One of the most common diseases of the digestive system, which is provoked by infections, is cholecystitis. Most often, patients with this diagnosis are overweight people and cholelithiasis. But anyone can get cholecystitis, even if their weight is below normal.
Cholecystitis - what is it?

The inflammatory process of the gallbladder begins after the penetration of bacteria and microbes into it. The reasons for this phenomenon are the factor that the pathogenic microflora begins to actively live on the walls of the bladder and obstructs the passage for the release of bile. In this case, acalculous cholecystitis is observed.
Difficulties begin when stones begin to form in the bubble. They become an unnecessary hindrance to the outflow of bile. So, cholecystitis - what is it? This is a disease accompanied by severe pain caused by the movement of stones and sand.
Calculous cholecystitis: treatment, types
1. If the patient is tormented by pain in the right hypochondrium, sometimesextending to the lower back, shoulder girdle, right side of the neck or right shoulder blade, catarrhal cholecystitis can be assumed.
2. Phlegmonous cholecystitis proceeds much brighter than the previous one. The signs remain the same, but have a greater intensity. Such pain literally unsettles the patient. The person even tries not to breathe to reduce the pain. However, it grows with each inhalation and exhalation. The same thing happens when coughing, and when turning from one side to the other. Everything is complicated by nausea, sometimes vomiting.
Cholecystitis - what is it, what else does it manifest itself in? With this disease, body temperature is normal, and heart rates may be disturbed. The patient has tachycardia. The abdomen is usually greatly distended due to intestinal paresis. The noise in it in this case is weak.

3. Another type of disease is gangrenous cholecystitis. This is a form of advanced phlegmonous cholecystitis. The disease progresses very rapidly. The patient's immunity is not capable of correcting the situation on its own. The entire gallbladder is affected. Life-threatening complications are possible.
The forms of the disease are as follows: chronic calculous and acute cholecystitis.
Acute cholecystitis - what is it? This disease affects older people. The body is weak and can no longer withstand many chronic diseases (chronic pneumonia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, etc.). A direct connection between exacerbation and pancreatitis was also noticed. That is why these two diseases are treated together. Doctor appointedsimilar treatment and same diet.
Chronic cholecystitis - what is it? This is a sluggish disease with temporary exacerbations. That is, the patient can sometimes feel pain in the right hypochondrium, but it is weak, tolerable. An incident occurs when the patient violates the rules prescribed by the doctor. For example, if the patient ate something spicy, fatty, or very s alty.

General treatment of disease
Self-medication with such a disease is prohibited! It is important to correctly establish the diagnosis: there is only cholecystitis or the patient also has pancreatitis. Any medication should be prescribed by a specialist. Self-administration of antibiotics or other drugs can only worsen the condition.
It is important to eat right with such a disease. The diet should contain fruits and vegetables that enhance the outflow of bile. But it is impossible to cook dishes using foods rich in essential oils, cholesterol, purines. Fried foods are not allowed. There is only warm food. On the day the patient should eat 360 g of carbohydrates, 90 g of protein, 90 g of fat. No more than 2500 kcal should be consumed per day. You need to eat little and often. However, the diet is also compiled by a doctor.