The muscle tissue of the buttocks is a large array of muscles of a quadrangular shape located at the back of the pelvis. They determine the shape and shape of the buttocks (assuming the normal content of fat mass in them). On the one hand, they are fixed on the spine and pelvis, and on the other hand, on the upper part of the femur at the back. The muscles of the buttocks are of three types: large, medium and small. Developed muscle tissue is not only beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. Muscle tone determines the strength and he alth of the body as a whole. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs make up the majority of a person's muscle volume.

The largest muscle is the gluteus maximus. It is located closest to the skin and is responsible for the appearance and aesthetics of the buttocks, since it depends on it how much this part of the body will protrude. Its structure is diamond-shaped, wide and fleshy.
The abnormally large size of the muscle tissue of the buttocks is a characteristic feature of the structure of the muscles of people, and it is this that allows a person to keep the torso straightvertically. Structurally, a large muscle consists of coarse fibers that are collected in bundles and are parallel to each other. These bundles are combined into one large one, but at the same time they are separated by partitions consisting of fibers.
The gluteus maximus muscle starts at the ilium (specifically, from the back of it) and is located directly above and behind the iliac crest. Further, it passes along the lower part of the sacrum away from the coccyx. The fibers are directed down and sideways, forming with the outer fibers a large part of the muscle in its lower part. Further, the muscle bypasses the greater trochanter of the thigh bone and turns into a wide shell. Deep-seated fibers in the lower part of the muscle are located between the lateral vastus femoris and the adductor muscles.
The gluteus maximus is one of the main muscles used in sports such as hockey, basketball, football or volleyball. Her sprain can be very painful and long lasting.

Middle Muscle
On the outer surface of the ilium, the middle muscle of the buttocks originates (above from the anterior line of muscle tissue). The gluteal aponeurosis gives rise to it. Its parts converge into a tendon attached to the side of the hip joint.
Small muscle
Begins between the lower and anterior gluteal lines in front of the ilium. Behind it passes from the ischial muscle and is attached to the hip joint.
Butt Muscle Functions
Being in a static state in the pelvic area, large muscle fibers keep the thigh muscles in good shape andhelp the human body stay upright. Fixing motionless below, the muscle supports the body above the head of the femur, which helps us stand on one leg. For example, when bending over, it helps keep the torso straight, pulling the pelvis back.

The gluteus maximus strains the so-called wide fascia of the thigh (this is the connective sheath of the femur, passing from the pelvis to the knee joint along its outer part). This helps keep the hip from turning inward while running and stabilizes the knee joint. The gluteus maximus also has other functions:
- She is responsible for hip extension in the pelvis.
- Unbends the torso while fixing it.
- Turns the hips outward.
- Helps to move them in different directions.
- Helps bring hip to center position.
- It helps to stabilize the body and legs during physical activities such as running or walking.

Butt Muscle Improvement
Today, a sports lifestyle has become widespread, it has become fashionable to keep fit and tone the whole body. And if for the most part we are talking about an aesthetic component and an increase in physical strength, then with regard to the gluteal muscles, the situation looks different - a lack of muscle mass in this area causes atrophy of the legs, a person cannot stand, walk or squat for a long time.
The functions of the gluteal muscles are very diverse. Changeappearance, shape and volume of muscles is possible only through hard and regular training (if we talk about natural changes, and not surgical intervention, for example).
The role of exercise
Different exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle have different goals: you can both increase their volume and correct the shape. Increasing the volume does not seem to be a particularly difficult task, it does not require any special methods and training programs, it is enough to regularly perform tasks to maintain muscles in good shape. If we are talking about visual adjustment, then it is necessary to work out each individual bundle of muscle fibers, for which whole complexes of various exercises are performed. The gluteus medius muscle is also involved in them.
The most effective exercises are squats, lunges and deadlifts. And if the first two types of exercises are feasible without special equipment, then the latter is feasible only in the gym.

Types of exercises
There are two general groups of glute exercises:
- With or without weights.
- Basic or isolated.
When doing exercises, the main thing is not to forget about the execution technique. If it is violated, instead of the gluteus maximus muscle, you risk increasing the quadriceps in volume. But even more serious consequences of improper exercise are impaired functioning of the joints, which can lead to injuries of the gluteus medius.
Weights are dumbbells and barbells. The weight and type of weighting agent depends on the level of training of the trainee. When working with them, the technique should not be violated, while the work of the muscles should be felt.
The basis of any workout aimed at correcting the gluteus maximus should be basic exercises. The most effective ones are lunges, squats, split squats and deadlifts.
Squats are one of the most effective and difficult exercises in terms of technique. To master, you need the smallest weight (for example, a bar without weight).
The deadlift can be performed with heavy weights and helps to improve the appearance of the gluteal region as even the gluteus minimus will be engaged.
When working on the muscles of the pelvic region, you can use not only weights, but also various simulators and auxiliary items. Split squat is a lunge with the non-working leg fixed on the bench.
For a more detailed, point adjustment of the muscles of the buttocks, the so-called isolated exercises are used. They are performed after the basic ones. These include: pelvic raise, bench press, side leg kicks.

The choice of the number of weekly workouts and their duration depends on the individual preferences of the person, his characteristics and regimen. You can train once a week, working out a specific muscle in detail (in our case, the gluteus maximus or minimus), you can divide the workout into three stages, making certainsets of exercises for different problem areas. The most important thing when choosing the intensity of training is not to overdo it, because this can lead to stretching of muscle tissue and prolonged pain in the buttocks.
In any case, even if you overtrained the muscle in the previous workout, by the beginning of the next, all discomfort should pass. Aiming at working out the large and small muscles of the pelvis, you should not forget about proper nutrition, because the lack of it will lead to excessive accumulation of fat in the problem area and make training, even regular and long, useless.
The main task of training is to improve the he alth of the body as a whole and maintain a he althy physical form. The race for the aesthetic component of training is far from an end in itself. We have examined the anatomy of the gluteal muscles.