A herbaceous perennial from the Rubiaceae family among the people has several names - marina, marzana, krapp (krap), petiolate or Georgian madder. Its Latin name (Rubia tinctorum) comes from rubber, which translates as red, and tinctorus, which means dye.
Madder root is considered a natural dye, which was used in the textile industry until the end of the 19th century. Today, this plant is valued for its medicinal properties. You will learn about the healing properties and contraindications of the red root from this material.

What does madder dye look like
Outwardly, the plant resembles St. John's wort: small flowers, elongated dense leaves, curling into a ring around the stem, sharp small spikes. The stalk of madder is thin, covered with rough bark. In height, it can reach one and a half meters.
The leaves are wide and dense, covered with sharp bristles along the edge. Madder blooms with small greenish-yellow flowers that resemble inflorescences. Hypericum. A powerful root system consists of the main root and numerous thin roots covered with brown bark.
Madder grass is found in Georgia, in the Crimean mountains, in Asia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan. The plant takes root in the mountains, forests, meadows. Sometimes found in gardens. The genus madder has more than 55 species, but only two of them have medicinal properties: dyeing and Georgian.
Madder Root
For the first time this herb was used in the textile industry. Dyes from the madder root made it possible to dye various natural fabrics - silk, cotton, wool. Now the plant is used in folk and traditional medicine.

Traditional healers use this medicinal herb to prepare tinctures, decoctions and powders that alleviate the condition of many serious diseases. In traditional medicine, the complex drug Cystenal has become widespread. The composition of the drops includes: an extract from the rhizome of madder dye, magnesium salicylate, ethyl alcohol, eucalyptus, anise, fenicle essential oils, olive and castor oil.
This drug is prescribed for spasms and inflammation of the urinary canals, urolithiasis. Take Cystenal five drops half an hour before meals. After conducting the necessary examinations and consulting with a doctor, a specialist can increase the dosage or extend the course of treatment. Taking drops during meals reduces acidity. Treatment continues for a month.
The medicinal properties of madder roots are due to the rich chemical composition. They contain:
- tartaric, citric, malic organic acids;
- flavonoids;
- coumarins;
- ascorbic acid;
- anthraquinones;
- pectins;
- sugar;
- iridoids;
- B vitamins;
- essential oils containing phenols;
- proteins;
- tannins;
- carbs;
- iron;
- potassium;
- natural dye;
- magnesium.
Healing properties
Madder grass has powerful nephrolitic properties. The substances contained in this plant act destructively on kidney stones and contribute to their removal. Medicines made from the root of the plant relieve pain and spasms, normalize the water-s alt balance, loosen phosphates and oxalates.
Traditional healers successfully cleanse the body of toxins and toxins with herbs. Getting into the stomach, madder preparations stimulate the production of gastric juice, have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the excretion of bile, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

In addition, this medicinal plant cleanses the blood, improves immunity and promotes cell renewal. Coumarins, which are part of the herb, destroy malignant cells, preventing the appearance of neoplasms. The juice obtained from the madder root is effective for rickets and abdominal pain. Decoctions and tinctures of madderThe body removes excess s alt, helping in the fight against osteochondrosis and joint diseases. When the root is supplemented with other ingredients, wounds and bruises can be cured, and skin rashes cleared.
Procurement of raw materials
This work can be done twice a year. Most of all, early spring is suitable for this - from March to early April. You can use another option - to harvest healing raw materials from the beginning of August until the onset of the first cold weather.
The plant is dug out of the ground, the soil is shaken off the roots, the stems are cut and the roots are dried in the shade or in a special drying chamber at a temperature of +45 °C. The raw material retains its healing properties for two years.
Using madder
The medicinal properties and contraindications of the red root largely depend on the chosen dosage form. It has already been said that traditional healers prepare decoctions, tinctures, herbal teas and infusions from madder. Pharmacies offer to buy madder extract, which can be in the form of drops, powder or tablets.
In different forms, madder grass has different application rules. More often in medicine, not the aerial part of the plant is used, but the root, the use of which differs from the greenery of the plant.
How to take drugs
Madder drops are used to remove calcium oxalates. They cause kidney stones. In accordance with the instructions, 20 drops of the drug are diluted in a glass of water. Take the remedy before meals twice a day for a month.
Tablets from madder root must be taken 2-3 timespcs, dissolving them first in a glass of warm water. Treatment lasts from 20 days to a month, depending on the doctor's recommendations.

Judging by the reviews of people, after treatment with madder dye, if a person neglected contraindications, his chronic diseases may worsen. Before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist and strictly follow the instructions for using the drugs.
Powder for kidney stones
Madder root in urolithiasis dissolves stones, promotes their painless removal, reduces the accumulation of harmful phosphates and s alts in the ducts. To prepare the medicinal preparation, it is necessary to dilute 1 gram of plant root powder in 100 ml of water. Take the resulting remedy three times a day before meals.
In the treatment of urolithiasis, a complete medical examination should be performed. Products that contain citric and oxalic acid are excluded from the patient's diet. Vitamin complexes are required.
Treatment of cystitis
Due to the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of madder root, the infusion is used for cystitis. For its preparation, the fresh root of a small plant is poured into a glass of cold purified water, then infused for eight hours. The infused composition is filtered, and the crushed root is poured again with 200 ml of boiling water. Strain the second part of the infusion after a quarter of an hour. Then mix both parts.
Divide the infusion into two portions and drink them throughout the day. This composition removesinflammation, discomfort and pain.

Decoction for gout
How to brew madder root to remove s alt deposits during padagra, normalize metabolism and improve the condition of the joints? It is necessary to pour boiling water (300 ml) one spoonful of root powder, put the container on low heat. Bring the composition to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature and strain the decoction.
Take 100 ml of decoction three times a day 40 minutes after meals. After 10 days of taking the drug, the patient feels a decrease in joint pain, an increase in motor activity.
Infusion for prostatitis
With the help of herbal collection, you can relieve inflammation in the prostate gland. It is necessary to prepare dry madder root, calendula flowers, wild rose, shepherd's purse, wintergreen and angelica in one spoon (tea). Pour boiling water (300 ml) over one tablespoon (tablespoon) of herbal collection and let it brew for two hours. Strain the resulting product and divide into three doses. The healing infusion is taken before meals for 10 weeks.

Use in cosmetology
Due to anti-aging, antiseptic, whitening and cleansing properties, madder is used in cosmetology. It is a great helper in the fight against inflammation, rashes, acne and the treatment of skin diseases. With madder-based products, age spots and freckles can be eliminated.
In addition, the root of the plant can give the skin freshness, rejuvenate it, giveelasticity and he althy appearance. Today you can buy ready-made creams, masks, lotions with the addition of this natural ingredient. If you wish, you can also prepare your own skin care products.
To make the skin smooth, silky, tender and elastic, it is recommended to take a bath with a decoction of madder root. To prepare it, it is necessary to boil two tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry root in two liters of water for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is added to the bath. The procedure lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. The decoction can be used for washing, added to various masks. If desired, you can use a pharmacy extract.
Veterinary use
In our pets, diseases of the internal organs often cause metabolic disorders. Medicines containing madder root in their composition stop the development of pathologies of the urinary system. Our pets suffer from stones in the bladder and kidneys no less than people. Madder will help to remove them from the body.
Divide a madder-based drug tablet into four parts. Grind one quarter and dissolve in a spoon (table) of water. Draw the resulting product into a syringe without a needle. Give your pet the medicine twice a day before meals. With advanced disease, the dosage is increased. Your pet should be examined by a veterinarian before using this product.
Contraindications and recommendations
Despite the fact that madder root has a wide range of indications, contraindications to the use of preparations based on it are associated withthe state of the urinary and digestive systems of the patient. The use of such drugs is strictly prohibited when:
- kidney failure;
- certain kidney disease;
- gastritis in an acute form.
With caution, madder preparations are taken by nursing mothers and pregnant women. In this case, a doctor's consultation is required!
Also, in accordance with the instructions, madder extract, drops based on it should be taken only after meals, since this plant has a rather strong irritating effect.

Before starting treatment, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes the therapy regimen, determines the dosage and duration of treatment. If you neglect the recommendations of specialists, then madder can cause serious side effects in the form of exacerbation of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.
During the administration of drugs, a slight change in the color of urine is allowed, but if it becomes an intense red-brown color, treatment should be stopped immediately or the dosage should be reduced.
Madder dyed: reviews of people after treatment
As a rule, patients positively assess the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system with madder. In most cases, drugs do not cause side effects, so doctors are increasingly prescribing madder dye to their patients. Madder-based preparations have proven themselves in the treatment of urolithiasis. They are very effective for small kidney or bladder stones.
A feature of this natural remedy is its ability to remove not only oxalates, but also urates - the most unpleasant s alts that form stones, like corals or deer antlers. It is extremely difficult to dissolve them, but madder helps to do this without surgical intervention, when alternating with other herbs.
Many gout patients claim that a decoction of madder root has helped relieve their condition. As you know, it is impossible to completely cure this insidious disease, but madder decoction works wonders, it relieves swelling and inflammation, and eliminates severe pain. True, treatment courses must be carried out several times a year.
The taste of decoctions, tinctures, infusions cannot be called pleasant. The brewed bright red composition is very bitter, but over time you can get used to it. It is important that madder really helps.