What should I do if I can't poop? Helpful Hints

What should I do if I can't poop? Helpful Hints
What should I do if I can't poop? Helpful Hints

Doctors say that a person needs to go to the toilet "in a big way" at least 2-3 times during the week. Otherwise, a noticeable deterioration in well-being cannot be avoided. In addition to feeling a full bowel, you will have to suffer from increased nervous tension, loss of a he althy appetite, loss of strength and general weakness. A fairly common complaint is: "I can't poop for a week." What to do in such a situation? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with effective ways to solve the problem.

About the causes of trouble

what to do to poop
what to do to poop

Before answering the question: "What should I do if I can't poop?", I would like to say a few words about the factors that can provoke a problem. Among those it is worth noting:

  • Not drinking enough fluids.
  • Regular stressful situations.
  • Being inactive.
  • Irrational nutrition, the absorption of an abundance of solid food, foods that come across firstarm.
  • Consequences of changes in the body during pregnancy, difficult postpartum period.

Change in diet

What if you can't poop? What to do in such cases? A good way out of the situation is the correction of the daily diet. Excretion of stool is facilitated by the use of an abundance of fermented milk products. We advise you to lean on cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. Eat more fresh vegetables daily in the form of a salad. Season similar dishes with sunflower oil. The product contains components that have a beneficial effect on increasing bowel contractions.

Medicated way to solve the problem

I can't poop for a week what to do
I can't poop for a week what to do

What to do if you want to poop but can't? It seems quite a logical idea to use pharmacological drugs with a pronounced laxative effect. As practice shows, the following means are the most effective:

  • Regulax;
  • "Duphalac";
  • "Dioflan";
  • Guttalax;
  • "Laktuvit";
  • Exportal.

After taking these medicines, it is usually enough to wait a few hours. The trouble disappears and does not make itself felt for a long time. The main thing is to agree on the possibility of taking medications with your doctor and follow the dosages.

Physical activity

If you can't poop, what should you do? Start leading an active lifestyle. Physical activity makes the internal organs work in intensive mode. It is likely thattroubles with stagnation of feces in the intestinal area make themselves felt due to daily prolonged sitting in a sitting position. To fix the problem, it is not necessary to go for a run. Get up out of your chair, go out into the fresh air, and walk around the house a few times. Make walking a habit. Get serious about sports as much as possible. Such solutions help to avoid constipation.


I can't poop
I can't poop

What to do if you can't poop? Try a special massage. Moisten a towel with cold water. Wrap the wet cloth around your hand. Perform strokes on the abdomen on the right side, exercising light pressure. Move from top to bottom. Repeat the same procedure on the left side of the abdomen. According to the observations, such a massage allows you to facilitate a bowel movement after half an hour. If you are prone to constipation, repeat these steps every morning.

Hot water with lemon

What to do to poop? There is an extremely simple, affordable remedy. Prepare a large cup of boiling water. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly. Use the composition immediately after waking up. The solution allows you to activate the metabolic processes. As a result, the chair will definitely soften. However, the desired effect will not be achieved immediately. We'll have to wait a bit.

Flax Seed Infusion

what to do if you want to poop
what to do if you want to poop

A good, proven remedy againstconstipation is an infusion prepared on the basis of flaxseeds. To prepare an effective medicine, proceed according to this scheme:

  • Prepare the flax seeds in the amount of one dessert spoon.
  • Place the raw material in an enamel container.
  • Pour the seeds with a glass of boiled water.
  • Let the product stand for half an hour.
  • Carefully strain the finished composition.

The result is a liquid that has a slimy texture. If there are problems with bowel movements, this medicine is absorbed 2-3 times a day. Therapy is continued daily until stagnant processes in the intestine disappear.

In closing

We hope that the helpful tips from our article will help you get rid of constipation and bring your digestion back to normal. Never ignore the problem. Excessive irritation of the intestines with fecal deposits is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes. Eat right, stay active, and then you won't have to wonder why it's hard to go to the toilet.
