Every person has heard this abbreviation at least once in their life. Most often, the letter combination is heard by parents of young children. SARS - what is it? The mysterious name is deciphered as follows: acute respiratory infection of viral etiology. This definition includes many groups of diseases caused by different types of viruses.
Army of flying microorganisms
About 200 viral agents threaten to penetrate the human body every hour. It is the oral cavity in this case that becomes the gateway for infection, since microorganisms penetrate into the larynx with a stream of infected air. SARS in children is many times more common. There is a physiological reason: insufficiently formed immunity. The disease is characterized by a sudden, acute course. The main infections included in the group:
- flu;
- adenovirus;
- parainfluenza;
- enterovirus;
- corona virus infection;
- RS virus;
- rhino- and reoviruses.

Similar viral infections, once occupying the body, begin to lead a parasitic lifestyle: they exist at the expense of the main organism, invade cells, destroy them, violatenormal functioning of organs and systems.
Stages of colds
Influenza and SARS often have an epidemic character, since people are quite susceptible to airborne infections, especially if they spend a long time in a collective environment. Of course, the disease in children manifests itself more often than an adult SARS, so kindergartens in winter are often closed for quarantine.
A classic virus, developing, goes through several mandatory stages:
- Unexpected penetration. The invading virus not only settles in the cell, but also multiplies in it. Next comes the destruction of the cellular structure. At this time, catarrhal disorders develop: runny nose, redness of the sclera, sneezing, hyperemia of the mucous membranes, painful cough.
- Circulation of an aggressive agent. Otherwise, the phenomenon is called viremia. The process consists in the movement of the virus through the bloodstream. There is a pronounced intoxication of the body: nausea, diarrhea, hyperthermia, lethargy.
- Organ damage. Depending on which body systems were attacked, the corresponding symptoms develop. If the respiratory system is occupied, then there are difficulties with breathing, wheezing, sore throat. In the case of entero-penetration, dyspeptic disorders are observed. Damage to the nervous system is manifested by headaches, insomnia, delirium.

- Bacteria: waiting tactics. Due to the destruction caused by the virus, the body loses its protective shell, the protectivemechanisms. Therefore, the body becomes an excellent target for bacterial infection. Taking advantage of defenselessness, pathogenic microorganisms actively develop in the affected tissues. When observing SARS in children, this phenomenon is especially noticeable: the discharge from the nasal cavity thickens, acquires a greenish color and an unpleasant odor. This is the result of the vital activity of bacteria.
- Complications. Again, it all depends on the location of the bacteria that have penetrated the tissues. They can cause post-viral diseases of the genitourinary and nervous systems, diseases of the heart and digestive tract, endocrine disruptions.
- Catharsis. Cleansing of the body occurs relatively quickly, but for some time after recovery, the virus is still in the body. Adenovirus stays longer than others.
Despite the difference in infectious agents, symptoms such as fever during SARS, weakness, catarrhal phenomena are observed in almost all cases. It is interesting that seemingly identical terms differ. In particular, acute respiratory infections and SARS. What is ORZ? The doctor makes a similar diagnosis in case of uncertainty about the nature of the disease that has arisen. For example, if the disease is caused by a non-viral etiology, since a large group of acute respiratory infections can be provoked by fungal or bacterial infections. But the symptoms of these groups of diseases are very similar.
What is the reason?
SARS and influenza in children, as well as in the adult population, owe their occurrence to one dangerous guest - the virus. An infectious agent is transmitted from an infected person during a period of particular contagiousness. Some viruses, such as the adeno group pathogen,are allocated to patients within 25 days, while the rest - about 10 days.
Mostly viruses enter the body through the nasopharyngeal mucosa, but enteroviruses are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Catching an infection is easy: emotional conversation, vigorous sneezing, kissing, sharing household items. Viruses, settling on door handles, dishes, toys and towels, are patiently waiting for their master. Therefore, in children's and work groups, unventilated, cramped rooms, at crowded events, it is quite likely to get flu and SARS in the appendage.
Immunity to the transferred virus is very short-lived, so a recently ill child may get sick again against the background of a weakening previous illness.
Debilitating factors
Cold viral diseases flare up in the cold season, with the exception of adenovirus and enterovirus - these pathogens hunt all year round. RS viruses prefer December, parainfluenza has chosen the off-season, but most importantly, viruses are waiting for the moment when the body is most weakened. What does this mean?
- low vitamins;
- shortage of sunlight;
- hypothermia;
- low temperature;
- stress related to school problems or work and family misunderstandings.
These aspects significantly undermine the immune defense and make the body vulnerable to aggressive infection.
Features of symptoms
Symptoms of SARS in adultspractically do not differ from those that overtake in childhood. But there is also a difference. The temperature during SARS is much easier for some people to tolerate. The signs of the disease are divided into two groups: catarrhal and generated by intoxication.
Catarrhal group:
- sneeze;
- acute rhinitis;
- lacrimation;
- compulsive cough;
- swelling of mucous membranes, hyperemia;
- sore throat.
These symptoms indicate that the body is actively trying to expel the "intruder".
Intoxication Syndrome:
- asthenic manifestations (lethargy, fatigue);
- hyperthermia, sometimes rising to significant levels;
- muscle pain, aches;
- intense headaches;
- chills, increased dehydration;
- impossibility of eye movement.
Due to the travel of the virus through the bloodstream, massive damage to the body occurs, so the condition worsens.
If an enterovirus invades the cells, the symptoms will be different, since the main blow will not be on the nervous system, but on the digestive system:
- lack of appetite;
- nausea;
- diarrhea of varying degrees;
- vomiting.
The last symptom is a sign of serious disturbance brought by the virus. Among other things, the lymph nodes are sure to increase, giving a signal to the immune system about an infectious attack. Additional symptoms may be added to the main list.
Flu is a familiar stranger
Eata disease that is somewhat different from SARS. What it is? The answer is simple - the flu. Not everyone knows that this disease is famous for its unpleasant and sometimes severe consequences. First of all, the flu causes symptoms of intoxication without catarrhal inclusions. The virus penetrates through the trachea and acts directly against the nervous system, simultaneously affecting the respiratory and vascular.
There are three main types of influenza viruses: A (A1, A2), B (B1) and C. But the trouble is that the virus, trying to survive and adapt, is constantly in a state of mutation.

At the initial stage, he manifests himself quite aggressively: the temperature goes off scale, excruciating aches all over the body, weakness, severe headache, sometimes the patient hallucinates. Hemorrhagic syndrome is noted: bleeding from the nasal cavity, encephalitic phenomena (fainting, convulsions, gag reflex).
After a few days, the signs of intoxication abruptly disappear and a phase of complete apathy sets in. Catarrhal symptoms, on the contrary, are aggravated.
Influenza causes serious complications such as pneumonia, neuritis, myocardial changes, sciatica, neuralgia, worsening of chronic ailments.
Many-faced parainfluenza
This virus comes in 4 variants and is not as formidable as its closest neighbor. The onset of the disease can be as acute as moderate. SARS symptoms in adults and children are the same:
- not too high, but prolonged temperature;
- mild rhinitis;
- cough that looks like barking;
- chest pain;
- hoarse voice.
Despite its outward harmlessness, parainfluenza can have a complicated course with consequences such as false croup, asthmatic bronchitis, pharyngitis.
Enterovirus - attention to the chair
This type of virus is manifested by profuse nasal discharge, shortness of breath and other catarrhal manifestations, but its main difference is in the addition of the following symptoms: severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea. Complications caused by the virus range from meningitis to tonsillitis.
Adenovirus attack
Now there are about fifty strains of this virus. Its difference from others is that infection is not limited to airborne droplets, it is possible to get an infection through contaminated food. This is due to the fact that the virus multiplies both in the nasopharynx and in the digestive tract.

The disease is characterized by a long incubation period and a protracted course. The following symptoms are observed:
- significant hyperthermia;
- conjunctivitis;
- pharyngitis.
Possible generalization of the process involving the liver, spleen, lymphatic system. Often there are relapses of the disease. Complications are caused by the addition of bacteria and are represented by rhinitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, otitis media.
Rhinovirus and reovirus infections are cousins
Rhinovirus just loves the nose, and give the reovirus intestines and nasopharynx. More than a hundred species have been found. Illness causedthese viruses, lasts about 7 days: there is a headache, subfebrile temperature, weakness. The main blow falls on the nose and throat: severe rhinitis, herpes, burning sensation in the larynx, redness of the eye membranes, cough. Sometimes the condition is complicated by bronchitis, sinusitis, or inflammation of the middle ear.
Respiratory syncytial virus - an attack on the bronchi
The disease is almost always manifested by a cough, since the bronchi are the target of infection. Against this background, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma develop. Symptoms are reduced to fever, shortness of breath, severe cough, pain in the larynx. The duration of the disease is on average about two weeks, but such an ailment is prone to recur.
Other types of viruses, such as coronary, are a mix of parainfluenza and rhinovirus infections. The consequences of the penetration of viruses into the human body are very diverse and can be supplemented by diseases such as pancreatitis, stomatitis, cystitis, meningoencephalitis, and so on. It depends on which organs are affected by the bacterial infection that has joined.
Therapeutic tactics
Primary examination, history taking is the basis of diagnosis. Sometimes an additional examination is required: laboratory tests, a smear from the mucous membrane, an x-ray and an examination by an otolaryngologist.
If the disease has affected the child, then there is an important point that parents should consider when ARVI occurs. What is it? This condition is caused by viruses and should never be treated with antibiotics.
In addition, there isa standard medical regimen for the treatment of all types of viral aggression, suitable for both children and adults. Symptomatic actions are expressed in the following list.
- Restriction of motor activity.
- Ventilation of the room.
- Plentiful drink.
- A nutritious diet offered in fractional portions.
- For hyperthermia, antipyretics.
- Rinses, compresses, inhalations, rubbing, applied in the absence of temperature.
- Use of antiviral agents, and should be started in the first two days of the disease.

- Antihistamines to reduce mucosal swelling.
- General strengthening measures: vitamin complexes, immunostimulants.
- Prescription of mucolytics for more efficient discharge of bronchial secretions.
- If there are dyspeptic disorders, then it is recommended to take absorbents and water-s alt solutions.
- To eliminate rhinitis, vasodilator drops, saline washes are prescribed.
- Severe cases, especially in young children, require immediate hospitalization.
Preventive measures
Prevention of SARS is slightly different in different age groups. Adults, of course, get sick less often than schoolchildren. And those, in turn, are not as common as preschool children. Therefore, the prevention of influenza and SARS in preschool children includes:
- gradual hardening;
- taking vitamins;
- routine vaccination;
- rinsing the nose with saline after visiting crowded places or kindergarten;
- before the release of the application with oxolin ointment;
- positive attitude.
Prevention of influenza and SARS in schoolchildren, in addition to the above, consists of the following activities:
- Regular intake of vitamin herbal drinks;
- homemade juices, honey solutions, great for strengthening immunity;
- if there was hypothermia, then a hot bath will be the way out;
- don't let your feet get wet, but if this happens, then a bath with the addition of s alt and mustard will help not to get sick later.

What is the prevention of SARS for all age groups? It is worth thinking about the mode of work and rest, avoid stressful situations, filled rooms during seasonal epidemics, wash your hands more often and follow the right diet.
So, SARS - what is it? This is a disease that significantly reduces immunity, exacerbates chronic ailments and causes severe complications. Therefore, by observing preventive measures, a person will bring he alth and good mood to himself and his child.