Pathologies of the urinary system are among the most common in frequency. Antibiotics in the kidneys are used to eliminate bacterial microflora, help get rid of signs of intoxication and reduce the likelihood of violations of the parenchymal tissue. The drug should be chosen only by the attending physician.

Kidney inflammation
Nephritis is a renal inflammation, a complex concept that includes two types of common kidney pathology: glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. Diseases of the genitourinary system are characterized by a violation of structural units or the formation of cavities of pus in the parenchymal tissue. Most of all, women are susceptible to inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, since they have a specific anatomical structure. Jades in men often appear in the presence of an infectious focus.
Which antibiotic to choose for inflammation of the kidneys is interesting to many.
Inflammatory processes are accompanied by pain, signs of intoxication,violation of the filtration and excretory ability of the kidneys. With untimely therapy, they develop into a chronic form, which from time to time is characterized by exacerbations and periods of calm. The pathological process covers the organs of the urinary system: urinary ducts, bladder, in which urethritis, cystitis develop, often there is a combination of lesions of the genitourinary system. The determination of the primary inflammatory focus, as well as the establishment of provoking factors, becomes the task of the doctor and is required for the effective treatment of nephritis of various origins.
The appearance of an infectious process is due to the ingress of pathogenic microflora. Where harmful bacteria are localized, an inflammatory focus, swelling is formed. Normal structures of the kidneys hardly carry out their functions, the urinary system suffers, and the clinical picture has inflammatory signs and urinary outflow disorders. The presence of a bacterial infection requires the use of specific antibacterial agents that are effective against a particular type of pathogen.

Varieties of antibiotics
All antibiotics are classified based on activity against bacteria:
- Broad spectrum agents can affect several types of pathogenic bacteria.
- Narrow-target drugs are used to destroy diagnosed species of a specific pathogenic group.
All antibiotics for kidneychemical composition are divided into several large groups, each of which has its own distinctive properties, a special mechanism of influence and pharmacological characteristics. The definition of inflammatory kidney disease is followed by first line (low toxicity) or second line (high toxicity) antibiotics, with preference given to the safest drugs.
These antibiotics in the kidneys are highly toxic and not less active. They are prescribed if the disease is in advanced form, undesirable for the elderly and children. Bacteria can become resistant to this type of antibiotics, and therefore their use is always limited in time (within a year), after which the use of aminoglycoside drugs again does not bring the effect. They belong to the second stage of antibacterial drugs, they are prescribed in the absence of the effectiveness of treatment with other medicines. Not used if the patient is diagnosed with kidney failure.

These kidney antibiotics are prescribed quite often.
A significant antibacterial effect is observed in relation to streptococci and staphylococci, which are the most common causative agents of renal inflammatory diseases.
Bacteria do not become resistant to them, so the therapy is effective for a long time if there is a chronic disease. In pregnant women, when using kerbapenems, there is a possibility of developingintrauterine developmental disorders of the baby, therefore, during its gestation, this group of drugs is limited. According to the degree of toxicity, they are drugs of the second priority.
Fluoroquinolones and quinolones
For the patient, they are less toxic, effective against a wide range of pathogenic bacterial flora and are included in the list of first-line drugs in the treatment of renal inflammatory diseases. Medications give excellent results if the disease is chronic, as well as in determining the sensitivity of pathogens. Often the first generation of fluoroquinolones causes an allergy in the patient, modern antibiotics of this group are safer for humans.
What other antibiotics can I drink for kidneys and bladder?

Specialists prefer to prescribe cephalosporin drugs due to low toxicity, as well as due to the achievement of positive reactions of the body soon after use. Carrying out treatment in children and adults with inflammatory kidney pathology requires establishing the sensitivity of the microflora, determining the alleged allergic reactions. Infectious diseases against the background of the use of cephalosporins rarely develop into a chronic form, the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease decreases, and the recovery process of functional renal activity takes place more quickly.
Consider the list of antibiotics for pyelonephritis of the kidneys of the latest generation.
List of antibacterial drugs
Each groupantibiotics constantly replenishes the list of its products with new names. The pharmacological characteristics of new generation drugs are becoming more advanced, the incidence of side symptoms is decreasing, the number of indications is expanding, and the duration of course use in nephritic or nephrotic syndrome is also reduced.
List of commonly prescribed types of antibacterial drugs:

- Aminoglycosides: "Amikacin", "Gentamicin" and their analogues of the second list. Increased toxicity is a significant drawback, but they allow you to fight advanced diseases.
- Aminopenicillins. The most commonly used are Penicillin and Amixicillin. They are among the first-line drugs for infectious renal pathology.
- Cephalosporins: "Zinnat", "Tamycin", "Tsiprolet", "Klaforan". Effective, fairly safe, fast acting. Preparations are selected for nephritis of various origins.
- Quinlones and fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin, Nolicin. In the treatment of chronic renal inflammation, they are used with less risk to the patient.
- Carbapenems: Meronem, Tienam. Due to their high toxicity, it is necessary to use them when connecting several types of pathogen, with the development of inflammatory foci in other human organs.
- Aminoglycosides: "Gentamicin", "Amicacin". Produced in the form of tablets, these drugs are highly toxic to the liver, and therefore are often used as injections.
Based ondiagnostic data, clinicians often combine several types of antibiotics to get the effect faster and also to reduce the likelihood of bacterial resistance.
How to take antibiotics for the kidneys and genitourinary system?

Admission rules
Safe therapy is possible only with preliminary diagnostics and medical recommendations.
Antibiotics are taken in the dosage prescribed by the doctor and at the strictly specified time. The specificity of the effect is associated with the need to maintain a certain content of the active substance for the effective elimination of pathogenic bacteria. That is why it is necessary to ensure a uniform supply of the drug to the body during the entire treatment period.
When treating with antibiotics, one must be aware that part of the natural intestinal microflora inevitably dies under the influence of drugs. At the active stage of anti-inflammatory treatment, you should start drinking natural probiotic and prebiotic products to reduce the effects of antibiotic use.
Mild intoxication symptoms are considered normal, but an increase in side effects indicates too high toxicity of the prescribed drug.
Deterioration of the condition during antibiotic treatment indicates the wrong tactics of therapy or the addition of a secondary infection. Dose adjustment, selection of another drug and repeated diagnostic procedures are necessary.
So, which antibiotic to drinkkidney?

Principles for drug selection
List of requirements for antibiotics:
- proven effectiveness;
- Proven Security;
- combination;
- price;
- standardization.
All this is taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the drug. He will tell you which antibiotics to take for kidneys.