Hemorrhoids: treatment for lactation with folk remedies

Hemorrhoids: treatment for lactation with folk remedies
Hemorrhoids: treatment for lactation with folk remedies

Hemorrhoids is a disease that causes fear and unpleasant associations for many. This condition affects many women in the postpartum period. But at this time, women are trying to feed the child on their own, which at times complicates the fight against him. Treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation should be not only effective and of high quality, but also completely safe for the baby.

Features of treatment

In the last months of pregnancy, a woman's load on the body increases significantly, which is why the growing uterus exerts strong pressure on the internal organs. As a result of such processes, swelling of the legs occurs, prolonged constipation, heartburn, and problems with blood flow appear. Many symptoms of such diseases go away on their own (without outside intervention) after the birth of the child. But in most cases, the disease only worsens, passing into dangerous stages.

With this process, women complain of pain during defecation, the appearance of blood in the feces. In such cases, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner in order to conduct complex therapy.hemorrhoids.

It is important to carry out effective treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation after childbirth in order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow. The doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes a proper diet, therapeutic exercises, taking effective medications and the use of traditional medicine. In severe cases of hemorrhoids, the doctor may prescribe surgery.

Medication treatment

Many patients are wondering: "How to treat hemorrhoids during lactation at home?". In the postpartum period, during the feeding of a child, medicines should not be used, since even topical preparations (ointments, gels) are quickly absorbed and spread throughout the woman's body through the bloodstream. As a result, the components of medicines can pass into the mother's milk, which will adversely affect the baby's body.

Taking medication
Taking medication

During the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation, what ointments can be used? To eliminate hemorrhoids during the feeding period, local preparations are most often used, which are prescribed taking into account the shape of the hemorrhoids. With the internal form of the lesion, which is observed in 70% of women, doctors recommend the use of suppositories, in the treatment of external hemorrhoids - special ointments and gels. Many topical drugs help to quickly relieve the patient of pain, suppress the burning sensation and itching. They are easy to use and completelysafe for both woman and baby.

But it is important to remember that some components that are able to be absorbed and spread through the bloodstream through the intestinal mucosa can also penetrate into the mother's milk, and therefore into the body of the newborn. For this reason, in the treatment of hemorrhoids while breastfeeding, doctors prohibit the use of some suppositories, such as Anuzol and Bellataminal, which include belladonna. Such a component is a real poison for the baby's body. Also, experts advise not to try to treat hemorrhoids with drugs that can adversely affect the state of lactation.

Phlebotropic drugs

Such funds help to normalize the tone of the veins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and eliminate the inflammatory process. Most often, for the treatment of hemorrhoids in a nursing mother during lactation, "Venoruton", "Venza" and "Esculus compositum" are used.

"Detralex" is also considered quite effective and effective remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The international reference book E-LACTANCIA reports that this drug is allowed to be used when breastfeeding a child, since the components in its composition do not adversely affect the condition of the newborn. But experts in Russia rarely prescribe Detralex for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids during lactation. This can be explained by the fact that doctors have not fully studied the degree of penetration of the active ingredients of the drug into the woman's milk.


These medications help ease bowel movements, which greatly relieves rectal tension. For treatment, as a rule, Forlax, Mukofalk and Dufalac are used. Such funds help to increase the amount of outgoing feces, change their consistency to a softer one. All the described laxatives are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so they cannot harm the woman and the child in any way.


But there are special effective and safe drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation. These include:

  1. "Relief Advance". Such a tool goes on sale in the form of an ointment or suppositories for rectal use. The drug helps to quickly suppress itching and burning, reduce inflammation and stop bleeding. The treatment time lasts from 6 to 14 days. The maximum dose is 6 suppositories. Before using the drug, it is important to consult a doctor, as the Relief-MS company also produces such drugs that are unacceptable during lactation.
  2. "Procto-Glivenol". The main components of the drug are lidocaine and tribenoside. The drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and venotonic effect. The drug enters the pharmacy in the form of ointments and suppositories. The treatment time is two weeks.
  3. "Hepatrombin G". The drug includes heparin, which helps to dissolveformed blood clots, heal cracks and get rid of the inflammatory process. Experts do not advise using the remedy during breastfeeding for more than 7 days, which is associated with possible adverse reactions and complications. Simple "Hepatrombin" is forbidden to be used to eliminate hemorrhoids, as it can lead to burns of the intestinal mucosa.
  4. "Posterized". The drug includes hydrocortisone and inactivated Escherichia coli cells. The tool has an immunomodulatory effect, activates reparative processes and relieves the inflammatory process. The drug is well tolerated by the body, does not provoke adverse reactions. The treatment time lasts 10 days, but to prevent a possible relapse, the drug should be continued for another 3-4 weeks.
  5. "Propolis DN". This drug is based on propolis. The drug helps to heal numerous cracks in the anus, eliminate inflammation. Care should be taken when taking propolis if a woman has an allergic reaction to bee products.
  6. Using sea buckthorn candles. Treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation with suppositories with sea buckthorn oil helps to activate the reparative process and restore the intestinal mucosa. Treatment time is usually 14 days.

The described drugs are relatively safe for lactating women and newborns. Therefore, before starting treatment for hemorrhoids during lactation, it is important to visit a doctor for advice and prescribe a safe course of treatment.

Improve diet

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is very important to pay attention to the prevention of prolonged constipation. It is forbidden for women to use many laxatives when feeding children. They normalize bowel movements, as a rule, with the help of proper nutrition, which will be useful not only for the mother, but also for the newborn.

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Doctors advise adding more fiber-rich foods to your diet. Its fibers are not digested in the intestines, but help increase the amount of feces excreted during bowel movements and normalize the digestive system.

The largest amount of fiber is found in:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat and pearl barley;
  • fresh vegetables (excluding sorrel and turnips), as well as fruits;
  • bran, millet;
  • some dried fruits.

It is also very important to normalize your drinking regimen to prevent constipation. The required amount of liquid consumed can be calculated based on body weight: for 1 kilogram of weight, you need to drink about 30 milliliters of water per day. Experts advise drinking only purified and non-carbonated water.

Nutrition normalization
Nutrition normalization

It is important to completely eliminate smoked, fatty, s alty and sweet foods, confectionery, rice, semolina, rich products, carbonated and alcoholic drinks from your diet. It is these products that lead to an active fermentation process, provoke flatulence in a woman, as well as a baby.

Using traditional medicine

Manyexperts advise the use of complex treatment of hemorrhoids: combine the intake of medicines with traditional medicine recipes. This will help to quickly eliminate discomfort and unpleasant symptoms, as well as reduce the frequency of flare-ups.

The use of folk remedies
The use of folk remedies

The most effective folk remedies in the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation include the following:

  1. You need to take a handful of sea buckthorn berries and grind well. The resulting juice is moistened with a swab, which is then placed in the rectum for half an hour. Such activities should be carried out every day until the pain is completely gone.
  2. Special compresses can be made from sea buckthorn oil or propolis to apply to external hemorrhoids.
  3. You can eliminate pain with an ice cube that is inserted into the anus. If you use special decoctions of chamomile and calendula instead of purified water, you can achieve a good anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. You can apply lotions with raw gruel from grated potatoes, they will help eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and alleviate the general condition of the patient. But before using them, it is important to consult a doctor, as some of them can only harm the woman and the newborn.

Home Treatment

Good results can be achieved by using the following methods:

  1. Baths. Every day before going to bed, you should take sitz baths with decoctions of the following herbs: chamomile inflorescences, St. John's wort and calendula herbs.
  2. Microclysters. This helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the process of defecation. Enemas are made with vegetable oil (sunflower or olive oil is used), which is collected in an amount of 50 milliliters.
  3. Appliques with mud. Such a remedy will relieve inflammation, improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Applications are carried out by means of tubes with Tambukan mud. They are administered rectally several times a day.

From folk remedies, tampons from sea buckthorn oil bring a good effect. In the treatment of external hemorrhoids, honey and sea buckthorn oil can be used to lubricate the anus.

Complex of therapeutic exercises

A specialized set of exercises will help restore the condition of the pelvic floor muscles and improve blood flow in the pelvic organs:

  1. Stand up, cross your legs. Next, you need to alternate relaxation and tension of the muscles of the anus. The exercise is performed 20 times, 5 sets per day.
  2. Standing, you need to lean on the back of a chair or on another surface, start swinging your legs to the side. The exercise is performed with 20 repetitions.
  3. Stand up, straighten your back, put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend slightly at the knee. When doing a squat, stay in position for a few seconds. Perform 15-20 repetitions.
  4. Lie on your back, legs slowly spread apart and bring back. Enough 20 repetitions a day. This exercise is prohibited.women who have had a caesarean section.

It is important to carry out all the described exercises regularly and correctly. If during a workout you suddenly experience discomfort and pain, then it should be abandoned.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation is prescribed in the case when conservative therapy has not given any positive result. At the same time, the doctor prescribes a minimally invasive surgical intervention.


Use for this:

  • ligation of hemorrhoids with special latex rings;
  • cryolysis, in which hemorrhoids are frozen with liquid nitrogen;
  • sclerosing agents that are injected into the hemorrhoidal formations themselves;
  • infrared coagulation, it consists in exposing the pathological focus to an infrared beam; as a result of such a procedure, the knot dies off, a crust forms on it, which goes away together with feces.

Prevention measures

Prevention of hemorrhoids in a woman in the postpartum period includes:

  • eliminate chronic constipation, restore the functioning of the intestines and digestive system with the right diet;
  • avoiding the use of plain and hard toilet paper, it is also recommended to wash or use wet wipes;
  • performing a set of physical exercises thatwill help restore the digestion process, increase the tone of the anal muscles and get rid of blood stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • protection from possible hypothermia of the body, as well as the rejection of a long stay in a sitting position.

Reviews on the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation are mostly positive. Hemorrhoids after the birth of a child is a fairly common disease that requires a mandatory visit to a doctor and an effective treatment. Therapy of the disease should be comprehensive and include only effective and safe methods. The doctor will help to give useful recommendations, diagnose, identify the stage of the disease and prevent the occurrence of complications. Only a doctor can prescribe effective drugs that will not harm the newborn and eliminate hemorrhoids in a woman.

Drink plenty of fluids per day (up to 2 liters of pure and non-carbonated water). You can get rid of hemorrhoids during lactation, but to do it right, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and give up bad habits.
