Psoriasis nails: causes, symptoms and treatments

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Psoriasis nails: causes, symptoms and treatments
Psoriasis nails: causes, symptoms and treatments

Video: Psoriasis nails: causes, symptoms and treatments

Video: Psoriasis nails: causes, symptoms and treatments
Video: Putin vows to punish mercenaries as Wagner leader calls for rebellion against army – BBC News 2024, July

The term "nail psoriasis" refers to a disease characterized by damage to their plates. Pathology is non-infectious in nature. Despite this, its course not only worsens the appearance of the hands and feet of a person, but also contributes to the development of diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. In addition, most patients with psoriasis of the nails on the hands or feet have an unstable emotional background, which is due to dissatisfaction with their appearance.


The disease is autoimmune. Failure of the body's defenses leads to disruption of cell formation and fermentation of substances. As a result, the process of forming an incorrect immune response is launched. Due to this, the division and growth of immature cells of the nail plate and epidermis occurs. The body perceives them as alien aggressors and organizes the fight against them. It happensas follows: lymphocytes and leukocytes are sent in large quantities to the lesion, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process in some areas of the skin and nails.

One of the causes of the disease is also a genetic predisposition. An anomaly for years can proceed in a latent form. Its activation can occur under the influence of various adverse factors. The risk group includes people whose closest relatives suffered from an illness.

Psoriasis of the nails can occur at any age. The provoking factors are:

  • Climatic conditions. Cold and dry weather often causes the initial development of the disease, as well as the occurrence of relapses.
  • Long exposure to stress.
  • Completely untreated infectious diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, such as pharyngitis, HPV, tonsillitis. The trigger is also the presence of HIV.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin due to scratches, abrasions, cuts.
  • Taking certain medications (beta-blockers, NSAIDs, lithium-containing drugs, chloroquine, normalizing blood pressure, containing female sex hormones).
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

Thus, the main causes of nail psoriasis are: a violation of the immune system and hereditary predisposition. Under the influence of various triggering factors, the risk of developing the disease significantly increases.increasing.

According to statistics, psoriasis of the nails is most often diagnosed in males under the age of 20, as well as in the elderly.

Failure of the immune system
Failure of the immune system


The clinical picture of the disease depends on the form of the disease and its severity. The most common symptoms found in patients are:

  • Indentations on the surface of the plate of a point nature, dents and grooves.
  • The presence of a border of inflammation located along the edge of the nail.
  • Change the color of the plate. It may turn yellow, gray or brown. In addition, the affected plate is dull and brittle.
  • Involvement in the pathological process of the skin of the fingers, manifested by severe peeling.
  • Presence of characteristic psoriatic plaques on the surface of the nail. It is not uncommon to find oil stains on the plate as well.
  • The stratification of the nail, detaching it from the finger. Against the background of this process, deep holes are formed on the bed.
  • Capillaries and bruises are visible through the nail plate.
  • Formation of outgrowths and bulges, which are the result of pathological growth of connective tissue.
  • Isolation of purulent contents from under the nail with light pressure on it.
  • Itching of the skin around the plate. The symptom can be either mild or severe.

Each patient has a different intensity of symptoms.

Damage to the nail plates
Damage to the nail plates

Types of diseases

Pathology has several forms. Each of them has a certain symptomatology.

Types of disease:

  1. Thimble-like psoriasis. It is considered a classic form of the disease. Appears as dotted depressions on the surface of the plate.
  2. Onycholysis. This form of the disease is characterized by the gradual separation of the nail from the bed. In this case, inflammation does not develop, and the person does not feel any discomfort.
  3. Onychomadez. The mechanism of development of this type of pathology is similar to the previous one. The difference lies in the fact that with a similar form, the rate of spread of the pathological process is higher. Onychomadesis is extremely difficult to treat.
  4. Hemorrhages. Hemorrhages under the nail can have both red and darker shades (up to black). In the latter case, this indicates damage to large capillaries.
  5. Trachyonychia. It is characterized by a change in the surface of the nail plate. It becomes uneven and rough. In some cases, its flattening occurs, and over time, its edges are bent upwards.
  6. Psoriatic paronychia. With this type of disease, the skin around the affected nail thickens and becomes inflamed.

Each of these forms requires a specific treatment approach.

Nail psoriasis
Nail psoriasis

Development stages

Specialists divide the course of the disease into several stages. As each of them passes, the nail undergoes certain changes.

Pathology has the following stages:

  • First. It is characterized by darkening of the plate. In addition, at the initial stage of psoriasis of the nails, the formation of dotted depressions, transverse and longitudinal stripes occurs.
  • Second. At this stage, the plate thickens, its color changes. It may turn grey, yellow or brown. Often, streaks of blood are found under the nail, and purulent contents are released from under the plate.
  • Third. This stage is characterized by the separation of the nail from the skin. This process is often accompanied by the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection. The precursors to complete nail atrophy are oily patches or characteristic plaques.

Psoriasis of the nails on the hands and feet is an incurable disease. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first warning signs. Timely treatment helps to maintain the quality of life at the same level and increase the duration of the remission period.

Severe psoriasis
Severe psoriasis


If you experience alarming symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist. Only a competent specialist will be able to determine what kind of disease it is - nail psoriasis, fungus or other pathology.

Diagnosis of the disease is to examine the patient. At the first and second stages of the disease, the appointment of a blood test is impractical. This is explained by the fact that an increase in the number of leukocytes and an increase in the ESR occurs only with a severe form of the disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, a doctor may order a biopsy of cells taken frompathologically altered areas.


Psoriasis of the nails is a disease that requires an integrated therapeutic approach. All medications are selected individually, taking into account the he alth characteristics of each patient.

In the first and second stages, the treatment of psoriasis of the nails is the use of local remedies:

  1. Corticosteroids. Hormone-containing creams and ointments are the basis of the therapeutic regimen. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Prednisolone, Triamcinolone, Triacort.
  2. Containing vitamin D3. It is necessary to stop the progression of the disease. This is due to the fact that vitamin D3 contributes to the inhibition of the process of division of pathological cells. Examples of drugs: Maxacalcinol, Daivonex, Tacalcinol, Calcitrien. Such products show the greatest effectiveness in combination with ointments and creams based on betamethasone.
  3. Dermatotropic drugs. Designed to increase the duration of the remission period. In most cases, experts recommend using: Dithranol, Mikanol, Antralin.
  4. Retinoids. They are also effective against severe nail psoriasis. Examples of drugs: Tazorak, Tazaroten.
  5. Salicylic acid. The tool not only relieves discomfort, but also enhances the effect of other medications used.
  6. 5-fluorouracil solution. The affected area is treated with the drug, then an occlusive dressing is applied to it.

Also good efficiencyshow nail polishes for nail psoriasis. Currently, there are many types of such funds being sold. As a rule, doctors recommend using Clobetasol.

drug clobetasol
drug clobetasol

The duration of treatment for nail psoriasis is about 6 months. If the prescribed regimen is ineffective, the doctor draws up a new one, including the intake or intravenous administration of the following drugs:

  • "Cyclosporine". An effective remedy used for nail psoriasis of any form and severity.
  • Methotrexate. An antimetabolite that has many contraindications and side effects, and therefore is prescribed with caution.
  • "Isotretinoin", "Acitretin". Systemic retinoids for severe disease.

In addition, the treatment regimen also includes the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, antidepressants and antihistamines. For some patients, the doctor may recommend a course of physiotherapy, such as plasmapheresis.

Local treatment of psoriasis
Local treatment of psoriasis

Folk methods

The use of alternative therapies does not eliminate the need to seek qualified medical help. It is advisable to treat nail psoriasis at home at the initial stage of the development of the disease and only after consulting a doctor.

The most effective are the following recipes:

  • Chop the bay leaf. Take 20 g of the resulting powder and pour 400 ml of boiling water over it. Put the container on fire. Boil inwithin 10 minutes. After the specified time, cool the broth and place in it the limbs, the nails on which are affected by psoriasis. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. In addition, the product is allowed to be taken orally 40-50 ml three times a day.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with the same amount of cornstarch. Pour the resulting mixture with 0.5 liters of water. To stir thoroughly. From this remedy, it is necessary to make compresses on nails affected by psoriasis.
  • In equal proportions, mix the following medicinal plants (they must first be crushed): St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, calamus root, celandine and a string. Take 1 tbsp. l. collection and pour it with 200 ml of boiling water. Take the resulting infusion twice a day, 50 ml each.

Regular use of alternative medicine recipes helps to stop the progression of the disease.


Currently, nail psoriasis is considered an incurable pathology. In all patients, long periods of remission are followed by episodes of exacerbation, that is, relapses can occur throughout life.

Timely visit to the doctor improves the course of the disease and preserves the appearance of the nails. Ignoring the problem, on the contrary, leads to the appearance of pronounced cosmetic defects, against the background of which a person has an unstable emotional background and a violation of social ties. In addition, pathology significantly increases the risk of developing heart disease, oncology, and nervous disorders. In isolated cases, a serious complication may occur - Zumbush psoriasis. Diseaserequires urgent hospitalization, as it can be fatal.


To increase the duration of the remission period, you must follow certain recommendations:

  1. Keep your nails as short as possible, avoiding accumulation of dirt under the plates.
  2. Wear protective gloves when working with soil, chemicals.
  3. Choose comfortable shoes strictly according to the size (for toenail psoriasis).
  4. Avoid insert damage.
  5. During manicure, use only soft instruments that cannot cause injury.
  6. Regularly take nail baths.

Compliance with these rules significantly reduces the risk of relapse.

psoriasis treatment
psoriasis treatment

In closing

Psoriasis of the nails is a pathology, the main causes of which are heredity and malfunction of the immune system. Currently, there is no remedy that can permanently get rid of pathology. However, when the first alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will diagnose and draw up the most effective treatment regimen, against which discomfort will recede, and the nails will retain their original appearance. Ignoring the problem leads not only to their loss, but also to disturbances in the work of some internal organs. First of all, the nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer.
