X-ray beam is a special energy wave that can penetrate into any cell of the biological body. The ability to penetrate such rays makes it possible to capture the translucent area on the film, reveal the clinical picture and correctly diagnose. X-ray of the arm, leg or any other part of the body is done quickly and completely painless for the patient. What is an x-ray?

X-ray is a special examination technique that makes it possible to notice any pathological changes in time not only in the bone, but also in the soft tissues of the body. Having received a detailed visual picture, having studied the data, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis, prescribe the correct treatment, which, of course, will speed up recovery. To date, X-ray is considered the most accurate method for diagnosing and studying many pathologies. For many citizens who are far from medicine, X-rays are associated with a fluorographic apparatus. It is farnot this way. Modern specialists have long been using CT scanners, which allow you to immediately illuminate the entire human body and identify many diseases. All information obtained during the transillumination is immediately sent to the computer monitor in the form of various "slices". According to their reading, the radiologist will establish a diagnosis. Modern medicine also has other methods for establishing a diagnosis, but the most accurate than X-ray has not yet been found. X-ray diagnostics has a number of advantages:
- High fidelity images.
- There are not many contraindications for this method.
- Painless. Non-invasive.
- Quick result.
- X-rays are used even in the treatment of oncology.

Diseases and injuries of the hands
Medical practice shows that most often an x-ray of the hand is performed with suspicion of bruises, fractures, and other mechanical damage. However, changes in bones and joints can also occur due to poor nutrition, improper metabolism, and other factors. It is X-ray that allows you to identify pathologies, make the correct diagnosis and begin treatment.
Human hands are a rather complex device, which is a very precise and delicate mechanism. Like any other organs, human hands are subject to any diseases, mechanical injuries. Brushes - to a greater extent. For timely detection of a disease (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis) or mechanical damage (fracture) more oftenall resort to x-rays. Having received an x-ray, the radiologist will make the correct diagnosis, and then you can begin to treat the disease. Arthritis often appears when s alts are deposited in the joints, most often the patient receives fractures at home or at work. Diseases of the hands are always accompanied by pain, so you need to establish the cause in time. Untimely treatment can lead to pathological changes, subsequently you can even lose your ability to work.

Hand x-ray
Having been injured or suspected of having some kind of disease, each patient, with a referral from a doctor, can take an X-ray examination of any part of the hand. With the help of a special apparatus, a picture is taken, according to which the picture, the nature of the pain, will become clear. Using this method, the specialist will immediately determine the cause and diagnosis of the disease. It can be arthrosis, osteolysis, arthritis, growths and even necrosis of bone tissue. If a person has received a mechanical injury, first of all, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist, who will give a referral for an x-ray. The study depends on the part of the limb, if an x-ray of the finger on the hand is needed, then a picture of the hand will be taken. Separate images of the forearm or elbow joint are also taken. If complex joint diseases or fractures are suspected, doctors recommend taking a picture in two projections.
Features of the survey
X-ray allows you to diagnose, identify various abnormalities, pathologies in the bones and adjacent tissues. Apply this methodfor the diagnosis of diseases of the elbow joint, nearby muscles. An x-ray of the hand allows you to diagnose the disease at the initial stages, this allows you to determine how the pathology affects the patient's body as a whole. It is important to identify which joints are already subject to changes, at what stage in the development of the disease.

Rheumatic disease is always manifested by unbearable pain in the joints of the hands. In this case, an x-ray is simply necessary. The doctor will be able to identify the stage of development of the pathology, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. It is also very important to do this if the joints suffer from an excess of calcium and there are noticeable bone growths. In cases where the disease has not yet affected the joints themselves, dense structures in the nearest soft tissues can be detected on an x-ray. In such cases, the pathology is much more difficult to identify. The main diseases of the hands are thickening of the joints, bone necrosis, thickening in the soft tissues.
X-ray preparation
Before any medical procedure requires careful preparation, X-rays are no exception.
- Before the x-ray, the patient must remove all metal objects, as well as jewelry. This may affect the result of the study, as well as further diagnosis and treatment.
- It is also important that it is necessary to remove all dressings, remove iodine residues from the skin, replace dressing bandages with aseptic ones. If there are traces of sticky plaster on the body,then they must be deleted.
- If you need a picture of a cast limb, first find out where to take an x-ray of the hand, whether a doctor will be present. He will give a recommendation whether to remove the plaster cast or whether you can undergo the procedure with it. If the cast was removed, the doctor himself should give further instructions.
- Important point. If an X-ray is done by a woman in the presence of pregnancy, she must definitely inform the doctor about this fact. He will already decide how to carry out the procedure so as not to harm the baby.

X-ray brushes
In addition to injuries, hands can suffer from a variety of diseases. Often, many people do not think about preventive measures against diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, they do research only when they need it, for example, an X-ray of a broken arm, but hand diseases must be detected in the early stages, until the initial pains lead to panic attacks. In order for the doctor to be able to correctly diagnose any pathology of the hand, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination. It will allow you to determine the degree of damage to the bone structure of the hand or muscle tissue. In the joints with age, s alt deposition can begin, the formation of microcracks, which lead to impaired fine motor skills of the hand. Most often, on an x-ray, a doctor can see:
- Death of bones.
- Osteolysis.
- Thickening of the joints.
- The presence of calcifications in the soft structure.

Ionized beam treatment
In medicine, ionized beams are considered the most effective way to treat rheumatic diseases. Everyone knows that x-rays have a negative impact on he alth, but it is difficult to overestimate the healing effect of small doses of radiation in certain ailments. If the doctor prescribed an X-ray of the wrist, and there was some pathology of the joints, then it is worth noting that with timely X-ray therapy, the patient's pain can significantly decrease. Also, scientists have proven that properly selected doses of radiation of ionized rays effectively treat rheumatic diseases. This effect is also noticeable in patients suffering from arthrosis of the elbow and shoulder joints.
X-ray during pregnancy
Sometimes women have to do x-rays during pregnancy. Everyone knows that this can adversely affect the he alth of the baby. Is it always necessary to do this. For example, if you need an x-ray of a hand in case of an injury, can it be canceled? The doctor will decide. When is an x-ray really necessary? There are a number of cases, these are:
- Tuberculosis suspected.
- Symptoms suggestive of pneumonia.
- Bone injuries.
- Dental examination.

Effect on fetus
The effect of radiation on the fetus depends entirely on the location and dose of radiation. Today's methods make it possible to protect the mother from excessive exposure to the maximum. However, such procedures are still carried out as a last resort. Everyoneunderstands that even an ordinary x-ray of the hand carries a certain dose of radiation, there is always a risk. What could be the threats to pregnancy:
- Damage to some extent of the fetal CNS.
- Threatened miscarriage.
- Complications of pregnancy.
- Deformation of cellular matter, DNA structure.