Urotrin drug: negative and real reviews, composition, indications for use

Urotrin drug: negative and real reviews, composition, indications for use
Urotrin drug: negative and real reviews, composition, indications for use

Any man is very much afraid of losing his own male viability. Sadly, prostatitis and other diseases of an inflammatory nature become the source of the development of impotence. A drug such as "Urotrin", according to the manufacturer's statements, can not only eliminate the main frightening symptom, that is, a decrease in potency, but also activate the activity of the whole body of a man to deal with the problem that has arisen. The influence of the drug also affects the psycho-emotional state of the patient, thus eliminating the psychogenic etiological factor of the pathology.

urothrin negative reviews
urothrin negative reviews

"Urotrin" is a dietary supplement that, according to the manufacturer, will help get rid of diseases such as Peyronie's disease, urethritis, prostatitis, phimosis, androgen deficiency, impotence, premature ejaculation.

Positive and negative reviews about "Urotrin" will be considered below.

Indications for use

Currently, the drug has no analoguesIt has. It differs from other medicines in that it eliminates not only problems with erection, but also many other ailments of the genitourinary system. There are the following diseases that Urotrin can help to cope with:

  • pathologies of the reproductive system, characterized by an infectious nature;
  • inflammation of the prostate in the form of acute or chronic;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • phimosis of the tissues of the male reproductive organ;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • impotence, erectile problems;
  • urethritis;
  • high fatigue;
  • hormonal defects in the male body;
urothrin divorce or truth
urothrin divorce or truth
  • pathologies of the reproductive system due to age-related changes occurring in the body;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • aggregation or agglutination of seminal fluid, resulting in infertility.

So what is "Urotrin" - divorce or truth? Let's find out in this article.


The preparation "Urotrin" contains in its composition exclusively natural components of natural origin, which do not cause side effects and have almost no contraindications. In the formulation of the product, elements such as:

  1. Oak bark. Tannins are distinguished by a delicate effect, as a result of which they are able to carefully and effectively eliminate inflammation. In traditional herbal medicine, oak bark is used as a natural remedy with antibacterial properties.
  2. Juniper. Suchcomponent allows you to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. The plant has become famous in folk medicine as an excellent uroseptic. Juniper essential oils, in turn, help to improve blood circulation both throughout the body and in its individual systems and organs. What else is included in the composition of the drug "Urotrin"?
  3. Ginger. This component enhances sexual desire, as it has an exciting effect. Ginger is an energy booster of natural origin. Using preparations in which it is present, you can strengthen the body and fill it with energy, increase tone.
  4. Creeping Tribulus. Such a herbal ingredient returns to normal the processes controlled by the prostate gland. In addition, tribulus helps reduce inflammation and normalize blood supply to organs. The component also differs in its diuretic effect.
  5. Parsley. Not everyone knows about it, but such a plant is one of the most effective aphrodisiacs of natural origin. A hallmark of parsley is the stimulation of testosterone production. In addition, the plant also contains a huge amount of mineral and vitamin complexes that are generally beneficial for human he alth. How to take Urotrin is interesting to many.
  6. Vitamin D. This component is actively involved in maintaining a stable state of hormonal levels. Insufficient content of it in the body does not allow the reproductive system to function normally. At the same time, a significant part of vital processes becomes impossible.

To enhance the effect of the use of the drug and preserve it for a long time, it is recommended to take a full course of therapy with the drug "Urotrin". If it is not completed, then the disease may return or ailments and their symptoms will remain untreated. The active ingredients that make up the drug are able to accumulate in the body, which helps to maintain the therapeutic effect for a long time after the completion of the therapeutic course.

drug urothrin
drug urothrin

Negative reviews about "Urotrin" for some reason are more common. What does this mean?

Instructions for use

The product is produced in the form of a sachet, which is very convenient. For one dose, one sachet of the drug is required. Instructions for using "Urotrin" is simple, the patient must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Pour the powder from the sachet into a glass of water and mix well.
  • It is necessary to take the resulting suspension 2 times a day. Contraindications "Urotrin" must be taken into account.

What is the effectiveness of the drug?

If you follow the instructions for the drug, it should be used by the patient 2 times a day. Since the supplement has a tonic, stimulating and invigorating effect, it is best to drink the remedy in the morning, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep in the evening. For use for ten days, one package of "Urotrin" from prostatitis is enough. The course of treatment usually lasts a month. The drug manufacturing companyguarantees the manifestation of effects such as:

  • positive changes in the state of the body just a couple of days after the start of the use of "Urotrin";
  • in a week there is an increase in the sensitivity of the genital organs, there is an improvement in erectile function;
  • after a month of using the drug, erectile function is restored in full, the former sexual activity and potency return, all signs of prostate pathology are eliminated.

Possible contraindications

The drug "Urotrin" is completely natural, as a result of which it has practically no contraindications. There are several restrictions to consider during therapy with this remedy:

urothrin contraindications
urothrin contraindications
  • It is forbidden to take it to the representatives of the strong half, who have not yet reached the age of majority.
  • Individual intolerance to certain components of the remedy is also a contraindication. Before use, you need to carefully read the composition of the drug. If you are allergic to any of its components, it is better to refuse to take it or consult a specialist. Contraindications "Urotrin" do not end there.

Caution should be taken when using the drug for those men who have diseases of the vessels, heart and kidneys, as well as severe pathologies of the digestive tract. Such violations do not entail a strict ban. However, if present, it is necessarypreliminary consultation with a doctor about the possibility of using such a remedy. Otherwise, it is completely safe and does not cause side effects. Due to its natural composition, the drug is perfectly combined with other supplements and medicines. We will consider negative reviews about Urotrin further.

Cheat or not?

Of course, the question of the effectiveness of the product is natural: "Does it really help as well as the manufacturer promises, or is there another trap here?" Naturally, such a medicine cannot act as a full-fledged replacement for drugs sold in pharmacies. Any dietary supplements are primarily an addition to traditional therapy. Phytopreparations are not effective if used as monotherapy. The fact that it is not as good as the manufacturer claims is indicated by the following features. So, what is "Urotrin" - divorce or truth?

It is alleged that this dietary supplement is able to fight bacterial prostatitis. However, numerous medical experiments have established many times that pathogenic microorganisms that provoke an inflammatory process in the prostate gland are sensitive only to antibiotics, which are characterized by a wide spectrum of influence. Even far from every antibiotic is able to cope with pathogens. There is no need to talk about the fact that the natural components will have the proper effect. Although juniper is a good immunomodulator, it is still not capable of inhibiting the growth of fungi andbacteria.

urotrin who is the manufacturer
urotrin who is the manufacturer

The use of bioadditives will not allow you to restore the stability of the hormonal background. Such a component in the composition of the drug, as an extract of creeping tribulus, only stimulates natural testosterone synthesis. But it will not help to normalize the hormonal background and reduce the level of estradiol or prolactin. Description of "Urotrin" is given in the annotation.

Cure urethritis through dietary supplements is also not possible, since such a disease is often of bacterial origin. In order to get rid of it, the use of antibiotics is necessary.

It is claimed that the dietary supplement "Urotrin" can eliminate phimosis. However, here lies another deception. The fact is that phimosis is a disease during which the foreskin narrows, which, in turn, disrupts the removal of the head of the penis. The treatment is carried out surgically.

According to the instructions, the dietary supplement is able to save the patient from Peyronie's disease. This is also not true, since such a pathological condition is characterized by the fact that the penis is bent due to compaction and expansion of fibrous tissue. The disease is also treated only by surgery.

You should also not count on the fact that a miracle remedy will help eliminate premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, since such pathologies have different origins.

How much does Urotrin cost? The drug can be purchased for 990 rubles.

Are there any contraindications for dietary supplements?

All medicines have contraindications. Even the natural analogues of Zydena, Viagra, synthetic drugs, antibiotics cannot be freely used by all patients.

The manufacturer says that the drug "Urotrin" is a unique medicine that has practically no contraindications. Such a statement is unscientific. Firstly, a priori dietary supplements cannot be used by those men who have hypersensitivity or intolerance to any of the components of the drug. Secondly, it should be remembered that the dietary supplement contains an extract of creeping tribulus. The component is unsafe for those people who have any severe disorders in the activity of the heart and vascular system.

composition of the drug urothrin
composition of the drug urothrin

Ginger should not be used by patients suffering from duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers. Other components in the composition of dietary supplements are relatively safe.

Who is the manufacturer of "Urotrin"? This is the Sashera-Med company.

Are there really side effects?

Substances of organic origin can also cause disruptions in the activities of various kinds of life support systems. All generics, fakes and dietary supplements can provoke the development of allergies.

A drug such as "Urotrin" can cause hypersensitivity reactions, provided that there was an overdose, or if there is an individual response of the body to the components of dietary supplements. In this case, the patient is disturbed:

  • cover rednessleather;
  • itch;
  • skin rash.

This confirms the instructions for Urotrin.

In addition, due to an overdose, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema or an asthma attack may develop. In addition, side effects such as disorders associated with the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, arterial hypertension, pain in the sternum), as well as dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, discomfort in the abdominal region, diarrhea) are possible.

If side effects appear, it is necessary to interrupt the therapeutic course and start symptomatic treatment. Consider negative reviews about Urotrin.

how to take urothrin
how to take urothrin

Real reviews

Really truthful reviews from doctors and buyers of this type of goods are very rare. The same applies to the drug "Urotrin", which has virtually no negative feedback on the Internet. Articles most often contain advertisements for the drug, and stories of miraculous cures are made up on the go.

However, truthful reviews, although with difficulty, were still found. Patients talk about the persistent "soldering" of "Urotrin" by the manufacturer, pressure when trying to think before ordering the product, about a system of discounts to lure the buyer. Many people prefer to use more expensive analogues sold in pharmacies and really helping to improve their he alth.

Even a month's duration of treatment, regular intake and enhanced course do not have the desired effect. Improvements were not noticeable in patients by one percent. At the same time, the full course costs quiteexpensive, and patients regret the wasted money. It is noted that even the appearance and smell of the goods leave much to be desired - they do not meet people's expectations.

Patients demand to check the company that produces the product, because it is actively advertised, but it does not really help. To do this, it is important to find out who the manufacturer of Urotrin is.


Thus, the information on the official website and real reviews differ significantly. However, one should not trust the comments in the manufacturer's sources, since negative feedback from people can be easily deleted.

The fact that Urotrin is indeed a dubious remedy can also be judged from the point of view of medicine. There is no such universal drug that would be able to cure all pathologies of the genitourinary system, since any disease has its own etiology. Some diseases, in principle, are treated only surgically. Self-medication can cause various complications. Therefore, they should not be engaged.
