Which insect bite cream is the most effective for children and adults: reviews

Which insect bite cream is the most effective for children and adults: reviews
Which insect bite cream is the most effective for children and adults: reviews

There is nothing more beautiful than the long-awaited arrival of summer, when it becomes possible to take long walks in the fresh air, go on picnics with friends, enjoy the greenery of parks and alleys, swim a lot in the sea or river. However, along with the warm season, various kinds of insects inevitably wake up, which sometimes cause people a lot of trouble, and this especially concerns the troubles associated with bites.

insect bite cream
insect bite cream

What threat do insect bites pose?

What is a bite for people is actually an allergic reaction of the human body to the poison that is injected under the skin of insects. The site of the lesion turns red, itchy, inflamed. A rash occurs. Similar symptoms may occur immediately after a bite, or after a few minutes, less often hours.

These signs indicate that the body is fighting the poison, the purpose of which is to prevent the infection from getting intointo the blood. Less commonly, an allergic reaction to a bite takes on a more severe form of development. In this case, the inflamed area increases, the itching becomes more intense, as a result of which the person scratches the affected area strongly and can even introduce harmful substances into the body, which further complicates the overall picture. At the same time, the edema lasts for several days, and with a special acute form, weakness, dizziness, fever, palpitations, and urticaria may appear. Very rarely, such a bite can cause suffocation and lower blood pressure. Therefore, a person needs insect bite cream in summer.

Ointments to relieve bites

Which insect bite cream to choose? What do consumer reviews say? Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of ointments that cope well with the signs of allergic manifestations resulting from the bites of various kinds of insects - bedbugs, beetles, mosquitoes, bees, midges, wasps, etc.

baby cream for insect bites
baby cream for insect bites

All these funds have certain differences in the degree of their impact and are divided into the following types.

  • Ordinary ointments. These funds mainly have a fatty base, and small particles of the active ingredient do not completely dissolve in it. Due to the gradual absorption of such drugs longer affect the human body.
  • Creams for itching from insect bites. Their main difference from the previous type of products is that they contain less fat, howeverthe principles of production are identical. Like ointments, they leave small stains on clothes.
  • Gels. This form is different in that it has an effect on the inflamed area of the skin much faster due to the fact that it is based on particles of the active substance in dissolved form. The gel is made not on the basis of fats, but on water, which makes it possible to easily wash it off the skin or remove the stain on clothes. Below is a list of the most popular bite creams.

So, let's look at the most popular insect bite creams.


This cream-gel includes all the biologically active substances that are needed for effective treatment of the effects of bites. The drug affects the skin mainly due to anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and reparative properties. It should be noted that the composition of the medicine contains natural plant components (extracts of celandine, chamomile, plantain, licorice), essential oils (basil, mint and lavender), as well as D-panthenol. The active substances contained in this preparation relieve itching, redness and irritation, cool, soothe the skin and increase its protective properties, activate its cell renewal. "Nezulin" is produced in laminate tubes with a volume of thirty milliliters. This remedy treats not only insect bites, but also irritations, rashes of a different kind - various allergic manifestations, urticaria, etc. There are no restrictions on its use, except for situations where a person cannot tolerate any of the components present in the compositioncream-gel. This medicine costs about one hundred and fifteen rubles.

insect bite relief cream
insect bite relief cream

What other insect bite cream is there?

Psilo Balm

According to consumer reviews, this is a very effective drug. The main active component of this ointment is diphenhydramine, popularly called diphenhydramine. "Psilo-Balm" is very good at fighting swelling that appears due to a bite, and its cooling effect helps to relieve itching. This drug is contraindicated in children whose age is less than one year. In addition, it should be used very carefully by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as those who do not tolerate any of the components in the composition.

During the period of using "Psilo-balm" the patient should not take alcoholic beverages, as well as overheat in the sun. In addition, concentration of attention decreases, psychomotor reactions slow down. In activities that require increased concentration, you need to be especially careful. The cost of the drug is from one hundred and eighty rubles.

When choosing a cream for insect bites for children, you need to be very careful. It is better to consult a doctor.

Fenistil gel

Due to the fact that this gel contains k, it has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. This substance perfectly blocks the activity of histamine H1 receptors, which provoke the appearance of sensations of itching and pain, as well as those responsible for inflammation of the bite sites. In addition, the cream for insect bites and allergies "Fenistil gel" neutralizeskinins and has a weak anticholinergic property. It can be used during the first trimester of pregnancy only after consulting a doctor, extremely carefully - in the second and third trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding. For children under one year old, this drug is strictly contraindicated. Its average cost ranges from three hundred and thirty to three hundred and ninety rubles.

insect bite cream
insect bite cream


This cream has the most effective action, which allows it to quickly relieve itching and inflammation. Reviews confirm this. However, doctors do not advise using the drug for the usual symptoms that accompany a bite. "Elidel" is necessary only when a person has a serious allergic reaction, for example, the appearance of atopic dermatitis or eczema. Therapy with this drug is done in courses. Children under three months old, as well as people with wounds due to possible fungal or bacterial infections, are prohibited from using it. The price of Elidel is about a thousand rubles.

What other insect bite cream is highly effective?


This cream has a yellowish-white color and is distinguished by the fact that it acts very gently on inflamed skin areas. Its main active ingredient is dexpanthenol, one of the vitamins belonging to group B. It very effectively restores, heals and moisturizes the skin. This property is mentioned in many consumer reviews. The main advantage of "Bepanten" isthat it can be used even for the treatment of infants. Without fear, the drug is also used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Release is made in the form of gels and ointments. There is also a specific type of ointment designed specifically for infants and lactating women. The cost of funds - from three hundred and fifty rubles. This is a versatile remedy that helps with any skin irritation.

insect bite cream for kids
insect bite cream for kids

Cream "Rescuer" from insect bites

This ointment is one of the natural remedies that do not contain antibiotics and hormones. Its main components are olive and ghee, vitamins A and E, turpentine, calendula extract, beeswax, sea buckthorn oil, refined Naftalan oil. It is thanks to the unique content that the ointment quickly heals bites, prevents the appearance of edema and blisters. During pregnancy, the "Rescuer" can be used, but if you are intolerant of some component, this remedy is contraindicated. The average cost is about one hundred and ten rubles.

Children's insect bite cream should only be purchased at pharmacies.


Soventol contains such an active substance as bamipine lactate, which effectively blocks the work of H1 receptors. It is used not only for the treatment of various insect bites, but also for thermal and sunburns, frostbite, jellyfish burns. This remedy is contraindicated for those people who do not tolerate propylene glycol. Women during pregnancy and breastfeedingfeeding should be used very carefully and only if prescribed by a doctor.

Insect bite cream for kids doesn't have to be expensive.

ointment cream for insect bites
ointment cream for insect bites


This remedy is widely used due to its effective fight against the bites of horseflies, midges, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ticks. A repellent effect is exerted on damaged skin areas. During the period of use of the drug, you need to ensure that it does not get into the eyes, as well as on other mucous membranes. People who are allergic to any of the elements in the composition, this composition is contraindicated. Its price is from seventy rubles, which is considered a fairly inexpensive purchase.


This ointment-cream for insect bites is one of the homeopathic preparations and has exclusively natural ingredients in its composition: the Arnica montana plant itself and petroleum jelly as an auxiliary substance.

This drug has a high sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effect, increases the protective characteristics of the human body, which allows you to increase resistance to all sorts of allergic manifestations and infections. But "Arnica" has many contraindications in comparison with previous remedies: the inability to use during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies to the elements of the composition, as well as the age barrier (not earlier than eighteen years). The average drug costs about one hundred and seventy rubles.

Insect bite cream - reviews

Using creams,ointments or gels for medicinal purposes, you need to be aware that self-therapy can only be done when the patient has a standard form of an allergic reaction of the body to a bite, that is, a mild one. If the case is severe, there are extensive swelling, unbearable itching and many skin rashes, nausea, chills, clearly visible blisters. The temperature rises, blood pressure is not stable, you should immediately go to the doctor. The doctor, based on the symptoms, will establish the specifics of the disease and prescribe the therapeutic course required in this situation.

Most often, drugs containing antibiotics or hormones help to eliminate acute symptoms, and they must be used very carefully. If treated on your own in the presence of such signs, serious complications can be provoked.

what creams for insect bites
what creams for insect bites

Before applying any product to the inflamed area, you need to test it on a small area of skin and watch it for a quarter of an hour. If discomfort occurs, the use of such a drug should be discontinued.

It is worth noting that patient reviews of all creams from the above list are predominantly positive, their effectiveness is highly appreciated. Of course, there are cases when the drug is not suitable for someone, and for someone it is contraindicated due to individual intolerance, but for this you need to carefully study the instructions and listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Thanks to a wide choice of people of variouscategories can afford a suitable remedy that will cope with the bites of mosquitoes, midges and other lovers of feasting on human blood. Now it’s clear which insect bite cream to use.
