Not all of us can understand medical terms. For example, if the test results indicate elevated stab neutrophils, what can this mean? First, let's figure out what this term means.

What are neutrophils?
Another name is neutrophilic granulocytes. This is a type of white blood cells that are of great importance for the human immune system. It is thanks to these white blood cells that the body can resist bacterial infections. The place of formation of neutrophils is the bone marrow. They enter the tissues of the body from the blood and contribute to the destruction of foreign, pathogenic microorganisms. After that, neutrophils die.
If any infection enters the body and an inflammatory process develops, then it is stab neutrophils that are released into the blood.
Elevated stab neutrophils - what can cause this phenomenon?
In an adult he althy person, the level of these blood cells is 6% of the total number of leukocytes. In childrenThis figure may vary depending on age. So, for a newborn, the content of stab neutrophils in the amount of 17% is considered the norm. This figure should drop to 4% by the year. From one year to adolescence, the number of neutrophils increases to 5%. If stab neutrophils are elevated in a child, then the causes of this phenomenon are the same as in adults.

An increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood is called neutrophilia.
The number of neutrophils in the blood increases due to the following reasons:
- acute inflammatory processes (pneumonia, peritonitis, sepsis, otitis media, appendicitis);
- intoxication of the body (mercury, lead);
- endogenous intoxication against the background of hepatocyte necrosis, diabetes mellitus, uremia, eclampsia;
- quite often stab neutrophils are elevated during pregnancy;
- infectious processes caused by bacteria, some viruses, fungi, rickettsiae, spirochetes;
- physiological and emotional strain.
Elevated stab neutrophils in the blood are especially pronounced in purulent diseases such as phlegmon and abscesses.
In more rare cases, an increase in the number of these blood cells occurs as a result of myocardial infarction, tumors of the bronchi, stomach, pancreas, stroke, trophic ulcers, medication (corticosteroids), extensive burns.

Causes of low levels of neutrophils in the blood
The analysis can show not only elevated stab neutrophils in the blood. The level of these blood cells may be reduced. This phenomenon is called "neutropenia". The following conditions provoke a decrease in the number of neutrophils:
- bacterial infections (paratyphoid, typhoid, brucellosis);
- viral diseases such as viral hepatitis, influenza, chickenpox, rubella;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- diseases of the circulatory system: iron deficiency, hypoplastic, aplastic, megaloblastic anemia, acute leukemia;
- anaphylactic shock;
- taking certain medications (cytostatics, painkillers, anticonvulsants);
- hereditary predisposition to this condition.
Now you know what causes an increase and decrease in neutrophils in the blood, as well as their acceptable norms, and you can easily determine the state of your body at the moment.