The foreskin has grown to the head - possible causes and features of treatment

The foreskin has grown to the head - possible causes and features of treatment
The foreskin has grown to the head - possible causes and features of treatment

Thin connective adhesions (fusions), or synechia, between the glans penis and the inner leaf of the foreskin occur in approximately 75% of children under the age of seven. This is a physiological norm that does not require any treatment. But if in an adult the foreskin has grown to the head of the penis, then this indicates a pathology.

Term for opening the head of the penis

The space between the glans penis and the foreskin in childhood is well protected from various infections. Opening the head is a highly individual process. In 4-5% of boys, the head can open already in the first months, and in 15-25% of children, the opening becomes possible during the first year.

the foreskin adhered to the head causes treatment
the foreskin adhered to the head causes treatment

In most children (up to 90%), the foreskin becomes mobile only by the age of three to five years. But most often the discovery is made by a doctor or parents andis quite painful. This process occurs on its own at the age of six to eight years, and in some boys the head begins to open only in adolescence.

Untimely opening of the head

If the foreskin does not come off for a long time, but nothing bothers the child, then do not worry. You need to show the boy to the doctor if there are problems with urination, an inflammatory process or redness. If parents try to open the head on their own, infringement is possible. In this case, the child will be capricious, the skin may turn red, and urination will be difficult and painful. Such symptoms are the reason for a visit to the pediatrician.

structure of the penis
structure of the penis

Causes of adhesion formation in children

If in boys the foreskin has grown to the head, this is included in the concept of the norm. As they grow older, the adhesions soften, spontaneous erections occur, which contributes to the exposure of the head of the penis. By the age of six, the head of the penis should open easily. If this does not happen, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Infections of the genitourinary system. At this age, diseases can be transmitted by household contact or vertically, that is, from mother to fetus during the passage of the genital tract during childbirth.
  2. Allergic reactions. Using certain hygiene products, detergents, or eating foods can cause skin rashes, redness, and irritation in the genital area.
  3. The transition of physiological phimosisinto pathological.
  4. Connective tissue dysplasia. This disease is characterized (except for synechia) by curvature of the spine, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and weakness of the ligaments.
after circumcision, the foreskin adhered to the head
after circumcision, the foreskin adhered to the head

Causes of fusion in adults

The foreskin can grow to the head in adulthood. Then it is a pathological process. The causes of fusion in an adult male can be:

  1. Infections of the urogenital tract. Pathological secretions, as well as waste products of microorganisms, will cause inflammation and further formation of adhesions.
  2. Poor personal hygiene.
  3. Pathological phimosis in advanced form. At the same time, smegma accumulates between the head and the foreskin, which creates good conditions for the development of the inflammatory process and the growth of fibrous tissue.
  4. Superficial injuries in the head area and the consequences of surgical intervention. For example, the foreskin may grow to the head after circumcision.

Phimosis in childhood and adulthood

The condition in which the foreskin adheres to the head, making it impossible to open, is called phimosis. It can be both a variant of the norm (in childhood) and pathology. With phimosis, the head of the penis can be removed almost completely, but with some effort. At the second stage of the disease, a full opening is impossible, at the third stage only a few millimeters of the head open.

Fourth stage - the head does not open at all. At the same time, it may developinflammation or problems with urination. Medical care is needed only in the fourth stage, but the third requires increased attention to the implementation of hygiene procedures. An infection may begin to develop.

the foreskin has grown to the head of the child
the foreskin has grown to the head of the child

When an infection is attached, a complex of unpleasant symptoms is usually added: itching and burning both at rest and when urinating, an unpleasant odor, pus under the foreskin (may come out), pain, problems with urination. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will open the head. Before healing, it will be necessary to treat the damaged area with antiseptics.

For adult men, the only treatment for phimosis is circumcision. Other therapies in most cases do not bring any effect.

Symptoms of adhesions of the foreskin of the penis

If the foreskin is attached to the head of a child, it will be revealed to parents when bathing. Normally, adhesions do not cause any discomfort in the boy. This phenomenon disappears by three to five years. In adolescence, the symptoms of adhesions will be due to diseases that caused the growth of the foreskin in the head of the penny.

Non-specific symptoms (that is, signs that are inherent in many pathologies) can be considered painful sensations when urinating, itching in the perineum, swelling of the head and foreskin of the penis, painful and limited removal of the head, atypical discharge from the urethra and pain duringerections.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates the development and spread of the infectious process along the urogenital tract. This requires timely medical intervention. Otherwise, you may face serious complications (up to impotence and infertility).

the foreskin has grown to the head
the foreskin has grown to the head

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

In this condition, its causes and treatment are closely related. Is the foreskin attached to the head? This happens for various reasons and the first thing the doctor must do is to get ahead of the primary disease. Uncomplicated synechia in early childhood does not require any treatment at all. The condition should normalize on its own as the boy grows up.

In case of formation of adhesions against the background of the inflammatory process, a surgeon or urologist performs a physical examination. A laboratory blood test, a smear analysis and discharge from the urethra, and a urine test are prescribed to assess the general condition of the body. In some cases, an ultrasound of the perineum and pelvis is indicated.

foreskin adhering to the head in an adult
foreskin adhering to the head in an adult

In the treatment of children under twelve years of age, conservative treatment is used. Parents should gently work on the foreskin, develop it, push it back and gently stretch it while bathing. In this case, the child should not feel discomfort and pain.

If the foreskin has grown to the head, then the most common method of therapy for adolescents over twelve years of age and adultsmen is surgery. As a rule, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. The adhesions are dissected with a scalpel or probe - special tools.

After the procedure, it is recommended to use healing ointments, local anti-inflammatory drugs. All therapies are prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. Recovery takes about ten days. At this time, special attention should be paid to intimate hygiene.

In the presence of inflammation, the operation is not performed until the symptoms disappear completely. To do this, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents, hygienic baths and local preparations to relieve inflammation.


In early childhood, the presence of adhesions in a boy is not a cause for concern. Therefore, there are no specific preventive measures so that the foreskin does not adhere to the head of the child or the opening occurs faster. At an older age, prevention is aimed at preventing infections and complications.

the foreskin in boys is attached to the head
the foreskin in boys is attached to the head

If it is impossible to remove the head normally in a child older than five years, parents are advised to consult a doctor for advice. The problem can be successfully solved in a conservative way. You should also follow the rules of intimate hygiene, but without exposing the head with effort. It is necessary to avoid diseases of the genitourinary system, use barrier contraceptives.

If the foreskin has grown to the head (synechia), you need to follow preventive measures and forprevention of complications (phimosis). First of all, this involves careful observance of hygiene rules.
