Ointments for heel spurs: names of effective remedies, reviews

Ointments for heel spurs: names of effective remedies, reviews
Ointments for heel spurs: names of effective remedies, reviews

A heel spur, or plantar fasciitis, is a spike-like growth that forms in the area where the ligaments attach to the foot. It can form for various reasons: due to gout, obesity, arthritis, diseases of the skeletal system, or a leg injury. In patients with flat feet, heel spurs are also diagnosed quite often. At the initial stage of the disease, ointments are effective for heel spurs.

Symptomatic characteristic of the disease

Very often, for a cure, it is enough to lie down as often as possible and eliminate the load on the sore foot. Depending on the stage of the disease, heel spur ointment may be required. The pharmacy presents an extensive selection of products for external exposure to a wide variety of actions. It is enough to apply a thin layer of the selected ointment to the affected area, and the symptoms will decrease significantly. It should be excluded for the duration of the disease exposure to both too hot and cold water. Baths, saunas andswimming in open water is also undesirable.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis (heel spur):

  • drawing pain in the heel while the leg is at rest;
  • severe, sharp pain at the moment of loading on the sore leg (in some cases, the discomfort is unbearable, and the patient is forced to issue a sick leave);
  • after a sudden change in posture, pain may increase (for example, when the patient sits for a long time, and then gets up abruptly);
  • swelling of the foot in some cases present, and sometimes not.

With plantar fasciitis, there is no purulent discharge or wound on the foot. If they are present, there may be some concomitant diagnosis. For example, often after a severe deep cut on the heel, infection of the tissues can develop. As a result, suppuration begins, and the problem is complicated by a heel spur. An effective ointment for such a complicated pathology should contain hormones or components with a powerful regenerating effect.

ointment for heel spurs
ointment for heel spurs

Causes of plantar fasciitis

Among the most common causes of heel spurs are:

  • Flat feet, as a result of which the natural position of the foot is disturbed, leads to pathologies of bone tissue, curvature of the spine, heel spurs, arthritis.
  • Obesity, especially the second and third degree, often leads to excessive stress on the foot, resulting in problems with heels and toes.
  • Injuries to the leg, which are complicated by deep cuts and wounds in the heel area, may be accompanied byplantar fasciitis.
  • Gait disorders such as clubfoot often cause improper loading on the foot, resulting in a heel spur.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system almost always lead to hallux valgus, spurs and other pathologies of the foot.
  • Gout is almost always complicated by foot problems.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes with an anatomically incorrect fit is a common cause of hallux valgus and heel spurs.
heel pain remedies
heel pain remedies

Varieties of pharmaceutical preparations

Pharmacy remedies for spurs on the heels are divided into groups according to their composition and pharmacological effects.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and creams have a powerful analgesic effect.
  • Hormonal steroids are the fastest to relieve discomfort for the duration of regular use of the ointment.
  • Regeneration stimulants contribute to the rapid recovery of heel tissue.
  • Homeopathic medicines are natural ingredients rich in oils, herbal extracts and other herbal ingredients.
  • Ointments and creams with a warming effect help accelerate blood circulation and ultimately reduce pain.

Hormonal ointments for plantar fasciitis

This class of ointments for heel spurs differs from others in that it contains special hormonal components. They instantly block the focus of inflammation, reduce pain and discomfort caused by the disease.

  1. "Hydrocortisone ointment" for heel spurs provides a balance of minerals in the dermis, relieves swelling, itching, burning from the treated area. It should be applied in a thin layer five to six times a day on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe foot. Steroids, which are part of the heel spur ointment, provide a narrowing of the capillaries. It is thanks to this effect that anesthesia is achieved, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews. They also report that the product is pleasant and cools the feet easily.
  2. "Prednisolone ointment" for heel spurs has a powerful anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. Instructions for use indicate that it is optimal to apply the ointment to the sore spot two to three times a day. It has an impressive number of contraindications: it is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, with chronic renal failure and serious liver diseases.
  3. "Betamethasone" is an ointment against heel spurs, which after a few applications can relieve severe pain, itching, burning and swelling. The duration of the action of the ointment depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Quite often there is intolerance to steroids, which are part of the ointment. As a result, an allergic reaction develops, and the condition of the patient's feet and heels only worsens. But in most cases, Betamethasone is well tolerated, as evidenced by the reviews. Patients report rapid relief from heel spur symptoms.

List of non-hormonal effective ointments

What are the cheapest and most effective ointments for heel spurs? If the budget is limited, you should pay attention to the pharmacological group of non-hormonal ointments. This is the well-known Vishnevsky Ointment, Indomethacin and Turpentine Ointment.

Despite the fact that the funds are not modern, they are still very popular with consumers due to their cheapness. Of course, in comparison with steroid ointments, non-hormonal drugs lose: they work less time, after their use, the symptoms of heel spurs can return very quickly. How to treat a heel spur? Ointments of non-hormonal action, the most effective in the fight against the disease:

  1. "Vishnevsky's ointment" has a characteristic unpleasant odor and contains birch tar and castor oil as the main active ingredients. These ingredients have a local decongestant and antipruritic effect, so for half an hour or an hour they can save the patient from the suffering associated with plantar fasciitis. Patient reviews are not entirely positive. Many are dissatisfied with the short term relief that the remedy brings.
  2. What is the most effective non-hormonal ointment for heel spurs? You should pay attention to the popular remedy with shark oil, the name of which speaks for itself - "Stop Spur". It is an oily, thick ointment with a subtle odor, which was created specifically to combat the discomfort of plantar fasciitis. Can be used to treat heel spurspregnant women, children, teenagers. Reviews about her are mostly positive. Patients emphasize the main disadvantage - you have to apply too often in order for the pain to become less pronounced.
  3. "Turpentine ointment" from the heel spur (the name and reviews of this remedy are well-known to everyone) helps to improve the blood supply to tissues. As a result, the inflammatory process decreases, swelling and burning sensation, pain, itching are removed. A jar of "Turpentine ointment" costs about fifty rubles and is sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The remedy gained popularity back in Soviet times, and since then it has been the No. 1 ointment among others for reducing the severity of symptoms in plantar fasciitis.
Vishnevsky ointment for heel spurs
Vishnevsky ointment for heel spurs

Ointments accelerating local regeneration

These funds allow you to stop the degenerative processes in the bone tissue, thereby preventing the aggravation of valgus, arthritis, plantar fasciitis. In order to get rid of the symptoms of the disease for a long time, you should use regenerative ointments three to four times a day and observe bed rest. After a couple of days, the symptoms will almost completely recede. But this does not mean that therapy should be stopped - the course of treatment with regenerative ointments should be at least ten days. Even if the working capacity is fully restored, physical activity, heavy and athletics should be excluded for a while.

  1. "Artrin" - ointment with local chondoprotective action. Has anti-inflammatory andanti-edematous action. Reduces the severity of pain in the heel spur already on the second or third day of continuous use. It is optimal to use this remedy as part of complex therapy: chondoprotectors can also be taken orally - such an action will be the most complete and will achieve a long-term remission.
  2. "Mukosat" is one of the best heel spur ointments. The main active ingredient is chondroitin, which relieves the inflammatory process. Due to its composition, the ointment is able to penetrate quite deep into the tissues, due to this, the therapeutic effect is achieved quickly. The total duration of Mukosat therapy is at least ten days. Apply the ointment to the affected area should be three to four times a day during the period of exacerbation, after - twice a day. Reviews about this remedy are positive, patients are satisfied with the speed of action and the effect of therapy.
  3. "Dolobene" is an ointment for heel spurs, the treatment of which can be carried out as part of complex therapy or as an independent remedy. After several applications, pain disappears due to the ability of the ointment to accelerate local blood circulation and prevent bone formation. It is optimal to use "Dolobene" three to four times a day, while the patient should observe bed rest.
chondroxide for heel spurs
chondroxide for heel spurs

List of homeopathic ointments

They repair the tissues of damaged ligaments. What ointment should be used to treat a heel spur if it is accompanied by damage to the ligaments of the foot?It is worth paying attention to any of the homeopathic ointments with a natural composition. By the way, they usually have a minimal list of side effects and contraindications. Ointments with a homeopathic composition are widely used for the complex therapy of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the skeleton.

  1. "Traumeel" is a popular ointment among consumers, which is effective for valgus, arthritis, plantar fasciitis. Unlike other homeopathic remedies, "Traumeel" has a rather impressive list of contraindications. Therefore, it is best to use it only after consultation with an orthopedist or surgeon.
  2. Ointment "Apis" contains the following active ingredients: propolis and beeswax. Effective in reducing swelling, itching and burning. You should adhere to bed rest and use "Apis" four to five times a day. With this treatment, the symptoms of the disease go away already on the third or fourth day. After the exacerbation has passed, you must continue to use the ointment for seven to ten days two to three times a day. Apis should not be used by people allergic to bee products.
  3. Shark oil ointment contains shark oil as the main active ingredient. This is a unique product of its kind, as it is a natural preparation with an active substance content of more than 50%. Prevents the deposition of s alts. Due to this, it provides a local decongestant and analgesic effect. Apply a thin layer five to six times a day to the affected areafeet. The total duration of treatment is ten to fourteen days. Patient reviews report that in order to achieve a positive effect, you have to apply the ointment often, because it is rather uneconomical to use.
heel spur traumeel
heel spur traumeel

List of warming ointments

What ointments help with heel spurs as quickly as possible? If the patient needs to go to work the very next day and there is no way to take sick leave, then you should pay attention to ointments with a warming effect.

  1. "Viprosal" contains snake venom. This component accelerates local blood circulation and has a warming effect. It helps in a short time to get rid of the pain provoked by plantar fasciitis - already on the third day the symptoms recede completely, which is confirmed by the feedback from patients.
  2. "Efkamon" - an ointment with a warming effect, which is achieved thanks to the red pepper in the composition. Also, the list of active components of the ointment includes mustard, eucalyptus and clove oils, each of which has an excellent nutritional effect. The ointment already after the first application has an antipruritic and decongestant effect.
  3. "Apizartron" is a combination drug with a warming effect. The main active ingredient is bee venom. Provides a local vasodilating effect, so pain and itching go away. After application, the product should be washed off with cool water after ten to fifteen minutes. If the warming effect is too strong, you can rinse andin five minutes.
viprosal from a heel spur
viprosal from a heel spur

Chatters and slurries you can make at home

Traditional medicines for heel spurs:

  • Arrange twice a day baths of chilled infusion of chamomile, oak bark and yarrow, you can also add mint - this collection will soften the manifestations of pain in the heel spur.
  • Lubricating the affected area with beeswax is useful if there are wounds or pus is released.
  • Egg white chatter with onion juice will help relieve itching and draw it out if there is purulent content.
  • Baths with soda and s alt contribute to steaming the skin area on the heel, after such a procedure, the use of therapeutic ointments is especially effective.
heel spur remedies
heel spur remedies

Prevention of the disease: how to prevent the recurrence of plantar fasciitis

In order to avoid a relapse of this disease, simple rules should be followed:

  • Do not give the leg a serious load for a month.
  • Refuse to exercise with weights, do not run or jump.
  • Try to stay in bed.
  • Wear shoes without heels and only with a comfortable last.
  • Massage your feet every night.
  • Try to cure concomitant diseases - arthritis, flat feet, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other painful conditions of bone tissue that provoke exacerbation of the heel spur.
  • Give up driving for a couple of monthscycling, athletics, attending aerobics classes.
  • Do not walk barefoot, choose shoes and slippers with the most comfortable and soft soles.
  • Ensure a constant supply of calcium from food, eat plenty of fermented milk products.
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages, which deplete calcium from the body. Black coffee and strong tea also have a similar effect.
