The human body cannot exist normally without biologically active substances, which we call vitamins. Their role in metabolic processes is simply irreplaceable. They act as accelerators of many biochemical reactions, without which the growth and development of the body is simply impossible to imagine. According to the ability of vitamins to dissolve in water or fats, they are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. Among the water-soluble vitamins, vitamins of group C have become the most famous.
What is Vitamin C?
In nature, vitamin C is represented by ascorbic acid, as well as its derivatives: dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbigen. The first derivative is formed by the reduction of ascorbic acid with compounds containing sulfhydryl bonds. Ascorbigen is formed by adding amino acid or protein bases to ascorbic acid. All these modifications of vitamin C are highly soluble in water andhave biological activity.

It is produced mainly in plants from glucose, and most of it is represented by ascorbigen, since it is less susceptible to oxidative processes. Some animals are also able to provide themselves with this vitamin, but the human body must receive it from outside. Accordingly, the natural sources of this vitamin will be plant foods and some animal products, such as liver and kidneys, dairy products.
Dose forms
The body's needs for ascorbic acid are much greater than for other vitamins, which is about 0.1 g per day. To prevent beriberi, use drugs containing ascorbic acid in their composition. It can be multivitamin complexes or monopreparations. Single-component drugs containing vitamins of group C are available in various dosage forms. It can be a powder in sachets, which is dissolved in warm water before use. One such bag costs about 12 rubles.
There is liquid vitamin C in ampoules, which is widely used by cosmetologists for face, neck and decollete skin care. They make excellent masks from it, which reduce pigmentation, narrow pores, they contribute to the production of collagen fibers. Vitamin C is involved in the metabolic processes of skin cells, which ensures their greater saturation with oxygen. Aftersuch procedures, the skin becomes radiant.

Vitamin C in ampoules can be added to shampoo for washing hair or making masks. After regular use, the hair structure is restored, they become he althy and strong. Liquid vitamin C, the price of which for a pack of ten ampoules is 38 rubles, can be bought at specialized pharmacies. Each ampoule of this vitamin contains 2 ml of a 5% solution of ascorbic acid.
Yet the most common dosage form is vitamin C tablets. These can be 500mg chewable tablets taken after meals.
Another type of tablet is vitamin C effervescent. On the pharmaceutical market of Russia, the drug is presented by the company "Multivita" under the trade name "Multivita vitamin C 1000 mg" and "Multivita vitamin C 250 mg". As you can see, effervescent tablets come in two dosages of 250 mg and 1000 mg. The greatest demand in pharmacies is vitamin C 1000 mg. The dosage is selected based on its daily requirement in the human body. Vitamin C, the price of which is about 200 rubles, is sold in plastic tubes of 20 tablets.
What is Vitamin C for
The action of vitamin C on the body is diverse, without its participation, the work of many organs and systems is disrupted.
Vitamin C effervescent (1000 mg) has an effect on lipid metabolism, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. So, with its participation, pro-collagen and collagen molecules are synthesized, without which it cannot function normally.connective tissue. It is from the collagen substance that the ligaments of the joints, skin, tendon fibers, cartilage, dental and bone tissues are composed, it is also part of the walls of blood vessels. It allows you to quickly regenerate damaged skin and bone tissue.
Vitamin C (1000 mg) increases the production of antitoxins, which are responsible for strengthening the immune system, increases the antiaggregatory properties of blood platelets. Under the action of acetylsalicylic acid, the formation of erythrocytes and leukocytes occurs, the action of phagocytic cells is enhanced, as well as the production of special interferon proteins that have antiviral activity. In addition, such proteins do not allow cells to mutate, which prevents the development of neoplasms. With reduced immunity, the need for the body to consume more ascorbic acid increases.
Being in the cells of tissues of various organs, it actively regulates metabolic processes in them. With its participation, the level of glucose in the blood plasma decreases by converting it into glycogen, and cholesterol levels are also maintained at the desired level. Thus, vitamin C promotes the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver cells, from which bile acids are subsequently produced, improves the secretion of bile and the work of the pancreas responsible for external secretion.
In addition, Vitamin C "Multivita 1000 mg" has antioxidant properties that prevent oxidative reactions in the body by neutralizing very active charged particles. This feature prevents cell aging and the development of variousdiseases.

Due to the action of ascorbic acid, the lumen of small blood vessels changes, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, the heart muscle begins to contract more often, and the penetration of substances through the vascular walls decreases.
Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of adrenal hormones, as well as other hormones of the steroid structure, therefore, in stressful situations, the need for this vitamin increases.
In brain cells, Vitamin C Effervescent 1000 mg regulates the activity of neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses. With its participation, the tryptophan mediator is converted into serotonin, and then its hydroxylation, and the tyrosine conductor into adrenaline and dopamine mediators.
Participates in processes involving phenylalanine, norepinephrine, histamine, L-carnitine, folic acid, enhances the absorption of unbound iron from proteins. With a sufficient concentration of vitamin C, the consumption of thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, tocopherol, retinol, pantothenic acid in the body decreases.
Signs of a lack of vitamin C
As it is already known, ascorbic acid is not produced by the human body, and the reserves of this substance in the body are not formed, any excess of it is excreted by the urinary system as part of the urine. Vitamin C must be constantly supplied through food, vitamin supplements and preparations in order to maintain sufficient levels in tissues.

Lack of ascorbic acid is due to reduced intake of food into the body. There are people who have immunity to this substance. This is facilitated by endogenous factors such as malabsorption of vitamin acids due to diseases of the digestive system.
Many people simply do not understand why they start to get more tired, their productivity decreases. Such people become more sensitive to cold weather, their immunity decreases, diseases associated with hypothermia occur more often than usual, such as rhinitis, nasopharyngeal inflammation, and acute viral infections. And the solution to their problems, obviously, lies in the lack of vitamin C, which is important for the body.
Many do not know that thermally processed vegetables and fruits lose a significant part of this vitamin due to its decomposition when heated. Therefore, only fresh vegetable and fruit products can make up for the lack of this substance. You can also use vitamin C in tablets, in ampoules, in powder form.
Deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body leads to such an unpleasant disease as scurvy, which is accompanied by bleeding gums, and sometimes tooth loss, anemia, inflammation of the joints. All these symptoms are associated with impaired collagen synthesis. The fibers of this substance are contained in the vascular walls, and its deficiency leads to a thinning of the membrane of the capillaries and other conductive elements of the circulatory system. The skin can also bleed, in which it will also be observedlack of collagen.

In childhood, a lack of vitamin C is very dangerous, since insufficient production of collagen fibers leads to underdevelopment of cartilage and the skeleton as a whole. These children have rickets.
Anemia in hypovitaminosis of ascorbic acid is associated with impaired absorption of vitamin B9 and iron ions from the contents of the intestine.
Indications for use
Vitamin C effervescent is prescribed for prophylactic purposes to eliminate its lack in colds accompanied by fever, pregnant and lactating women, adolescents, people engaged in mental and physical labor, smokers and people who abuse alcohol. Persons under stress, as well as taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or hormonal agents, need to take care of replenishing vitamin C in the body.
For the treatment of lack of ascorbic acid in the body, the drug "Vitamin C effervescent" (1000 mg) is used. This remedy is prescribed for the complex treatment of asthenic conditions, bleeding, scurvy, poisoning of the body, hepatitis, long-term non-healing wounds, violations of the integrity of bone tissue, iron deficiency anemia.
Method of application and dosage
For the treatment of the above diseases, vitamin C (1000 mg) is used, instructions for using this drug are attached to the pack. It is important to know that 1000 mg is the daily therapeutic dosage. It is taken after eating. For this, the effervescent tablet must bedissolved in water with a volume of 200 ml, which is equal to one glass. Chewing or resorption is not allowed, and even more so swallowing tablets.
For prophylactic purposes of vitamin C hypovitaminosis, a lower dosage of 250 mg is used. Take these tablets once or twice a day, also dissolved in warm water.
Effervescent Tablets Benefit

Effervescent tablets have a number of advantages over other dosage forms containing vitamin C. Consumer reviews indicate the convenience of taking such a drug. This form reduces the effect of the vitamin on tooth enamel and the gastrointestinal tract. When the tablet is dissolved in water, carbon dioxide is released, which ensures maximum bioavailability of ascorbic acid in the body.
What is harmful excess of vitamin C
Vitamin C is not as safe as it seems at first glance. Instructions for use of this remedy contain information about possible side effects in case of exceeding the daily dose.
If you take vitamin C in an overdose for a long time, a state of hypervitaminosis occurs, accompanied by nausea, indigestion, bloating, heartburn, irritation of the gastric mucosa, spasmodic pain in the abdominal cavity, frequent urge to urinate, the formation of kidney stones, decreased blood glucose levels, nervousness, sleep disturbances.
Treatment for such overdoses is to relieve symptoms, excrete excess vitamin C in the urine withdiuretic drugs. Do not take the drug again and contact your doctor immediately.
When not to take vitamin C
Vitamin C is contraindicated for some people. Patient reviews of this drug indicate increased sensitivity to ascorbic acid.
Vitamin C at a dosage of 1000 mg is contraindicated in children under the age of eighteen, pregnant and lactating women. Such a dose of vitamin is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, nephrolithiasis and other kidney diseases, genetic pathologies associated with impaired synthesis of the chain of polypeptides that make up hemoglobin subunits, excessive accumulation of iron in tissues and organs. Violation of the metabolism of glycine in the body, the deposition of s alts of oxalic acid in the kidneys and other organs are the reason for the abolition of vitamin C.
Interaction with other drugs
Ascorbic acid is an active substance, so its combination with other drugs may affect the therapeutic effect of certain components of the drugs taken, or the effect of the acid itself changes.

Using Vitamin C (1000 mg per day) together with benzylpenicillin and tetracycline substances, you increase their level in blood plasma. This substance has the ability to enhance the effect of the active substances that make up the contraceptive pills, and they, in turn, reduce the flow of the vitamin into the blood.
When combined with ascorbic and acetylsalicylic acid, the process is disruptedintake of vitamin C from the intestines into the blood, and it is not absorbed, excreted by the kidneys. In turn, vitamin C reduces the excretion of aspirin in the urine.
The intake of iron-containing preparations with ascorbic acid leads to better absorption of iron ions, since the vitamin helps to restore ferric iron to ferrous. But taking deferoxamine in combination with vitamin C, on the contrary, reduces the flow of iron into the systemic circulation.
Ethyl alcohol, juice from fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinks with a high content of alkali ions reduce the absorption of the vitamin.
Undesirable is the simultaneous combination of ascorbic acid with representatives of salicylates, sulfonamides, as this leads to the excretion of s alts in the urine.
Vitamin C impairs the excretion of alkaline drugs such as alkaloids, reduces the therapeutic effect of heparins and other drugs that cause blood clotting, as well as neuroleptics and mexiletins.
The amount of vitamin C is significantly reduced as a result of taking calcium chloride, salicylic acid s alts, corticosteroids, barbiturates and primidones.
When interacting with vitamin C, the ability of chronotropic drugs such as isoprenaline, atropine to increase heart rate decreases.