Drugs for tonsillitis are selected taking into account the stage and form of the disease, the age of the patient and the presence of contraindications. To successfully cope with the disease in a short time, you need to consult a doctor and not self-medicate. Even folk remedies that can be used in the treatment of tonsillitis should be selected by a specialist, since each of them has certain side effects and limitations.
Briefly about the disease
Before you choose the means for the treatment of tonsillitis, you should find out what are the features of the disease and therapeutic measures.
Tonsillitis is an infectious pathology that can affect both one tonsil and both at once. It is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, the main symptom of the disease is a severe sore throat.
Pathology can occur in an acute or chronic form, however,both require a competent selection of funds for tonsillitis.
Basics of Therapy
Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies at home is possible, but only as an additional to the main drug therapy and after consultation with a specialist.
Usually, a specialist prescribes several groups of drugs that affect the body in a complex and allow you to get rid of the disease in a short time. These include:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. Accelerate tissue regeneration, eliminate inflammation in the throat.
- Local antibiotics. These remedies for tonsillitis act directly on the microorganisms that caused the disease.
- Painkillers. Since a sore throat is considered the main symptom of the disease, these medicines are designed to relieve discomfort.
- Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. These include penicillins and macrolides, which are effective against many pathogens and do not adversely affect the patient's body.
- Immunostimulators. Strengthen the defenses in case of illness, help fight infection.
- Combined remedies for tonsillitis. The most effective drugs, since they contain substances that allow a complex effect on the cause of the disease.
- Antiviral drugs. Their main task is to destroy the virus, under the influence of which tonsillitis developed.
All these medicines are prescribed by a specialist after examining the patient and based ontest results.
Tantum Verde
Quite often an effective remedy for chronic tonsillitis "Tantum Verde" is prescribed by an otolaryngologist. It fights bacteria and fungi, but is useless with the viral nature of the disease. "Tantum Verde" reduces pain in the throat, eliminates inflammation. Can be used to treat both adult patients and children from 3 years old.

"Tantum Verde" is available in several forms: lozenges, spray and rinse solution. "Tantum Verde Forte" has an increased concentration of the active substance and is prescribed for the treatment of patients over 18 years of age.
The main active ingredient of the drug is benzydamine, which belongs to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances and has analgesic and antiexudative effects.
The exact dosage of the drug will be prescribed by a specialist, usually the spray is used 6 to 8 times a day, spraying on the affected tonsils.
Contraindications for the drug include children under 3 years of age, sensitivity to the active substance and a disease such as phenylketonuria.
This drug is available in the form of an aerosol for spraying and is prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, including tonsillitis. Fusafungin is considered the active substance. It is effective against many bacteria, including streptococci, staphylococci, and others.

The drug, belonging to the group of local antibiotics, has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic effects. According to experts, Bioparox is one of the safest drugs for the treatment of tonsillitis. It is allowed to be used in children after 2.5 years and adults. Contraindications - individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, bronchospasm. Spray the medicine four times a day.
To one of the best remedies for tonsillitis, doctors and patients consider the homeopathic preparation "Tonsilotren". It has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, and is prescribed for both chronic and acute forms of the disease.
This medication is approved for use in children over one year old, use during pregnancy and lactation is at the discretion of the attending physician and is possible if the intended benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus.

For adult patients, Tonsilotren tablets are recommended to dissolve hourly in the first 3 days of the course of the disease, then you can reduce the dosage to 3 pieces per day. Children are prescribed 1-2 pills three times a day, 20-25 minutes before meals.
The drug belongs to the group of drugs with complex effects, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects. Approved for use from 8 years of age, available as a tonsil irrigation spray and rinse solution.
Bhexetidine acts as the main active ingredient, levomenthol, anise essential oil, methyl salicylate, purified water act as additional ones. The effect of the use of antiseptic lasts for 10-11 hours.
When using "Stopangin" in children, you need to control that the child does not swallow the liquid, this can cause side effects in the form of nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

The list of contraindications includes children under eight years of age, intolerance to hexetidine and dry pharyngitis.
You need to spray the medication about 4 times a day, one press at a time. The solution is used at a concentration of 1 tablespoon per glass of lukewarm water. Gargle three times a day. Do not use the medicine for more than 5 days, if there is no result, it is better to replace it with another medicine.
Local painkillers include lozenges "Falimint". They act locally on the lesions, relieve pain and provide an anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient - acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene - belongs to the group of aromatic nitro compounds.
Assign "Falimint" for the treatment of tonsillitis from the age of 6, do not use in women during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects occur only in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Standard dosage for an adult patient - three times a day, 2 tablets, for children, 1 lozenge no more than 3 times a day.day.

It must be taken into account that "Falimint" is not an independent remedy for the treatment of tonsillitis. It is prescribed as part of complex measures to reduce pain and eliminate the inflammatory process.
How to cure tonsillitis with folk remedies
As an effective addition to the main course, you can also use traditional medicine recipes, but only after agreement with the doctor. In the treatment of the disease, rinsing with herbal decoctions, immunomodulating teas from plants and fruits, inhalations and other means will be effective.
Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies in adults and children is not complete without the use of rinses. They are prepared from herbs and plants, they quickly relieve inflammation, reduce pain and support the patient's immune system.
Several of the best traditional healer recipes are listed:
- Camomile officinalis. It is necessary to pour one tablespoon of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling liquid. To do this, it is better to use not chlorinated tap water, but spring or well water. Keep covered for half an hour. Strain and rinse the tonsils every 3 hours.
- Rinse with sea s alt. Dissolve a teaspoon of the ingredient in 1 liter of warm liquid. You can drip 3-4 drops of iodine to enhance the effect, the drug is purchased at a pharmacy. Carry out the procedure up to 3-4 times a day until the disease is completely cured.
- Infusion of sage and calendula. Mix inequal proportions of herbal raw materials. Brew one tablespoon of the medicinal mixture with 250 ml of boiling water and soak for 15 minutes in a steam bath, do not cover with a lid. Strain from the remnants of the herb and gargle 4-5 times a day.
- Hydrogen peroxide. 1 teaspoon of antiseptic is diluted with a glass of water. Carry out the procedure three times a day. After using peroxide, it is imperative to rinse your mouth with warm boiled water.
- Garlic solution. Grind 2 cloves of garlic in a blender. Add a glass of boiled water (not hot) to them. Strain and use as a rinse 3 times a day. Such a procedure can be carried out no longer than 3 days and only in the acute course of the disease.
Any of these folk remedies for tonsillitis have proven their effectiveness in the practice of many generations.

Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies in adults can be carried out using thermal inhalation. Such procedures can be done only when there is no elevated body temperature.
To do this, you can use the following recipes:
- Eucalyptus. Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour boiling water (0.5 l). Soak the composition for half an hour and inhale warm vapors for twenty minutes. After that, bed rest is recommended.
- Chamomile, calendula and sage. Brew three tablespoons of mixed medicinal herbs in 750 ml of boiling water. Wait 20 minutes and use for inhalation.
- Pine needles. Prepare two tablespoons of raw materials. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water andinsist half an hour under a closed lid. Do inhalation for no more than half an hour.
For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults, folk remedies are also suitable for cold inhalations. To do this, you need an aroma lamp and essential oils. It can be eucalyptus, mint, ginger, cedar, lemon balm. 5-7 drops should be added to the aroma lamp and inhale the vapors for 20 minutes. For cold inhalation, you can use a simple cotton cloth. A few drops of any of the oils are dripped onto it and breathed for 20 minutes.
Such procedures are prohibited for people with a tendency to allergic reactions and children under 10 years old.
Treatment of tonsillitis with home remedies will be effective and fast if supplemented with juice therapy.
At home, you can prepare the following remedies:
- Rosehip, beetroot, lemon. Take 3 parts of rosehip syrup, add 5 parts of beetroot juice and 1 part of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and keep overnight in the refrigerator. Drink this mixture 1 teaspoon three times a day.
- Juice coltsfoot and red wine. Squeeze the juice from fresh vegetable raw materials and mix it with homemade red wine in equal amounts. Add there the same amount of freshly squeezed onion juice. This remedy must be insisted for 12 hours and taken three times a day, 50 ml each.
- Garlic. Peel 2 large heads of vegetable, grind in a blender to a puree consistency and pour a glass of water. Add the juice of one medium lemon. Consume 1 tablespoon no more than 3 times a day.
Drinkableregimen for tonsillitis
With a disease like tonsillitis, doctors recommend drinking as much as possible. The liquid helps to flush out pathogens from the lacunae and remove toxins. In addition, fortified drink increases immunity, lowers the temperature. With tonsillitis, hot drinks are prohibited, all drinking should be barely warm so as not to irritate the inflamed tonsils.

What doctors recommend to drink:
- Milk with figs. This tool has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it is very fond of young children. For cooking, you need to take 4 figs and 1.5 cups of homemade fresh milk. Put the figs into the liquid and keep the drink on low heat for 30 minutes. After that, carefully strain, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and cool to room temperature. It is best to drink this drink before bedtime.
- Fruit jelly. They envelop the throat and reduce pain during the disease. In order to prepare such a drink, you need to take a glass of any berries or fruits (raspberries, cherries, strawberries, apricots), add 1 liter of cold water and put on fire. After the drink boils, add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and starch diluted in water (1 tablespoon). Bring to a boil again and cool to an acceptable temperature.
- Tea with herbs. Any tea can be made curative and useful if you add leaves of medicinal herbs and plants to it when brewing. It can be raspberry, linden, currant and others.
- Green tea with honey. This recipe is more suitable for adult patients. Brew weak tea of one of the green varieties. After cooling, add a spoonful of linden honey to it. Drink in small sips up to 5 times a day.

Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies at home and the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor will give a quick result, subject to the dosages and preparation rules. It is important to consider age restrictions and a list of side effects and contraindications.