First you need to find out why the feet are burning, because the treatment depends on it.

Uncomfortable shoes, high heels can cause a burning sensation in the feet. Wearing tight shoes leads to stagnation of blood, and after removing them, the muscles and blood vessels quickly relax, which causes increased blood flow.
Complaints about burning feet also occur in women in the last months of pregnancy. Puffiness, muscle weakness, weight gain increase the load on the legs. As a result of this, stagnation of blood flow occurs, accumulation of toxins, increased vascular permeability, which causes a burning sensation in the legs and feet.
Other causes may be stress, overheating, overwork. The vegetative-vascular system fails due to the constant inflow and outflow of blood, and then it is felt that the feet are burning.
Burning in the feet due to various diseases.
Itching and yellowing, crumbling nails, cracked and burning feet may indicate a fungus.
Obliterating endarteritis affects the arteries of the lower extremities, causing the legs to burn and go numb.

For varicose veinsthere are complaints of severe swelling, heaviness in the legs, muscle cramps, burning feet, swelling of the veins.
Patients with thrombophlebitis first notice a slight pain in the legs, the temperature may rise, the leg may swell at the site of a blood clot. Similar symptoms to atherosclerosis.
Other conditions that cause burning feet include diabetes, allergies, gout, flat feet, and B vitamin deficiencies.
How can I help myself?
When the feet are burning, a contrast shower, compresses, special baths or exercises can become a rescue. Hot and warm baths are contraindicated in this case, as well as cold ones. Burning feet will be saved by a 15-minute contrast shower with alternating warm and cool water for every minute or two. Turn on cold water at the beginning and at the end. After the procedure, lubricate your feet with a cream with mint extract, making rubbing movements from the foot up.
Medicinal herbal baths (mint, chamomile, wormwood, calendula, lime blossom) are prepared as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of any herb into 1 liter of boiling water.
For compresses, you can use blue clay, hop cones, buds of needles. Clay is applied to the feet and above and wrapped with polyethylene for 1-2 hours, then washed off with water at 20-25 degrees and smeared with menthol cream. For a compress of cones and buds, you need to insist 2 tablespoons of raw materials in a glass of boiled water, moisten a cotton cloth in the solution and wrap the burning feet for half an hour. Kneading motions, exercises and massage are also good.

It is recommended to follow the diet. Give up bad food habits. Soda, s alty and fatty foods, alcohol are harmful to the body. Choose shoes in size, with a comfortable last and not too high a heel. If the condition of burning feet is permanent for you, see a doctor.
Any he alth problem requires constant monitoring by specialists. As the condition worsens, it becomes more difficult to treat. So take care of yourself!