Intestinal adenocarcinoma: stages, treatment, surgery, prognosis

Intestinal adenocarcinoma: stages, treatment, surgery, prognosis
Intestinal adenocarcinoma: stages, treatment, surgery, prognosis

Oncology is now one of the most common diseases. Cancer can appear in absolutely any organ of a person. The danger of cancer is that it is almost impossible to detect them at an early stage. If this happens, then in very rare cases. Symptoms appear already in the later stages, when treatment and recovery are difficult, and sometimes useless.

Intestinal adenocarcinoma is one of the most common types of malignant neoplasm that occurs in the large and small intestines. And such a defect is formed from glandular cells, mucous membranes. As this tumor develops, the muscular and serous layers are affected. Moreover, such a neoplasm can grow even through the intestinal lining.

How does bowel cancer develop?

intestinal adenocarcinoma
intestinal adenocarcinoma

Most of all glandular cancer affects people in their 50s. As for the severity of the disease and further prognosis, they directly dependon how much the intestinal wall was affected.

Intestinal adenocarcinoma, as a rule, affects not only the thick, but also the small intestine. But the vast majority of this type of cancer still manifests itself in the colon. At the same time, in women, the disease is in 4th place in terms of frequency of development of all possible types of cancer.


Adenocarcinoma differs in the degree of its change into the following subspecies:

highly differentiated;

moderately differentiated;

poorly differentiated

It is worth emphasizing that low-grade adenocarcinoma of the intestine is the most difficult. Such a tumor can choose a location in any part of the intestine, but most often it is detected in the rectum.

As for the small intestine, in this case, the tumor is detected much less frequently. If, in general, we divide all cases of the appearance of such a pathology, then the duodenum is affected in half of the cases. If we compare men and women, then the stronger sex is more susceptible to this disease. In the vast majority, such a defect is detected between the ages of 50 and 60.


As for the staging of the development of this disease, the entire period is divided into the following intervals:

first stage affects only the mucous membrane;

at the second stage, all layers of the organ are affected;

at the third stage, lymph nodes are already involved in such a defective process;

and at the fourth stage, foci of metastasis begin to appear, this stage is the most dangerous forhuman

In case of intestinal adenocarcinoma, the stages are determined by the TNM system, which reveals the size of the tumor, how much the lymph nodes were affected and the presence of foci of metastases.

How does this disease manifest itself?

Unfortunately, intestinal adenocarcinoma is a very dangerous disease that, when developing, practically does not give itself away. As a rule, such a defect is formed against the background of chronic inflammation of the colon, and therefore a person takes its manifestation as an exacerbation of his illness. In the vast majority, adenocarcinoma makes itself felt when metastases have already appeared.

stage intestinal adenocarcinoma
stage intestinal adenocarcinoma

As for the early signs, they include the following:

problems with regular stools;

blood impurities in feces;

mucous discharge with blood fragments at the beginning of defecation;

if the disease progresses, then the person has sharp or dull pain in the intestinal area;

pain becomes more pronounced over time;

at the last stage, intestinal bleeding may open, anemia develops and general intoxication of the whole organism occurs

This is how colon adenocarcinoma manifests itself. The prognosis is often disappointing.

The more this disease attacks, the more a person begins to get tired, such weakness appears due to cancer intoxication. A violation of the normal assimilation of food leads to the fact that a person begins to lose weight dramatically.

The more it progressesthe disease, the more side symptoms a person has, at the last stage the body temperature can rise to 38 degrees. The shape of the feces also changes greatly, and constipation alternates with diarrhea and has a strong fetid odor.

Often the patient begins to feel that he has not completely emptied his intestines. As a result, there is a convulsive contraction of the muscles, and there are false urges to excrete feces. In addition, a person can go to the toilet up to 20 times a day with the obligatory release of mucus and blood. This is dangerous for intestinal adenocarcinoma.

When metastases appear in the gallbladder and liver, then visually a person begins to observe the manifestation of jaundice. And in the case when the tumor grows strongly, it is able to block the intestinal lumen, as a result, defecation is disturbed, and pain only intensifies in the stomach area, and symptoms are added in the form of nausea and vomiting.

As you know, one of the main functions of the large intestine is the accumulation and retention of feces, which affect the tumor, causing it to ulcerate. If such a condition begins to develop, then impurities of purulent secretions and blood will also be added to the feces.

What factors provoke the onset of this disease?

intestinal adenocarcinoma prognosis after surgery
intestinal adenocarcinoma prognosis after surgery

Adenocarcinoma of the large intestine can appear due to various factors. Experts have identified and identified the following reasons that can provoke the development of this defect, namely:

availability incolon polyps;

ulcerative colitis;

duodenal ulcer;

chronic constipation;

papillomavirus disease

It is worth noting that cancer can be reborn from benign tumors. And the defeat of this defect in the duodenum is primarily due to the fact that it is affected by bile and pancreatic juice.

In addition, intestinal adenocarcinoma (treatment will be discussed below) can be triggered by the following factors:




regularly received stress;

hereditary predisposition

It should also be emphasized that in some cases, the manifestation of two malignant tumors at once is possible - this is cancer of the colon and small intestine.

Adenocarcinoma of the large intestine most often occurs in those people who do not follow the diet or suffer from fistulas in the anus. It is also worth noting that often provokes the development of this disease and the use of chemicals at work and at home.

Signs by which a defect can be identified

Adenocarcinoma can manifest itself with the following signs. If the cancer is in the small intestine, the symptoms will be:

stable pain in the upper abdomen;

alternating constipation with liquid feces;


nausea and gagging;

drastic weight loss

As the intestinal adenocarcinoma (stages 3 and 4) grows,a person may show signs of intoxication of the body. And such a symptom as loss of appetite or complete refusal of food will become the norm. If the case is severe enough, bleeding may occur. When the fourth stage of this defect occurs, the cancerous tumor affects all neighboring human organs.

colon adenocarcinoma prognosis
colon adenocarcinoma prognosis

With adenocarcinoma, ulcers can develop on the wall of the small intestine, such neoplasms can provoke the opening of bleeding.

With regard to colon adenocarcinoma, there are several distinguishing features, namely:

pain is located in the lower abdomen;

appetite is completely absent;

there is a large amount of mucus and blood fragments in the feces;

sometimes purulent discharge can be found in the feces

If the right walls of the intestine were affected, then the bleeding occurs hidden. And if the tumor is located in the left section, then dark scarlet blood will be present in the feces. And as for one of the most common signs of such a disease, this is a false urge to empty the intestines.

If a person has at least one of the above signs, this is a signal to immediately seek help. Don't risk your own life and ignore these signs.

Important: if a person develops highly differentiated intestinal adenocarcinoma, the most common complaint is bleeding from the anus.

Diagnosis of colon adenocarcinoma

A diagnosis likecolon cancer, is established on the basis of the following manipulations:

complaints of the patient;

collected history;

visual inspection;

examination of the rectum by palpation;

instrumental examination

As a rule, more than 70% of all colon cancers are located in the lower intestine, so they can be detected using the palpation method or sigmoidoscopy. If the dislocation site is located high, then the specialist uses a colonoscopy. And in order to take material for histological examination, the doctor resorts to colonoscopy, which helps to select a sample.

To assess the size and shape of the tumor, an X-ray contrast study of the colon is used. Ultrasound is used to detect metastases. This method is also indicated if endoscopy cannot be performed.

In addition to the above methods, the patient must pass the following tests:

fecal occult blood test;

biochemical analysis;

general blood and urine tests

When the attending physician will have all the results of the examinations in his hands, only in this case he will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine: diagnosis

well-differentiated intestinal adenocarcinoma
well-differentiated intestinal adenocarcinoma

The following types of examinations play the most important role in the diagnosis of such a neoplasm, namely:

radiological examination;

probe enterography;

examination of the contrast passageitem;



computed tomography;

selective antiography

As for such techniques as enteroscopy and colonoscopy, in this case, using the first technique, only the initial section of the intestine can be examined in detail, and using the second method, the thermal section.

Also, if this defect is suspected, blood and urine tests are prescribed. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe an additional examination, depending on the degree of damage to the small intestine.

How is treatment tactics selected and what are the prognosis for the patient?

colon adenocarcinoma
colon adenocarcinoma

You can get rid of this type of neoplasm only by resorting to surgical intervention. But before carrying out such a procedure, the patient must undergo a complete examination.

If the cancer was found in the small intestine, then a wide resection is performed. In duodenal cancer, complete removal is recommended. And if there is an additional need, they can also perform a stomach resection.

Often such surgery is combined with chemotherapy. And with cancer of an inoperable form, chemotherapy is the only chance for a person. When performing surgery at the 1st and 2nd stages, the five-year survival threshold overcomes 40% of patients.

If a diagnosis of colon cancer is made, then surgery is also prescribed. In this case, if the tumor is low, then a colostomy is formed. This makes it possible for a person to extendlife.

If the rectum was diagnosed once, then it is necessary to conduct irradiation before and after surgery. This technique allows you to achieve maximum results.

As for the adenocarcinoma of the colon at the first stage, the five-year survival threshold overcomes 90% of all patients. At the second stage, such results are reduced to 80%. And when the third and fourth stages are detected, only half of all patients overcome the five-year threshold.

Unfortunately, due to the long and imperceptible development of this disease, most often people die, since such a defect is diagnosed at a stage when medicine can do little to help.

Preventive measures

How can bowel cancer be prevented? Adenocarcinoma occurs for the following reasons:

colorectal polyps;

inflammatory processes developing in the intestine;

insufficient fiber intake;

problems with regular stools;

  • old age.
  • adenocarcinoma of the small intestine
    adenocarcinoma of the small intestine

If you carefully monitor your own he alth and identify and get rid of all the above problems in time, then a person will be able to prevent the development of this disease. It is very important to monitor your own diet and minimize the consumption of fatty and spicy foods.

As for the elderly, as mentioned above, they are most susceptible to such an ailment, so you should not avoid regular examinations ofcoloproctologist. Do not ignore this specialist, because it is he who can save your life. Then, in the early stages, adenocarcinoma of the intestine can be detected. The prognosis after surgery will be good.


Unfortunately, a cure that can completely defeat cancer does not yet exist. Modern medicine has methods and drugs that are effective only in the initial stages. But when such a disease is diagnosed already at a late stage, the chances become small. That is why time should be devoted to this problem, because the timely detection of cancer gives a great chance that a person will cope with the disease and be able to continue to live. More often you need to pay attention to your body and conscientiously undergo an annual examination.

We examined the disease intestinal adenocarcinoma, the prognosis is described.
