Neutrophils are a group of leukocytes that are involved in building antibacterial and antifungal defenses, in other words, create a barrier to entry of these harmful microorganisms into the body. Their activity in the fight against viruses is much less pronounced, but neutrophils are included in the leukocyte formula and are subject to mandatory counting.

In terms of quantity, this particular type of leukocyte is predominant, and they are produced in the red spinal cord. Their complex composition provides the very protective functions that are characteristic of all types of leukocytes. When a change in the amount of their content in one direction or another is noted in a blood test, it is customary to say that something is happening in the body. Elevated neutrophils indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or an infectious disease. If their content is reduced, this indicates the presence of viruses or parasitic lesions in the body. However, this phenomenon may be associated with the intake of certain drugs, so if you are using any medications fortreatment of chronic or acute processes, this must be reported to the doctor evaluating the results of your tests.

When a bacterial infection or inflammation appears in the body, immature leukocyte cells are released, so elevated neutrophils appear in the blood test. Their main task is to penetrate into the area of the affected organs and tissues, then there is a thorough detection of the very bacterial cells that caused a similar reaction of the body. Then the process of phagocytosis begins, which is reflected in the formation of purulent lesions. Actually, these are neutrophils that have decayed in the fight against bacteria, and in the body their number increases sharply, as noted in the results of a general blood test.
Neutrophils can be stab (as their immature species are called) and segmented (their mature species). The content of the former is considered normal in the range from one to six percent, while the latter can be from 47 to 72%. Neutrophils in the blood are elevated in the following diseases: otitis media, pneumonia, appendicitis, peritonitis, sepsis, sinusitis and other pathologies accompanied by purulent processes. As a rule, the acute course of these diseases is accompanied by an increase in the release of stab forms of this blood element. Elevated neutrophils rarely indicate a chronic course of diseases or their systemic types. In addition, do not forget about the effect of certain drugs on blood composition.

However, elevated neutrophils do not always act independently, affecting other components of the leukocyte formula. For example, if the level of lymphocytes rises, then this indicates a viral disease, therefore, neutrophils in such a situation will be reduced. This is a normal response of the body to the effects of the virus. It is very rare for lymphocytes and neutrophils to be increased at the same time, although the human body is a big mystery, and sometimes the most inexplicable processes can occur in it.