During pregnancy, a global restructuring begins in a woman's body, which can take place with complications. To minimize such risks, doctors prescribe numerous tests, many of which are understandable to women. But there are those that some of them hear about for the first time at a gynecologist's appointment. One of them is the analysis on RFMK. If the RFMC is elevated during pregnancy, what does this mean, we will analyze in the article.
What is RFMK?
Changes in the body during the bearing of a baby affect all organs and systems. This did not bypass the circulatory system, in which an additional circle is formed during pregnancy - the uteroplacental one. In this regard, the amount of blood increases, which affects its coagulability. In order to avoid pathological conditions, and mother and fetus are not subjected to dangerous consequences, body systems increase the amount of SFMC (soluble fibrin-monomer complex), which normalizes blood clotting, whichhelps to avoid the threat of miscarriage and large blood loss during childbirth. RFMK is an indicator of the level of fibrin breakdown in the blood, which is responsible for the formation of blood clots inside blood vessels.
Many people wonder if MFMC is elevated during pregnancy, what threatens such a condition? In fact, an increase in this state may be the norm. But despite this, the level should not exceed certain limits. A strong deviation from the norm can lead to excessive blood density and, as a result, to the formation of blood clots and the threat of miscarriage.
Norms of analysis in pregnant women

A blood test for RFMC is carried out in the usual way - from a vein on an empty stomach. The results in each trimester differ from each other - the longer the period, the more RFMC is increased during pregnancy. The procedure must be carried out by a qualified specialist, since for an accurate result it is necessary to sample the material before the blood begins to clot.
- First trimester. The RFMC norm will range from 3.35 mg/100 ml to 5.5 mg/100 ml. Since the placenta has not yet fully formed, the indicators are almost unchanged.
- Second trimester. In this period, the placenta begins to perform all its functions, uteroplacental blood flow is formed. There are changes in blood clotting, so the RFMK increases. Values can go up to 6.5 mg/100 ml of blood.
- In the third trimester, especially before childbirth, levels can go up to 7.5 mg/100 ml.
It is worth noting that the norms of values in laboratoriesmay differ. Therefore, if the analysis revealed that the FMMC indicator during pregnancy is increased, it is recommended to consult with your doctor who will help you understand the conclusion.
Causes of deviations from the norm
Deviations from normal indicators can provoke several reasons at once. The main states include the following:
- pregnancy;
- thrombophilia;
- taking medications that can thicken the blood;
- heredity;
- thrombosis;
- certain diseases (e.g. kidney disease, varicose veins);
- stress.
Consequences of abnormal results
As a rule, in most cases there is an increase in MFMC than its decrease. But both conditions can be very dangerous during the period of bearing a child.
With an increase in the level of RFMK during pregnancy, a violation of the placental-uterine circulation is possible, due to which they can develop:
- fetal hypoxia;
- deviations in the intrauterine development of the child;
- occurrence of violations of the functionality of the placenta;
- increased risk of miscarriage or preterm birth;
- formation of a blood clot in the umbilical cord, which threatens the death of the fetus.
If a mother's MMF is elevated during pregnancy, the baby may be born weak, with heart defects, central nervous system abnormalities, and other life-threatening diseases.
At low values, there is a risk of placental abruption, as a result of which the child mayperish. There is also the possibility of severe bleeding.

MFMC level is diagnosed by analysis of venous blood taken on an empty stomach. A referral for a blood test to a pregnant woman is given by a gynecologist in a planned manner. If deviations from the norm are found, a re-analysis is carried out. If this time there is a discrepancy with the normal values, a consultation with a hematologist may be required. He will prescribe additional tests and draw up a treatment plan.
Preparing for analysis
Because a large number of external factors can affect the results of the analysis, in order to obtain an accurate result, a woman must fulfill a number of requirements:
- Two days before the test, you must give up alcohol and smoking.
- Try to avoid any stressful and psycho-emotional stress.
- About 8 hours before blood sampling, do not eat or drink.
- Do not take drugs. If for some reason this condition is not feasible, it is necessary to clarify the name of the drug to the specialist who will take the blood.
RFMK when planning pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, a woman takes a large number of tests. Some doctors ignore the level of RFMK, despite the fact that it plays a big role in the period of bearing a baby and is important for its normal development. If the RFMC is increased when planning a pregnancy, what does this mean? Increase givenindicator can provoke miscarriages in the early stages, and sometimes infertility. If it is found that the MFMC is elevated when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo treatment in order to normalize its level before conception.
Treatment of a pathological condition

If it is revealed that MFMC is increased during pregnancy, treatment will be prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the woman's body and the indicators of all prescribed tests. Deviation from the norm during pregnancy is a pathological condition. For this reason, during and after treatment, a woman needs to systematically check the level of RFMK.
If the increase is slight and does not adversely affect the fetus, it is recommended to limit physical activity and avoid stressful situations.
If MFMC is elevated during pregnancy, what should I do? When diagnosing such a condition, additional examination is necessary. This will allow to find out the causes of this pathology, the elimination of which will help to achieve significant results in treatment. Sometimes you may need to consult a hematologist.
The main method of therapy for elevated MFMC values is taking drugs that help improve blood microcirculation in the uteroplacental system. This helps prevent the threat of miscarriage or oxygen starvation of the fetus. Indeed, with violations in the hemostasis system, the child may not receive the nutrients necessary for him, and hypoxia negatively affects his development and inin some cases, it can lead to death.
The following drugs are mainly used in drug therapy:
- "Heparin". A very effective medicine if the RFMC is elevated during pregnancy. The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician. With prolonged use of the drug, constant monitoring of blood clotting is necessary. When the indicators stabilize, the medicine is canceled. Of the side effects, a violation of the distribution of calcium can be distinguished. This must be taken into account when appointing.
- "Curantil". The most popular drug that you need to drink courses. Very well normalizes blood clotting. Produced in the form of tablets. But individual intolerance may occur. This medicine is also an immunomodulator.
- "Actovegin". The strongest effect is observed from the use of the drug in the form of injections. The course usually lasts about two weeks. After that, the doctor may advise you to continue taking the medicine, but in the form of tablets.
- "Phlebodia". It is recommended to alternate with "Curantil". The use of these two drugs at the same time is prohibited.
- Folic acid. Can be used throughout pregnancy. It can also be a therapeutic and prophylactic agent at the stage of conception planning.
If FMMC is increased during pregnancy, the reviews after the above treatment are positive. In addition to medications, a woman needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. It is not recommended to eat fatty, s alty, spicy foods, as well asbananas and white bread.
Treatment can be carried out in a hospital setting. Sometimes drugs are required throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.
It is important to remember that the use of any of the above drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor and receiving the results of all tests. Self-medication or ignoring the appointments of the attending doctor can lead to irreparable consequences.
Features of treatment at low values
The decrease in RFMC is extremely rare. It happens that such values appear after taking medications used to normalize high rates. After a while, the result returns to normal. But despite this, the analysis will need to be retaken.
Too low values may indicate the presence of serious pathologies. The cause of this condition must be found and treated.
Risk group

Women with the following conditions should be more closely monitored for MFMC levels:
- purulent inflammation;
- autoimmune diseases;
- diabetes mellitus;
- varicose veins;
- cardiovascular disease;
- new growths;
- has a history of miscarriage or preterm birth;
- placental dysfunction.
Special monitoring is required for multiple pregnancies, IVF, and women who have relatives with thrombophilia or other bleeding disorders.
Preventive measures for violations of hemostasis should be applied even at the stage of pregnancy planning. You need to take care of your he alth, following all the recommendations of the attending physician. Proper nutrition and outdoor activities are very important. You need to try to protect yourself from stressful situations and treat diseases in a timely manner, especially those that can provoke violations. It is necessary to establish a drinking regime, drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If there is a tendency to thrombosis, you need to include in the diet foods that can help thin the blood. These include:
- garlic;
- bow;
- tomatoes;
- vegetable oils – linseed, olive, sunflower;
- beets;
- ginger.
Danger of bleeding disorders

Violation of hemostasis can lead to the development of bleeding and thrombophilia, which is a very dangerous disease. This can be life-threatening for both mother and child.
Significant deviations in the performance of the RFMC can cause:
- placental abruption;
- fetal fading;
- preterm birth;
- fetal hypoxia;
- blood clots that can be fatal.

Knowing the level of RFMK in the blood, we can draw conclusions about the he alth of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. This is a very important indicator that must be kept under control. Timely detection of deviations will allowstart appropriate treatment as soon as possible, which will reduce the risk of dangerous consequences.
If the results of your tests showed deviations from the norm, do not immediately panic. After all, slight fluctuations in parameters can be the result, for example, of emotional stress. You need to get a doctor's consultation and be sure to retake the test again.
By observing preventive measures at the planning stage, and then all 9 months of pregnancy, as well as following all the specialist's prescriptions, it will be possible to keep the level of RFMK within the normal range. Finding out what it means to increase the RFMC during pregnancy, you can protect yourself and your baby from dangerous consequences.