Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: stages, treatment, prognosis, reviews

Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: stages, treatment, prognosis, reviews
Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: stages, treatment, prognosis, reviews

One of the most common types of cancer today is stomach cancer. Adenocarcinoma is a type of tumor that develops from the glandular epithelium of an organ. This is an extremely dangerous form of the disease - almost a third of deaths from oncological causes account for it. The overwhelming number of cases of stomach cancer is associated with adenocarcinoma - only 5% of patients are diagnosed with other types of tumors.

This type of tumor is insidious - for a long time it does not make itself felt or "hides" under the guise of other gastric diseases. Therefore, a patient who has discovered signs of, for example, gastritis, will also be tested for cancer.

What is gastric adenocarcinoma

This tumor occurs as a result of damage to the lining of the stomach. The protection of cells disappears, which, being exposed to the external environment, begin to mutate and turn into cancer cells. Most often, adenocarcinoma is localized in two parts of the lower part of the stomach:

  • pyloric - this department is called the "gatekeeper", since it is he who directs the digestedfood for further processing in the duodenum;
  • antral - is responsible for the final processing of food to a state of homogeneous mass before serving it to the pyloric region.

The main problem of this type of cancer is that in the early stages it is extremely difficult to diagnose due to the lack of external symptoms. Often, when a person sees a doctor with gastric adenocarcinoma, the prognosis is already disappointing.

Classification of adenocarcinomas

One of the most important indicators by which this type of tumor is subdivided is the degree of differentiation. The higher this indicator, the less cancer cells differ from ordinary epithelial cells. There are three types of tumors:

  • poorly differentiated;
  • moderately differentiated;
  • highly differentiated.

Poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma is considered the most dangerous and aggressive variety.

Classification of adenocarcinomas according to "appearance" and the nature of development is also common:

  • Polypoid tumor - the name is given for its resemblance to a polyp of the stomach, the boundaries are clearly marked.
  • Cancer ulcer - a flat tumor with an ulcer in the middle.
  • Ulcerated cancer - has an extremely strong resemblance to a stomach ulcer. The only way to diagnose this type of cancer is through a biopsy.
  • Scirrhous tumor is a real "invader", it quickly spreads along the wall of the stomach and is difficult to diagnose. Metastasizes early.

The last two subspecies are especially dangerous, especially ifgastric adenocarcinomas are poorly differentiated. They are difficult to detect, but they are aggressive and spread rapidly.

Causes of occurrence

Adenocarcinoma begins to develop when the mucous membrane of the organ is damaged. In the case of the stomach, this can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Food high in nitrites - smoked, fried foods, canned foods and fast food.
  2. The microorganism Helicobacter pylori, so often mentioned in TV commercials. The bacterium secretes substances that destroy the protective layer of the stomach and cause constant irritation. People infected with this bacterium, especially in the presence of an ulcer or gastritis, are recommended to periodically conduct a special examination - fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS).
  3. bacterium Helicobacter pylori
    bacterium Helicobacter pylori
  4. Bad habits - alcohol, smoking and so on.
  5. Hereditary predisposition - people whose relatives have been diagnosed with this disease are at particular risk.
  6. Deficiency of vitamins A, C and E.
  7. Duodenogastric reflux (DGR), caused by various causes, when food from the duodenum is pushed back into the stomach.

Any gastric disease also increases the likelihood of adenocarcinoma - gastritis, peptic ulcer, changes in epithelial cells or polyps.


Adenocarcinoma of the stomach may go unnoticed for a long time. Fatigue, weakness, some weight loss are difficult to unambiguously link to the developmentcancer - these problems can be caused by anything. A little later, symptoms appear that are often mistaken for gastritis:

  • starts to hurt stomach after eating;
  • if the tumor is located in the area of the stomach close to the heart (cardiac) - belching and heartburn begin;
  • appetite drops.
  • abdominal pain
    abdominal pain

Specific symptoms appear when the disease is already sufficiently advanced. Unfortunately, most often patients go to the doctor already at this stage of gastric adenocarcinoma. The prognosis in this case is unfavorable:

  • Eating habits are changing. Often there is aversion to meat food.
  • The stomach seems to be full even after a light snack, food begins to stagnate, nausea appears - such manifestations are characteristic of a tumor located in the pyloric part of the stomach.
  • The tumor begins to bleed, leading to anemia with a corresponding set of symptoms: weakness, headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and so on. The stool becomes like tar.

These signs indicate that the disease has gone far enough. The chances of recovery in this case are low.

Stages of gastric adenocarcinoma

At different stages of the disease, there is a statistically derived probability of a complete recovery of the patient:

  1. Initial stage - only the mucosa is affected, the percentage of recovery is high and approaches 100%.
  2. First stage of gastric adenocarcinoma - local lymph nodes begin to suffer, probabilityrecovery - 60-80%.
  3. The tumor of the second stage spreads to the regional lymph nodes and grows to the muscular layer of the stomach. The prognosis for survival is 30-40%.
  4. Third stage - all the tissues of the stomach are affected, the tumor "reaches out" even to very distant lymph nodes. About 12-20% of patients recover.
  5. The beginning of metastasis is the 4th stage of gastric adenocarcinoma. The probability of survival for the patient is extremely low - less than 5%.

Capture of the disease at the initial stage is rarely possible for doctors - as a rule, this happens by chance during any examinations that are not related to cancer. How long they live with adenocarcinoma of the stomach depends on the neglect of the disease. Life expectancy in the later stages is an average of 5 years. But if the patient has overcome this time mark, then, as a rule, he lives for another 5 years. Patients under the age of 50 recover almost twice as often compared to older people.



When a patient has primary symptoms, a complete blood count is performed. The following indicators indicate the presence of the disease:

  • low red blood cell count means anemia;
  • a large number of leukocytes is evidence of an inflammatory process.

Biopsy with preliminary gastroscopy is recognized as the most reliable diagnostic methods. First, doctors examine the mucous membrane with an endoscope. If oncology is suspected, a sample of the epithelium is taken for analysis,the study of which allows to establish adenocarcinoma with a probability close to 100%.

X-rays are also used - the patient ingests a special liquid, which later, when x-rayed, allows you to see defects in the walls of the stomach, indicating the presence of a tumor.

If metastases are suspected, a full computed tomography or ultrasound is performed. As a rule, with adenocarcinoma of the stomach, the first metastases appear in the liver and lymph nodes related to the stomach and intestines.

Treatment with traditional remedies

In the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the stomach, various methods of therapy are used - chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy. Traditional medicine is also used.

stem cells
stem cells

Recently, there has been an active study of the use of stem cells for the treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma. There are no reviews yet for this treatment, but the direction is promising.

The specific type of treatment, its duration and intensity depend on the general condition of the patient, the stage of tumor development, as well as the presence of metastases and concomitant diseases. Therapies can be applied either singly, or several at once, or even all at the same time.

  1. Treatment with chemotherapy drugs. It is used to inhibit tumor development, relieve symptoms and stop metastasis. It is used, as a rule, after surgical treatment, both separately and in conjunction with radiation therapy. Unfortunately, chemotherapy drugs, even the mostmodern, are difficult to tolerate by the body and have pronounced side effects - weight loss and hair loss, vomiting, nausea, and so on. However, this type of treatment is necessary and very effective, so you should not refuse it. Chemotherapy has saved many patients, and the side effects are reversible and temporary.
  2. Various chemotherapy drugs
    Various chemotherapy drugs
  3. Surgical intervention. In the absence of metastases, surgery is the only way to completely eliminate cancer cells in the body. It can be used at any stage of the development of the disease. The exceptions are cases when the tumor is so neglected and so “entrenched” in the body that surgical intervention is impossible. In such a situation, the patient's situation is almost hopeless, so we are talking only about how long a person with gastric adenocarcinoma will live.
  4. Surgery
  5. Immunotherapy - activates the body's own ability to fight the tumor and prevent relapse. Drugs that affect the immune system also help slow down the development of metastases.
  6. Radiation therapy. This is a painless therapy that does not involve a traumatic effect on the patient's body. Certain parts of the body are exposed to radiation, which allows you to stop the development of metastases and reduce pain. In the postoperative period, radiation treatment allows you to "finish off" cancer cells left after surgery, as well as prevent bleeding.
  7. Stemcells. This type of treatment is still experimental and is available only in a few clinics in Russia. However, it is very promising and in the future can lead to a real breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

Treatment with folk remedies

For moderate adenocarcinoma of the stomach, the following traditional medicine recipes are used:

  • Aconite tincture. For cooking, you need to take 100 grams of aconite root, pour boiling water and leave for an hour. Then the root should be crushed and poured with alcohol with a strength of approximately 60 degrees. Insist 21 days. You can also buy a ready-made tincture in a pharmacy. Take the tincture by dissolving it in a glass of warm water. The course of admission is 10 days, the dosage begins with one drop, one more is added every day. Take the tincture half an hour before meals.
  • Decoction of potato flowers. Harvest potato flowers when they are in full bloom. Dry in a dark place, then grind. Pour one tablespoon of crushed color with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Take a decoction should be half an hour before meals, 150 milliliters 3 times a day. The course lasts two weeks, then there is a break for a week. The total duration of treatment can be six months.

Traditional remedies can relieve symptoms of cancer and improve overall well-being, but they are unlikely to replace traditional medicine. In any case, the use of folk remedies should be agreed with the attending physician. Self-treatment for such a serious disease as gastric adenocarcinomainvalid.

Medicinal herbs
Medicinal herbs

Folk remedies do not always bring only benefits, since the body of each person is individual. In addition, cancer treatment is carried out with very strong medicines that can react unpredictably with the herbal preparations taken. Finally, the patient may have a banal allergy to one or another ingredient, which can worsen the overall clinical picture. The doctor will determine which of the popular recipes is best applied in a particular situation.

Possible Complications

Basically, complications of gastric adenocarcinoma appear either with a severely advanced tumor or as a result of treatment:

  • when the tumor penetrates the wall of the stomach and damages large vessels, the patient may experience intermittent or continuous bleeding of varying intensity;
  • the presence of metastases in any organs (lungs, liver, etc.) interferes with their work and can lead to corresponding insufficiency;
  • a tumor located in the pyloric part of the stomach often leads to problems with getting food from the stomach into the intestine - pyloric stenosis;
  • cancerous tumor, squeezing blood vessels, leads to circulatory disorders in the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by fluid accumulation (ascites, or dropsy).

Surgical therapy of gastric adenocarcinoma is often complicated by various factors: postoperative bleeding, scarring and stagnation of food in the stomach. To solve this problem, a gastrostomy is used - in the abdominala hole is made in the wall, and the patient is fed through it.


There are certain things you can do to help reduce your chances of getting sick:

  1. Proper nutrition. It should be fractional (at least three times a day), if possible, you should eat more often, but in small portions. Food should be at a moderate temperature - not too hot. It is necessary to exclude smoked food and pickles, fast food and overcooked dishes. Introduce foods rich in vitamins A, C and E into your diet.
  2. Rejection of bad habits. Smoking and drinking significantly increase the risk of developing both cancer and many other diseases.
  3. Smoking is harmful
    Smoking is harmful
  4. Regular preventive examinations. Even in the absence of complaints of stomach problems, it is necessary to undergo an examination every 2 years - to do fibrogastroduodenoscopy and take an analysis for the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  5. If you experience regular pain in the stomach and other unpleasant sensations, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist - symptoms cannot be tolerated.

Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is an extremely serious disease. Due to the fact that for a long time it can proceed without any external manifestations, you should be attentive to your he alth and consult a doctor in a timely manner - then the disease will be detected at an early stage and successfully defeated.
