treatment without surgery provides only one way to eliminate phimosis - stretching the skin fold manually or with the help of special medical devices. The necessary manipulations should be performed every day for approximately 20-30 minutes. In addition, the plasticity of the skin can be increased through the use of special moisturizing gels and corticosteroid ointments.

The scheme of the procedure is standard and involves several important steps. Namely:

  • Preparation. First of all, the foreskin must be treated with a weak solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. Then, after drying the skin, you should generously lubricate it with the selected external preparation. To select a medication, you need to consultwith a specialist.
  • Actual stretching. After partial absorption of the applied cream, gently lift the skin fold and gently stretch it to the sides. If pain or minimal discomfort occurs, the manipulation must be stopped. After the pain stops, the procedure can be repeated.
  • The time of exposure to the genitals, excluding preparation, should be approximately half an hour. Upon completion of the manipulations, the foreskin and skin of the penis must be treated with the solution used at the beginning of the procedure with the addition of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  • Treatment of phimosis 1 degree at home
    Treatment of phimosis 1 degree at home

Feedback about home therapy

Reviews on the treatment of phimosis of the 1st degree in this way speak of the inconvenience of this technique. Indeed, to obtain the effect, stretching sessions should be arranged daily for six months. Such activities, according to the numerous responses of men, are aggravating and take a lot of time.

Besides, not all patients have the opportunity to have such intimate procedures every day. However, the final choice still remains with the man - for many patients, the treatment of phimosis of the 1st degree at home has become an excellent solution. After all, not every patient will decide on a surgical intervention in such a sensitive place.


Elimination of penile prepuce by surgical intervention is deservedly considered the most effective method of therapy for phimosis of any degree. The operation is advisable when:

  • high chance of relapse;
  • the observed trend towards the rapid progression of pathology;
  • regular infections of the head of the reproductive organ and foreskin.

All these processes clearly provoke a deterioration in the patient's condition and indicate a high risk of paraphimosis.

Do I need surgery for phimosis 1 degree
Do I need surgery for phimosis 1 degree

For the treatment of grade 1 phimosis in adults, one of the following surgical options can be used:

  • Using a traditional scalpel. The main advantage of such an operation is its material availability. But the disadvantages include a long period of recovery of the damaged organ.
  • Removing the foreskin with a radio wave scalpel. The advantage of this technique is considered to be a slight injury to the organ and a rather short rehabilitation period. But the disadvantage is the rather high cost of such an operation.
  • Removal of a skin fold by means of a laser. The advantages of such an operation are insignificant damage to the organ, a short recovery period and a minimal risk of infection. But the disadvantage can be called, of course, the high cost of the procedure, which is clearly beyond the reach of many patients.

A contraindication to the implementation of the operation by any of the described methods is the stage of exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

How is phimosis removed?
How is phimosis removed?

Probable Consequences

In the absence of appropriate measures to get rid of phimosis of the 1st degree, the probability of a rapid progression of the pathology is extremely high. The disease moves to the next stage of development, which is characterized by a more pronounced clinical picture. A man experiences increased discomfort, which is explained by the aggravated narrowing of the skin fold. Because of this, the patient may experience:

  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • accumulation of a large amount of urethra in the area of the foreskin;
  • pain in the head of the penis even in the absence of sexual arousal;
  • difficulty urinating due to pressure on the penis.
  • Consequences of phimosis 1 degree
    Consequences of phimosis 1 degree

Such manifestations require immediate medical attention and serious treatment, including surgery or even amputation of the penis.


In fact, phimosis is in vain considered a pathology that must be hidden from others, and even more so from doctors. Such a problem can be resolved relatively painlessly if you resort to appropriate assistance at the 1st stage of the development of the disease.

Otherwise, pathology can lead to the rapid progression of the abnormal process and the appearance of life-threatening consequences for a man. Self-made attempts to get rid of the resulting narrowing of the foreskin can end very badly, so even treat phimosis 1degree should be under the constant supervision of a specialist.