How to recognize the symptom of appendicitis

How to recognize the symptom of appendicitis
How to recognize the symptom of appendicitis

For most people, the diagnosis of appendicitis is quite frightening, since everyone knows that inflammation of the appendix leads to the need for surgery.

symptom of appendicitis
symptom of appendicitis

Accordingly, every symptom of appendicitis should be taken into account in order to have time to respond correctly and in time. From a medical point of view, this ailment is an inflammation of the process of the caecum, and in most people, the signs of inflammation come down exclusively to unbearable pain in the right side. In fact, such a phenomenon is already considered one of the secondary signs, which in any case will require the intervention of a surgeon.

Speaking directly about the first symptoms of appendicitis, of course, it is worth mentioning the sharp pain that manifests itself quite unexpectedly in the navel. This pain may feel like a volvulus. It is rather difficult to distinguish the nature of sensations, but it is worth remembering that the main symptom of appendicitis is that this phenomenon is in the nature of contractions and does not stop even while taking painkillers. In addition, most patients with this disease suffer fromnausea and vomiting, and the tongue becomes covered with a white coating and becomes visibly wet, in contrast to the usual state, when there are no such symptoms. Inflammation of appendicitis is often accompanied by fever and fever.

early symptoms of appendicitis
early symptoms of appendicitis

In some cases, cramping pain in women can be mistaken for a gynecological problem, but an ultrasound of the pelvic organs at the appointment with a specialist will tell the opposite.

It is worth noting that the symptom of appendicitis in an adult will differ significantly from a similar phenomenon in a child. The difference, for example, will even lie in the fact that the child will not be able to convey to an adult what exactly hurts him, and one can only guess about the correct diagnosis. Also, do not forget that the appendix can be located in each body in different ways, respectively, it makes sense to talk about pain that manifests itself from any side. In some cases, the symptom of appendicitis may even consist in severe discomfort in the region of the kidneys or even the inguinal zone. It is possible to accurately determine the presence of inflammation of the process of the caecum only with the help of studies and analyzes carried out in a hospital.

symptoms of inflammation of appendicitis
symptoms of inflammation of appendicitis

To me that the chair may indicate inflammation is erroneous. As a rule, defecation is completely independent of the state of this organ and cannot be considered as a symptom of appendicitis. However, sleep disturbance due to pain or discomfort may indicate the need for a completeexamination by a doctor and take tests. There may also be a noticeable decrease in appetite or even its complete absence against the background of constant bouts of nausea and spasms of vomiting. True, this is often mistaken by the patient for a banal poisoning, which leads to a loss of time.
