Hemangioma of the liver - what is it and how is it treated?

Hemangioma of the liver - what is it and how is it treated?
Hemangioma of the liver - what is it and how is it treated?

The liver performs the most important function in the body - cleansing of accumulated toxins, excess and so on. Often medications, unfavorable environment, malnutrition and other factors have a harmful effect on this organ. As a result of this, various liver diseases develop, which can lead to other ailments. At the same time, some diseases of this organ may not manifest themselves in the early stages, so it is important to be examined by a doctor for prevention purposes. There are such forms of ailments that can be detected only with a thorough examination of the body. These diseases include hemangioma of the liver. What it is, we will consider in this article.

What is this ailment?

Hepatic vascular disease that occurs without malignant formations is hemangioma of the liver. What is it - a tumor or just a clot of blood tissue? Often, experts themselves ask this question. One thing is clear: this anomaly in the body does not turn into a malignant formation.

what is liver hemangioma
what is liver hemangioma

It is believed that this ailment is hereditary, since itoften diagnosed in young children. There are also facts that a larger percentage of the disease is registered in women (compared to the number of cases in men, this figure is almost 6 times higher). This is due to the fact that the weak half of humanity has tarragon (a sex hormone), which can contribute to the appearance and growth of such a neoplasm as hemangioma of the liver (what it is, discussed above).

Specialists identify the following forms of this disease:

  • capillary hemangioma - this formation consists of small cavities (each of them contains one vein);
  • cavernous tumor (at the same time, the formation of large hollow formations, in which there are several smaller ones, is observed in the damaged tissues of the organ).

Symptoms of the disease

In the early stages, this disease is difficult to diagnose, as it occurs without any signs or changes.

hemangioma of the right lobe of the liver
hemangioma of the right lobe of the liver

As mentioned above, it is possible to detect a hemangioma in the initial period only when performing magnetic resonance imaging of adjacent organs. The disease itself shows signs when the tumor reaches a size of 4 cm or more. In this case, the patient may feel symptoms such as pain and discomfort in the region of the right hypochondrium, the urge to vomit, and nausea.

Often this disease is distinguished as a hemangioma of the right lobe of the liver, since such a neoplasm is formed, as a rule, in this part of the organ. Here it can be located subcapsularly, under the surfacediaphragm. Usually hemangioma has a stem, the tumor can be single or (rarely) multiple. Large neoplasms are detected by palpation.


If this disease is detected at an early stage, a follow-up examination should be carried out after 3 months and six months. If the growth and other changes of the tumor are not observed, then it is allowed to undergo an examination only once a year.

liver hemangioma surgery
liver hemangioma surgery

It is also believed that you can not follow a strict diet when the patient does not experience discomfort with such an ailment as hemangioma of the liver. The operation is necessary in the following situations:

  • if the neoplasm causes sensations such as pain, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • if the tumor presses on other adjacent organs, thereby causing functional disorders in them;
  • with a high growth rate (for a year up to 50% and above);
  • with large formations (more than 5 cm);
  • in the case when the benign disease has not been confirmed;
  • when the tumor ruptures.

In this article, we examined the main points that reveal the essence of such an ailment as hemangioma of the liver. What it is is very important to know, as it is a dangerous disease. It is also necessary to undergo a preventive examination at the clinic so as not to start the disease.
