Ear wax: why is it formed and how to remove it?

Ear wax: why is it formed and how to remove it?
Ear wax: why is it formed and how to remove it?

Sulfur is a substance produced by special glands located in the middle ear. It consists of various elements, the most important of which is a liquid secret. It coats the surface of the inner ear, protecting, cleansing and moisturizing it.

Dark wax in the ears
Dark wax in the ears

Any deviations from the norm associated with insufficient or excessive secretion, as well as with a change in color, can be signals of the development of diseases or disorders. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Causes of sulfur accumulation

One often hears that wax in the ears is dirt that needs to be cleaned. This statement is erroneous. Of course, hygiene is a prerequisite for he alth. But as far as wax in the ears is concerned, overzealousness here will not bring the right effect.

Sulfur removal occurs independently. It's all about the structure of the ear and the movement of the bones of the lower jaw, which promote the separation of the secret to the entrance to the auditory canal. In this case, ear hygiene comes down to washing it with soapy water.

ear sticks
ear sticks

Ear sticks can do harm. Because of,that they penetrate deeply, thereby pushing the sulfur deeper. Ear sticks, if careless, can damage the eardrums. You need to be especially careful when cleaning the ears of a child so as not to damage the poorly developed hearing aid and bones.

Causes of poor sulfur separation

Sometimes it also happens that the ear canal does not accumulate sulfur at all for a long time. This is not a good sign. The reason for this may be:

  • frequent wearing of headphones;
  • use of a hearing aid;
  • using ear plugs.

Such a careless attitude can cause feelings such as:

  • itch;
  • feeling full;
  • temporary or partial deafness.
How to clean the ears from sulfur
How to clean the ears from sulfur

Special products and drops can deal with these problems. In cases where the disease appeared as a result of age-related changes, the doctor can choose the necessary remedy for correction.

If there is a lot of sulfur…

Sometimes it happens that sulfur is released in large quantities, causing concern. When there is a lot of wax in the ears, it can say:

  1. About exacerbation of dermatitis.
  2. About high blood cholesterol.
  3. About the frequent presence of foreign objects in the ear.
  4. About frequent stay in places with high pollution and dustiness.
  5. About stressful situations when all the glands begin to work actively.

Signs of a traffic jam

If it so happened that chamois formed in the eartraffic jam, it is better to refuse independent actions, trusting specialists. The main signs of cork are:

  • poor hearing;
  • itching, pain and discomfort in the ear;
  • Feeling full in the ear.

Softening cork at home

In such a situation, immediately clear the ear canal from the plug by washing, and before that, it is necessary to soften the wax plug.

How to clean the ears from sulfur?
How to clean the ears from sulfur?

To do this:

  1. In a sitting position, tilt your head and put a few drops of peroxide or vaseline oil in your ear.
  2. After a few minutes, you need to tilt your head again so that the liquid can flow out. In particularly difficult situations, the procedure is carried out several times a day.
  3. After complete softening, the sulfur plug comes off on its own.

Ear washing. Step by step instructions

If a decision is made to wash the ear, then it is done in stages using water not higher than 37 0C. How to do everything right? More on this later:

We clean the ears from sulfur
We clean the ears from sulfur
  1. Water is drawn into a special syringe with a rubber tip in a volume of 100-120 milliliters.
  2. Water with a jet directed upwards is injected into the problem ear with additional retraction of the auricle.
  3. After that, the head is tilted towards the affected ear and the liquid is allowed to drain.
  4. Additionally, processing takes place with tightly twisted cotton swabs.
  5. After the end of the procedure, a tampon is placed in the ear,soaked in boric acid.

Although the most effective way to get rid of cork is to use a special apparatus. It's called an irrigator. Using it is a more effective way to get rid of the cork with minimal risk of injury to the eardrums.

Dry cleaning methods

How to clean the ears from sulfur yet? Along with methods that use different liquids to remove sulfur plugs, there are also dry methods. Let's take a look at them:

  1. Using an aspirator that, by creating a pressure difference, removes the plug by pumping it out.
  2. The second method may require anesthesia. Since a special device is introduced, with which the cork is removed. The procedure is performed using a microscope.

When the question concerns a child, it is better to exclude independent actions and contact an ENT doctor in time, who will select an adequate procedure.

What causes traffic jams?

An important point is the factor that provokes the formation of traffic jams. This is affected by:

  1. Using foreign objects to clean the ear: matches, hairpins, toothpicks, etc.
  2. A natural feature of the internal structure of the ear.
  3. Incorrect ear hygiene.
  4. Frequent moisture in the ear canal.
  5. Repeated inflammation of the inner ear.

Lack of sulfur. Why could this be?

Despite the seriousness of the problem of excess sulfur, its deficiency is also a wake-up call. This could refer to:

  • age-related changes;
  • abnormal growth of bone in the inner ear resulting from abnormalities;
  • excessive smoking;
  • disruption of gland activity.

Silver color

Unfortunately, problems with sulfur arise not only because of its excess or lack. A change in color can also be a signal for concern. For example, earwax is usually yellowish brown.

Lots of earwax
Lots of earwax

If brown, black or dark is formed, it is important to know:

  1. Completely yellow sulfur with white clots indicates that a purulent process is taking place in the ear. This release may be accompanied by high temperature. Treatment is selected only by a doctor. Since the therapy includes antibiotics and other potent drugs.
  2. If the sulfur turned black against the background of incessant itching, this may indicate a disease caused by a fungus. Treatment is also prescribed by the doctor individually.
  3. Gray color should not cause panic, especially if a person lives in a metropolis. Most often, this color is associated with the dustiness of the environment.
  4. Missing vitamins and specific substances can be indicated by white discharge.

If the sulfur in the ears has a liquid consistency, then this indicates an inflammatory process. In the case of a dry structure, this indicates a lack of fat in the body. That is, you must definitely pay attention to nutrition.

Silver in the ears of a child. Problems in children

If everything is clear with how to determine the sulfur plug in an adult,then what about a child who is not yet able to report obvious symptoms? In this case, it remains only to observe the baby. That is, if he behaves restlessly, often scratches the ear area, and when you press the area of the entrance to the auditory canal, he starts crying, this definitely indicates the need to see a doctor.

Ear sticks
Ear sticks

Sometimes the pain in the ears of a child is associated with the appearance of the first teeth. But if this factor is excluded, then treatment occurs according to the same principle as in an adult. In order to prevent the formation of sulfur plugs in babies, hygiene is very important. At the same time, it is carried out with the help of dry cotton buds with a special limiter twice a week. Washes under one year are not allowed.

It is very important to understand that the correct formation of sulfur is the key to a he althy ear not only for an adult, but also for a child. After all, it protects against dust, dirt, germs and viruses. It is thanks to her that allergens do not penetrate into the ear. Therefore, in case of deviations from the norm, it is very important to timely contact a specialist in ear diseases - Laura.

Small conclusion

Now you know what sulfur is, why it appears. We also talked about what a change in its color can mean. In addition, the causes of deficiency or excess were considered. Regarding how the removal of wax from the ears should take place, it is described in detail in the article.
